Christmas Conquerors: Pinch, punch - first of... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Christmas Conquerors

nsd_user663_54554 profile image
20 Replies

Pinch, punch - first of the month. That means that anyone that quit in December last year is now in the third month of their quit.

If you did, there is a social group called Christmas Conquerors. If you quit in December but haven't joined....then what are you waiting for?? Where have you been??? Get thyself into the group.

But out of 23 that joined, I can see but a small number still posting. Are we depleted so soon??

Don31 is excepted, as having finished serving Queen and Country he's now a postman and therefore too busy to post (oh the irony of that!). Too busy shoving junk through our letterboxes! Pre-approved loan applications, mobile phone offers, and letters from the bandits at HMRC (who can't add up) saying they've buggered up our tax codes again.

Hope you're well Don.:)

So many people changing rooms and at the moment I think I am indeed a 'senior' member - who's still here please? And if you read this but don't post, hope all is well with your quit.


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nsd_user663_54554 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

A punch and a kick for being too quick :eek:


only joking :p

Great to see you being so positive and doing so well

im sure others wilbe along to join you at some point soon


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am still here, having a struggle but clinging on so far :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Why are you struggling Gemma Lou,what's up?:eek:

Don't you go getting wobbly on us!!!

I'm just feeling grotty, and it makes me want a fag - haven't had one 'cos I know it won't help but it's annoying!!

It's been touch and go TBH, but so far I've kept strong.

Seem to be having a few brilliant days then a few c**p ones - grrrrr

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

As long as you know Gemma,KNOW that you cannot go back not to day 1 again Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :eek:

In many ways the hard bit starts now for us? Month 2 then 3 then 6 and so on.The early fight over,the guard comes down a bit..

Gem promise not to yield love!!!! By Spring it will be a habit Not to smoke,that's what we aspire to,imagine-summer,summer nights,pubs,cafes whatever and no thought of fags its a brilliant thought and masses of extra cash: D

Not easy is it.

I know you will stay the course sweet.;)

That's what's stopping me!!

It's not that I want to smoke ( I don't like the smell and all that) it's that I sort of miss it :confused: and when I feel low anyway it used to "comfort" me. Stupid I know!!

I don't think I'll smoke - worst that might happen is getting a weak electric one if it doesn't go away in a couple of weeks :)

Not for using all the time though, that could be dodgy!!

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Oh. I wasn't expecting that Gemma-Lou.

But I do know what you mean. It can still be hard. It's a bit like a race.

"And they're out of the starting blocks! It's a sprint to the first bend....the crowd are cheering..."yippee"...round the first bend and into the back straight...."woohoo..." :)

and you have to keep on running...

and running...

...and running...:o

ooofff. I'm down to a steady canter now. :confused: Bit of a jog. How much further? How much longer? Where's the finish line? Oh, there isn't one. That's annoying. Never mind, just keep jogging.

Here's what I think. I'm far enough into the quit now that I don't remember fully what it's like to smoke - the physical act of lighting one, inhaling smoke, feeling an initial buzz...then coughing, tasting rubbish, smelling foul and having to suck a mint afterwards. Rubbish and embarassing.

If I smoked now I would not see it as losing my quit, I'd see it as starting smoking. And we all know that that's not very clever is it.

Keep jogging Gemma-Lou, as Max said it's springtime soon, it was still light at 6pm last night and I loved it. The jog will soon slow to a quite enjoyable springtime walk in the park I'm sure.

And that's ok, right??

nsd_user663_54510 profile image

Hi Gemma, I have an e cig that I keep for those craves that just seem to really get to you. I rarely use it but If it gets too tough I get it out. Its better than smoking! we have come to far to go back now.:)

nsd_user663_54525 profile image

Month 3! I can't believe it!!! Welldone Christmas conquerors!

I feel the same Gemma Lou few good days, few shite days!

I still hang behind smokers on the sch run for a whiff or two!!!

Hang in their Gemma!!!

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Oh my god Wooders, you just nailed it in four lines! That's the pick-me-up, right there! Get in.... :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm sorry for diverting your thread Hawkeye!! :o Didn't really want to do that!!

I haven't smoked (even on a night out last night) and am definitely not planning to either. Saw a girl about ym age outside the supermarket this morning having one and felt a bit of a tug *until* the smell hit me and *blech* No way!!

Lol Wooders, I did that on my last quit!!

Am very much in 2 minds about the e-cig (shock for a lot of people who didn't think I had 1 mind :p ). Haven't made my mind up but what I really don't want to do is what happened with my last quit where I get so low that I end up with a fag in my mouth. Will think it over.

Hawk, your post makes so much sense and is really helpful - it's exactly how I feel!!

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Gemma-lou, you didn't divert the thread at all, you contributed to it (BIG difference!) and I'm really glad that you did. Stay strong please!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma love go for Gold not bronze please :)

Ditch the NRT-slowly fade it out if you can.Ditch the idea of the E Cig.Cleanse yourself of this smoking curse entirely.Its the best way.No smoking no smoking aids no NRT nothing but clean fresh air.

Oh I'm definitely going for gold, don't worry Max and am definitely *not* going to smoke.

It's a bit difficult for me -haven't said before but I have depression (mostly gone but it does pop up sometimes) and smoking believe it or not helped - so am wary of coming off NRT quickly 'cos I don't want to mess with my brain too fast. Hence the idea of the e-cig really, could use it when I needed to and not when I don't if that makes any sense. It would definitely not be an all day every day thing 'cos that isn't what I want.

Have made my mind up to never smoke another fag, expensive, nasty and lethal apart from that they're great :p and do intend to be nicotine free as soon as possible but don't want to lose another quit!!

Gemma-lou, you didn't divert the thread at all, you contributed to it (BIG difference!) and I'm really glad that you did. Stay strong please!

Thanks Hawk, wouldn't want to be...

Am definitely going to stay strong, if i didn't like the taste and smell of fags when I smoked then they'd be even worse now!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma Lou,if you have decided never to smoke another fag then I will nag you no more :D

Sorry to hear that you get down sometimes love,but you know its true to say that a ciggie never helped anything,not really.

Thanks Max, I really mean it too - am feeling so much better for not smoking so won't go down that road again!!

Know I'd feel worse if I smoked anyway - depression *and* feeling like a failure for binning yet another quit. :eek:

nsd_user663_54510 profile image

Hi Gemma, RE the E cig-_ as I said in an earlier post, I find one helpful when I am having one of those really bad moments when I could easily weaken and have a cig! I might only have two puffs of it but it gets me over that feeling of pure panic. know a lot of people dont agree with using them but if it stops me from lighting up I will use it. Im also on the patches and have moved down to the 15s again some people can go CT but I know I cant, and will use all the aids I need for as long as it takes, every ones Quits are their own, It is not a race, the main thing I think is to feel Ok while your Quitting , nothing wrong with taking it slow, as long as we get there in the end ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma, RE the E cig-_ as I said in an earlier post, I find one helpful when I am having one of those really bad moments when I could easily weaken and have a cig! I might only have two puffs of it but it gets me over that feeling of pure panic. know a lot of people dont agree with using them but if it stops me from lighting up I will use it. Im also on the patches and have moved down to the 15s again some people can go CT but I know I cant, and will use all the aids I need for as long as it takes, every ones Quits are their own, It is not a race, the main thing I think is to feel Ok while your Quitting , nothing wrong with taking it slow, as long as we get there in the end ;)

Hi Tooshay :)

Thanks for that, it's basically what I want one for too - and as sort of a safety net!! Think I've said before but I work with a lot of smokers and would hate to cave in if I had a bad day, so having the e-cig in my bag would be a sort of safety net.

Wouldn't have used it at all today, have been fine, but a few days last week it would have been really handy.

We'll both get there :)

nsd_user663_54510 profile image

You use whatever you need to get you through, I can go for days without even thinking about it, but Its there as you say a safety net, a bit like a dummy ha ha but who cares! I am weaning myself of the patches, as slowly as needs be then I will get myself of the E cig in my own time as long as I dont go back to smoking I dont care how I get there. Chin up !! we will do this!!;)

nsd_user663_55999 profile image

I want to join your gang

Just joined the forum but quit hours before 2013 . Can I join the CC ? :D

Would love the recognition and ,as all I talk about is giving up smoking , my fiends are becoming really bored with me .

No idea how to work this thing so perhaps some kind quiter could explain .

I'll be back later but it's time for THE ROAST. Food very important , can't think why :)

nsd_user663_54510 profile image

Hi Ian, and welcome:) well you have come to the right place, we never get tired of talking about our Quits:D Just go from the date you Quit and join in,If you Quit the end of Dec you would be in your 3rd month so post in that room :cool:

hope to hear from you soon .

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Ian, Ahem.... all you have to do is publish the recipe for the roast and you're in! :D

Oops, a few hours too late :o

nsd_user663_54029 profile image

I'm still here and going strong!

Hi guys

As a proud members of the CC group it's 3 months to the day today that I quit cold turkey and the group and forum really helped me past the first difficult few weeks. Since then I went off to have my own very personal battle with the addiction, and it was very hard mainly due to other things that were going on in my life so I didn't post. However I'm still going strong and it's getting easier day by day. I feel strong and healthy, and most of all FREE! That realisation that I don't have to panic and make sure I have papers/baccy/lighter with me at all times and plan my appointmnents around being able to stand in a dark corner and injest my drug is so liberating!!

I'll try and check back more often now I'm in a better place.

Keep the faith :)


nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Pinch, punch - first of the month. That means that anyone that quit in December last year is now in the third month of their quit.

If you did, there is a social group called Christmas Conquerors. If you quit in December but haven't joined....then what are you waiting for?? Where have you been??? Get thyself into the group.

But out of 23 that joined, I can see but a small number still posting. Are we depleted so soon??

Don31 is excepted, as having finished serving Queen and Country he's now a postman and therefore too busy to post (oh the irony of that!). Too busy shoving junk through our letterboxes! Pre-approved loan applications, mobile phone offers, and letters from the bandits at HMRC (who can't add up) saying they've buggered up our tax codes again.

Hope you're well Don.:)

So many people changing rooms and at the moment I think I am indeed a 'senior' member - who's still here please? And if you read this but don't post, hope all is well with your quit.


Well done Hawkeye! you have done brilliantly and I love the way you are watching out for all the Christmas conquerors.Excellent job so far!

Not what you're looking for?