aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!: Is everything going to... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_55597 profile image
13 Replies

Is everything going to wind me up today! I'm a boiling point! I thought this was going to get easier not harder. Day 4... Another day I can't wait to see the back of!!

EDIT - It only takes the smallest thing to annoy me, almost enough to explode! Like writing this sentence, I can't spell tiniest so I wrote smallest instead. You know tiny-est. who the heck made that word?? Is it even a word! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRR DAMMIITTTTTTTT!!! Grrrrr

and breathe.....

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nsd_user663_55597 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_55571 profile image

Hang in there!!!

I know it is bloody difficult.

I keep telling myself I DON'T NEED A CIGGY or somethings similar stupid :)

Good luck! and every hour not smoking is a success for me.

nsd_user663_55597 profile image

Wow, thanks for your quick replies of encouragement. I thought I was coping reasonably well. But today is seriously like hell on earth. Really need to dig deep today. I will not give in, don't worry.

nsd_user663_55597 profile image

Thank you Max, You are always here arent you? lol

My mini anger attacks have now seemed to have passed. Its good to just rant a load of rubbish on here, it seems to have helped a lot. and of course all of the encouragement.

How are you finding things Max?

nsd_user663_55597 profile image

Thank you Chris and Kat i'm glad that someone else felt the same as me haha we can do this!!

Thank you DoodleBugRoach, Ive been following your updates closely, you are doing absolutely brilliant!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh yes, I remember that - like yo just wanted to throw a tantrum toddler-style!!

If you can go somewhere to scream and shout, do it - I did and it helped :)

Lucky nobody saw me in my car though, or I might be hugging myself in one of those special jackets :p

It does get better - really it does but it's hell to go through while you're there!!

Just dig in and battle through, it's nearly the weekend ;)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

It WILL get better mate, although maybe not in four days :) However, grit your teeth and get through what they call 'hell week' and things will start to improve.

Don't let it beat you now. Because then you'd have to start all over again. And you don't want to go through this again, do you?

Chin up. You've got this.

nsd_user663_55597 profile image

Max, i'm glad you are doing well, its good you are always here to offer support to anyone who needs it. even words of encouragement and greatly received :)

Thank you Gemma, holidng out til lunch time. go for a walk, clear my head, chill out. Its good to hear from someone who knows the feeling but even better to hear that it doesnt last forever. Its the weekend that im worried about, weekend = free time = more time to think about you know what. at least when im at work i'm (supposed to be) busy.

Helsbelles, I'm so looking forward to looking back and thinking I'm so glad I didnt let it get the better of me, it will be the best feeling in the world.

nsd_user663_55450 profile image

Hey Craig

I have gone cold turkey and now on day 19...First 5 days were hell on earth for please keep this in mind that you are nearly there and it will ease. Have you read Allen Carr it really helped me along the way..also shouting at the top of my head and screaming helped.

Re your weekend go do some sport as you get a happy hormone released when you exercise and this really helps. My energy levels went through the roof at around day 4/5 and the feeling from putting 150% into a workout was fantastic. Then you get a feeling of calm....hopefully.

p.s I can't spell either and just had to look up how you spell released.

nsd_user663_55597 profile image

day 19!! 19!! that's nearly 3 weeks!! Now that is impressive!!

I haven't read the book, but a lot of people are talking about it so i may have to give it a try.

Thanks for the tip RE excersize, I will definitely be giving it a try on the weekend.... I need the calmness!!

nsd_user663_55542 profile image

Stay strong m8, you will get there :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you Gemma, holidng out til lunch time. go for a walk, clear my head, chill out. Its good to hear from someone who knows the feeling but even better to hear that it doesnt last forever. Its the weekend that im worried about, weekend = free time = more time to think about you know what. at least when im at work i'm (supposed to be) busy.

Ooh yes i can see your point!!

If you keep your mind busy, and chew plenty of gum you'll be fine though 'cos the gum really helped me!! I went through one of those cardboard boxes of Extra a day when I quit first :eek:

nsd_user663_55464 profile image

Hi craig day 20 cold turkey for me i really recommend allen carr too your worried bout the weekend go buy his book and read it this weekend it totally helps you look at your quit differently huge congrats on four days keep strong xxx

nsd_user663_7276 profile image

I'm with you Craig.

I'm so bloody angry at the moment, I can barely see straight. My poor children and hubby are having to tolerate a lot of shouting and ranting :(

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