Dreading the weekend: Hey all Still feeling... - No Smoking Day

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Dreading the weekend

nsd_user663_54878 profile image
10 Replies

Hey all

Still feeling flat today. Work is a nightmare and very busy ATM, however that’s not actually a problem for me. I thrive on my busy PR world right now, it’s distracting and leaves me no time to think about smoking. I’m actually feeling flat today because of the weekend looming and because last weekend was really difficult for me. Aside from the fact my boyfriend smokes, basically its January, I don’t have lots of cash and I spent a lot of last weekend feeling a bit lost and like I had nothing to do. There were some serious low points. This is despite me cooking, shopping and going for some long walks when I felt cravings... This weekend I have more on, including a family event where everyone my age smokes (and a baby shower where no one smokes :))...I know every day is different but I guess I’m just worried as last weekend left me time to think and I know weekends are harder for me.

Sunday will be the mark of 14 days and I sooo want to make it into week 3. I believe I can be strong I just think it will be tougher over the weekend and feel I have somewhere lost my positive thinking the past few days.

Actually debating on taking work home to keep me busy!!

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nsd_user663_54878 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hi Han

I wouldn't say it's that we lose our positivity as such I just think that the "shine" disappears a little from the novelty of quitting. The best thing is that if you keep going it comes back with a vengence :)

Sounds like you have a busy weekend which is great. One of the tips I have read is, if you think you are going to feel lost plan far more than you have time to do it all! Sort of makes sense...I think! :)

I think your desire to get to week 3 will push you right through this weekend, then where will you be? ..... stronger I bet :)

Take care


nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Hi Han

I had that lost feeling too.............. a kind of aching, stretched out, formless vacuum. A bit like suddenly finding yourself in one of those french films where nothing much seems to happen for hours on end...........And you feel like you should be doing something, but can't think what it is...............:eek:

It's not very nice. However, like the myriad of other horrible quitting symptoms, it will pass!!!

Sounds like you are formulating strategies to deal with it, which is an excellent idea. Keep looking through posts on here as people put forward loads of ideas and suggestions, and some might just appeal to you.

If it gets bad on the weekend, come on here and rant. It always helps! Please remember - it will get easier.

nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Hang on in there Han , I am only 1 quit day behind you so know the flat weekend feeling but you wil get through it.

Max is right the smokers are not having a good time they just think that they are . Be proud not to smoke at the family event and then enjoy the feeling at the baby shower where you will no longer feel guilty or embarassed for wanting to smoke.

stay strong week 3 is within touching distance

Donna :)

nsd_user663_54878 profile image

Thanks all. I know what you say is true and trust me if I could get out of the family thing with smokers, I bloody would! I have not been drinking this month and my only plans involve people who don't smoke...I guess on this occasion I am just going to hang out with my mum and gran!! :o

Turns out I'm so busy and the snow has held up many of my client's days, that I am taking work home anyway! Not exactly fun but will help keep me from feeling lost.

Max - I will definitely see you in week three!

Nonny - I hope you will be there with me! We CAN do this!

Thanks all :)

nsd_user663_54820 profile image

I'm with you Han, day 18 for me and I think weekends suck at the moment. I can cope with the working week fine but the weekends are difficult and "joyless" to some extent, Also social smokers - what's all that about? We all know people that smoke just when they drink and seem capable of reverting to non-smoking all the rest of the time. Is it genetic i.e. they don't get addicted? I have to say i find myself rather envious of them but I know I'm not capable of that.

Anyway, good luck, we've come to far too go back

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Also social smokers - what's all that about? We all know people that smoke just when they drink and seem capable of reverting to non-smoking all the rest of the time. Is it genetic i.e. they don't get addicted? I have to say i find myself rather envious of them but I know I'm not capable of that.

Think it's 'cos they're not addicts but we are.

I was a social smoker from 13-16 and could smoke a few fags then not think of them for months apart because back then I hadn't got myself hooked on them. As soon as I started smoking regularly that all changed sadly.

nsd_user663_54878 profile image

That is exactly how I feel! I really "miss" it at weekends. I am tempted to think "I'll just have one"...but I know it wouldn't be one...I'm leaving work soon and for the second time ever feel flat on a Friday. I think we just have to keep busy and occupy ourselves as much as possible...I keep telling myself I didn't just enjoy my weekends because I smoked, but its still hard.

Day 18 is amazing - I hope to be there next week and will hopefully see you on here over the weekend when we're feeling "lost" - its a better idea than reaching for the unmentioned!


nsd_user663_54878 profile image

Lack of structure is exactly it. In the week I have proposals, telcons, meetings, deadline after deadline...and I've learnt to fill the gaps with tea or snacking on fruit. I'm so scared of putting on weight I've been strict but most of my work is on a January health kick so that's easy - "we're all in it together".

I'm now snuggled up in front of my fire with a glass of wine. Every time the fella goes and stands in the snow I think he's a plonker...but I still want to go and stand there. I've never smoked in my house (kinda leaning out the door) and I feel like I haven't seen my garden in days! It's the routine I'm missing.

I guess I will find a new routine in time. For example after dinner I used to leave all the plates, pans etc and have a fag. Now instead of a fag I clean the kitchen (also gaining more time in bed in the morning!).

But I don't really have a weekend routine. It's whatever I'm doing that day - anything goes. For now I'm going to force myself to do as much as possible. I'm not out drinking yet, so even if that means scrubbing the bath or hoovering- at least I'm busy!

I'm optimistic that if I stick with it, leaning out of door, going outside, whatever this "lost" thing I'm missing is will become an old memory. A thing of the past, something that USED to be. Like when you look back on music you used to like, or clothes you used to wear. Crap ****ogy but I'm hoping it will soon become a natural reaction - "that's just not me anymore" / "what was I THINKING?!"

Until then I'll keep waffling and hopefully it will all start to make sense!

nsd_user663_54562 profile image

Wowweee your a stong gal hans...this is my third weekend off the fags...and I'm doing good...but

My man 'was' a social smoker...would only smoke at weekends if we were drinking...but he thankfully agreed not to smoke, for the first few weeks at least...which he has stuck to which is great for me. If he was smoking I think I'd be sooooo tempted especially if (and is always the case with me lol) i've had a glass or two of wine!

Your doing great hans. Your 5 days behind me I think, I quit on the 2nd. Round about day 10/11 I had a few tough days, but now I'm through it...I feel like I'm cruising....coping good, no mega strong cravings, no fighting with myself 'just one' none of that malarky.

Keep up the good work, and by the sounds of it you have a busy weekend ahead of you....so you will be fine, you'll get through the weekend no probs and before you know it you'll be in week 3!


nsd_user663_53202 profile image

I'm optimistic that if I stick with it, leaning out of door, going outside, whatever this "lost" thing I'm missing is will become an old memory. A thing of the past, something that USED to be. Like when you look back on music you used to like, or clothes you used to wear. Crap ****ogy but I'm hoping it will soon become a natural reaction - "that's just not me anymore" / "what was I THINKING?!"

You are absolutely right, that is exactly what happens.

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