Day 7 - A Huge Milestone: Day SEVEN....when I... - No Smoking Day

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Day 7 - A Huge Milestone

nsd_user663_4522 profile image
6 Replies

Day SEVEN....when I look back to day 1 I never thought I could make it this far, with my amazing willpower (which I never knew I Possessed hahaha) and the help of this forum I feel really really chuffed. I appreciate this is still early in the nicotine war and my early morning cravings really do bug me still but day by day minute by minute this is getting easier...

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nsd_user663_4522 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Hi there , I have only registered and posted for the first time today and am only 2 quit days behind you.

I have been following yours and Babs posts as they have really helped me get through the first few days. You have described the pain and ansgt brilliantly !

I too am feeling pretty chuffed and thats just for getting to day 5, but I know that I cannot afford to get complacent.

A huge well done to you for Day 7 and hope it all continues to get easier


nsd_user663_4522 profile image

tough day today liverpool lost in the football = massive trigger but resisted, I do not understand why I feel tired all the time, the cravings are definately not lasting as long as they were but they are still pretty intense....I cannot wait untill I stop bloody moaning on this forum but at the moment I have to say it as it is just to keep sane....

nsd_user663_54719 profile image

Woooooohoooooo! We made it to day 7!! :) I'm so pleased for the both of us! You've done brilliantly well considering you work in a pub and the cravings you've had etc.

I've been lucky, not really had any cravings this weekend! That's even with having a few glasses of wine last night!!! :)

Welcome Nonny, I'm pleased our posts have been helping you the past few days! Together, we will all get through it!

Babs x

nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Thank you Babs !

Your posts have been fab and very inspiring, they have helped to prepare me for the jittery times and believe that its not just me having those weird and wonderful withdrawal symptoms.

A big WOO HOO for your Day 7 success and to everyone else who is on the no smoking journey

Best Wishes

Donna a.k.a. Nonny

nsd_user663_54849 profile image

Hey so I have just signed up to this forum today I am also on day seven! Feel ridiculously proud but no one knows because I have spent the last two years pretending to be a non smoker so I can't even shout about my achievements!!

Is anyone else spending most of their days thinking they want to eat something but unable to work out what!? I am super irritable as well and never normally I am a very passive person!

Just to introduce myself smoked 20 to 25 a day for a looong time gave up at 10pm last Sunday through sheer will power!

Reading this forum had really helped so far!!

nsd_user663_44570 profile image

Very well done!

Wow, getting through the first week is such a big deal!

Well done, boss, babs and tryingveryhard!

It's such a lovely feeling getting into week 2!

Keep up the good work and bear in mind that you are already free from the nico monster!



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