A new battle: Have been struggling with an... - No Smoking Day

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A new battle

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
15 Replies

Have been struggling with an idea one of the girls at work put into my head - not anything she did wrong, she was only trying to be helpful!

Anyway, we were talking about my quit - she smokes, would like to stop and wanted to know how how I was getting on. She suggested (not the first time I've heard it of course but the first time it's "stuck") I use an e-cig, and the starving nicotine demons in my mind have picked up the idea in a big way.

On the one hand it seems ideal, none of the harmful stuff and all that jazz *but* I can't help thinking that it defeats the point of all I've gone through so far if that makes sense? I mean it basically *is* smoking isn't it?

Am just looking for advice and support really - and to let off a bit of steam!!

Gemma x

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_52044 profile image

Don't forget that you are feeling the way you feel because of the Nicotine. The nicotine is the drug you are trying to quit, and there is just as much nicotine in the e-cig as a normal one. Yes you would be changing one harmful antisocial habit for another less harmful one, but the nicotine is still a highly toxic poison. You've done well so far, keep up the strength. :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Paulie, you're right and I needed that!!

Got to convince my "inner junkie" now :eek:

nsd_user663_54068 profile image

Gemma-lou, I guess it is no different to the inhaler? Just the nicotine and that hand to mouth action? My bf recommended that to me but I wanted to break the habit completely, i think if I used one I would be more tempted to return to smoking but everyone is different.:)

just remember how far you have come so far without the e-cig or inhaler :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma-lou, I guess it is no different to the inhaler? Just the nicotine and that hand to mouth action? My bf recommended that to me but I wanted to break the habit completely, i think if I used one I would be more tempted to return to smoking but everyone is different.:)

just remember how far you have come so far without the e-cig or inhaler :D

It's a bit more than the inhaler, it's almost the same as a cigarette but without the fire - it's steam that looks like smoke. Used to have one to smoke when I couldn't go out for one (how pathetic does that sound?) and didn't really like it TBH.

I want to break the habit too - hand to mouth action and all. It's probably just the nicotine demons in my mind acting up 'cos I'm starving them.

Can definitely see that if I used one of them I'd probably end up smoking again :eek:

And thanks! :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Have managed to totally kill the thought now, especially after reading what Sherri and others said about e-cigs.

Know it's a bit silly after inhaling all those chemicals in fag smoke for so long, but really don't want to start inhaling *another* bunch of chemicals. My lungs have put up with enough rubbish from me to last a lifetime. :eek:

It just caught me at a bad time, and the nicotine demon thought it was going to catch me - bad luck!!

The idea of not smoking again for the rest of my life seemed a bit scary too yesterday but I'm happy with it now! :)

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Gemma-lou, we're only a week apart and you're doing so well. I have a mental image of you batting the demon off your shoulder then unceremoniously booting his ar5e out of the window. Then smiling.

You're doing so well as you are - keep going!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma-lou, we're only a week apart and you're doing so well. I have a mental image of you batting the demon off your shoulder then unceremoniously booting his ar5e out of the window. Then smiling.

You're doing so well as you are - keep going!

I just love that image :D

And thanks, you're doing brilliantly too!! :)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

The idea of not smoking again for the rest of my life seemed a bit scary too yesterday but I'm happy with it now! :)

That's the trick Gemma

dont think about the rest of your life or the future

You have no control over that, but you DO have control over what you are doing right at this moment in time!

...and you're doing brilliantly :)

In my opinion....well done keeping off the E-cigs....I don't trust those pesky things! :)

Take care



nsd_user663_20558 profile image

You've clearly come to your own conclusions! But for what it's worth...

I think for some people who are just starting off a quit and choose to use one, it might be helpful. And I reiterate that ANYTHING that helps people kick the cigs is a good thing, you must do what is best for you.

But - and it's a big but - my personal view is that the hardest thing to break when quitting is not the nicotene dependency but the deeply ingrained habit of smoking. An e-cig is so similar to the action of smoking - even if it's a nicotene-free version - that it kind of reinforces the subconscious thinking that lifting this white stick to your mouth and inhaling is what you need to do whenever your brain prompts you to. And you really need to be training your brain not to expect that any more, in any form.

Just my two pence worth!

H x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That's the trick Gemma

dont think about the rest of your life or the future

You have no control over that, but you DO have control over what you are doing right at this moment in time!

...and you're doing brilliantly :)

In my opinion....well done keeping off the E-cigs....I don't trust those pesky things! :)

Take care



Thanks :D

It is a bit of a scary thought - and I think the Nicotine Demon knows which buttons to push to try to upset you - if that doesn't make me sound like a total flake :p

What I don't want to do is swap one addiction for another - and I just *know* that if I had gone down that road, I'd still be on them this time next year and beyond probably.

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You've clearly come to your own conclusions! But for what it's worth...

I think for some people who are just starting off a quit and choose to use one, it might be helpful. And I reiterate that ANYTHING that helps people kick the cigs is a good thing, you must do what is best for you.

But - and it's a big but - my personal view is that the hardest thing to break when quitting is not the nicotene dependency but the deeply ingrained habit of smoking. An e-cig is so similar to the action of smoking - even if it's a nicotene-free version - that it kind of reinforces the subconscious thinking that lifting this white stick to your mouth and inhaling is what you need to do whenever your brain prompts you to. And you really need to be training your brain not to expect that any more, in any form.

Just my two pence worth!

H x

I definitely agree!!

It's the "habit of the habit" that's the hardest part to break for me too - could dose myself up to the eyeballs with NRT (I'm not though) but still have to break the actual smoking part and an e-cig wouldn't help that at all.

The number of times I've caught myself holding something like I used to hold a cigarette... :o

I do think they can be helpful for people to quit though and yes anything is better than smoking :eek: but having gone almost a month without smoking it would be a step backwards for me to use an e-cig!

Gemma x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

You dont need no Ecig Gemma you just need us your forum buddies and your sheer determination to quit.xxxx:)

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Gemma-Lou,

I did think about dipping into your thread here earlier today, but think it's important to let people come to their own decisions for reasons that are personal to them and choose what works for them. I chose CT as I'm a belligerent sod and choose to stick two fingers up at smoking with abject defiance, others will use NRT of some sort.

Actually who cares as long as the end game remains, and we're completely aligned to a common purpose here -get rid of smoking and nicotine for good.

So now that you've reached your conclusion, and given my support for everyone to achieve the ambition by whatever means they deem fit, I think it's ok for me to say I think you made the right choice here. I looked at the post and went "eh what?????" I'm really, genuinely REALLY happy that you chose what you did! I don't believe the e-cig would necessarily be a 'backwards step' as you put it but think you're doing so well without it so why bother? Lets just not be bothered to smoke any more in whatever form, hey.

Keep going, I like your posts and looking at the boards it seems like we have good company. Lets swell the numbers in month two! The fearsome, ferocious and formidable Christmas Conquerors don't step backwards, the only way is up!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You dont need no Ecig Gemma you just need us your forum buddies and your sheer determination to quit.xxxx:)

I'm really sure this forum makes it loads easier, it's great having the support and advice from so many people and the friendliness too!!

Thanks :D

Gemma x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma-Lou,

I did think about dipping into your thread here earlier today, but think it's important to let people come to their own decisions for reasons that are personal to them and choose what works for them. I chose CT as I'm a belligerent sod and choose to stick two fingers up at smoking with abject defiance, others will use NRT of some sort.

Actually who cares as long as the end game remains, and we're completely aligned to a common purpose here -get rid of smoking and nicotine for good.

So now that you've reached your conclusion, and given my support for everyone to achieve the ambition by whatever means they deem fit, I think it's ok for me to say I think you made the right choice here. I looked at the post and went "eh what?????" I'm really, genuinely REALLY happy that you chose what you did! I don't believe the e-cig would necessarily be a 'backwards step' as you put it but think you're doing so well without it so why bother? Lets just not be bothered to smoke any more in whatever form, hey.

Keep going, I like your posts and looking at the boards it seems like we have good company. Lets swell the numbers in month two! The fearsome, ferocious and formidable Christmas Conquerors don't step backwards, the only way is up!

Hi Hawkeye :)

Looking back on it now I think "what was I thinking?" but I was having a bit of a stressy day and the idea of the e-cig sort of stuck in my mind - like my addiction grabbed it as a way to keep me hooked (she says chewing NRT gum) which I really don't want!!

Well done on going CT, I definitely don't have the strength for that!! Am managing OK with patches and gum though!!

I definitely agree about how we quit not mattering - it's going to be different for everyone - I only thought the e-cig would be a step backwards for me 'cos it would bring back all the routine of smoking which I haven't had in almost a month now!!

Am going to be in Month 2 on Friday - how good is that? :D

Thanks for all your help and support, and good luck with your quit!!

Gemma x

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