My reasons: These are probably the reasons... - No Smoking Day

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My reasons

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
27 Replies

These are probably the reasons everyone else stops, but here goes!

I'm fed up with being addicted to it, used to really enjoy smoking but know I was only doing it to stop me getting angry and grumpy.

It's expensive, I used to spend nearly £8 a day on cigarettes, and the extra money is going to come in handy!!

I don't like the smell. This was the trigger for me - a bit odd but bear with me lol. I bought a new bag, popped my ashtray pouch in it 'cos I was going out then opened my lovely new bag and *blech* it stank. Don't know why it hadn't hit me before, then I sniffed my hands and hair and could smell cigarettes.

That was sort of my "moment" when I knew I was ready to stop!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Its good to get your reasons down somewhere and handy for those times when your the voices try and tempt you with those thoughts that one wont hurt or one will help plus you can always add to them the further along the quit you go

stay strong Gemma and you will soon be celebrating another milestone


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you!! :)

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

You sound ready, and your quit is going well :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You sound ready, and your quit is going well :)

Thanks, I do hope so!!

In some ways it's easier than when I stopped before and that's surprised me!

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Well done , sounds like you got proper sick of the little stinkers. Oh and they were not stopping you getting angry and grumpy. You felt angry and grumpy because you needed nicotine and because cigarettes mess with your blood sugar and cause mood swings, so it seemed like they helped because you lit one and stopped the withdrawal pangs, but think of your smoking friends and your non smoking friends- which ones seem more chilled and relaxed to you? Not to say that stopping cant seem like a crazy ride but hopefully thats temporary before we all meet in the peace and wisdom of the never gonna smoke again ever stage.

I do approve of an ashtray pouch though- I was always trying to wrap butts up in odd bits of tissue or silver foil, and it never worked. Except of course, I do not need an ashtray pouch because I am a non smoker, nearly

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done , sounds like you got proper sick of the little stinkers. Oh and they were not stopping you getting angry and grumpy. You felt angry and grumpy because you needed nicotine and because cigarettes mess with your blood sugar and cause mood swings, so it seemed like they helped because you lit one and stopped the withdrawal pangs, but think of your smoking friends and your non smoking friends- which ones seem more chilled and relaxed to you? Not to say that stopping cant seem like a crazy ride but hopefully thats temporary before we all meet in the peace and wisdom of the never gonna smoke again ever stage.

I do approve of an ashtray pouch though- I was always trying to wrap butts up in odd bits of tissue or silver foil, and it never worked. Except of course, I do not need an ashtray pouch because I am a non smoker, nearly

Thanks :)

Oh yes, I was really sick of them - I'm surprised how quickly I got fed up with it though!

That's true about getting grumpy, hadn't really thought about it like that before, but you're right. I guess it's just after smoking so long it just felt that way!

I was always paranoid about not leaving mess or anything so had the pouches, but they didn't half stink.

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Well done , sounds like you got proper sick of the little stinkers. Oh and they were not stopping you getting angry and grumpy. You felt angry and grumpy because you needed nicotine and because cigarettes mess with your blood sugar and cause mood swings, so it seemed like they helped because you lit one and stopped the withdrawal pangs, but think of your smoking friends and your non smoking friends- which ones seem more chilled and relaxed to you? Not to say that stopping cant seem like a crazy ride but hopefully thats temporary before we all meet in the peace and wisdom of the never gonna smoke again ever stage.

I do approve of an ashtray pouch though- I was always trying to wrap butts up in odd bits of tissue or silver foil, and it never worked. Except of course, I do not need an ashtray pouch because I am a non smoker, nearly

A perceptive post, nice one Mrsm.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Good for you!

Good for you Gemma, that was your light bulb moment:eek: You know how we girls love our bags:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good for you Gemma, that was your light bulb moment:eek: You know how we girls love our bags:)

Thanks :)

I'm glad it did, bit of a silly reason I know but it worked!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I've got another reason - not having to go out in the smoking area at work or on a night out! Or into the garden at home and at friends houses. The more I think about it the more a pain smoking was for me!!

I was really fed up with that, especially with the rubbish weather we've been having.

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Hi Gemma


Keep chalking those reasons up.

There will be loads.

As the cessation nurse said to me on Wednesday, there are no good reasons to smoke, but myriads of fantastic reason not to.

Keep up the positivity, it's contagious.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma


Keep chalking those reasons up.

There will be loads.

As the cessation nurse said to me on Wednesday, there are no good reasons to smoke, but myriads of fantastic reason not to.

Keep up the positivity, it's contagious.


Hi Don!

Have thought about it a lot and really can't think of any good reason at all to keep smoking and like you say so many to stop - can't believe it took me so long to work it out!

I've got a lovely ex-smokers cough to remind me if I do get tempted exactly why I shouldn't give in.

*sends positive thoughts to everyone*

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

I've got a lovely ex-smokers cough to remind me if I do get tempted exactly why I shouldn't give in.


The cough, ah, the cough. See I can deal with the cough, it is the stuff that on more than one occasion flies out my mouth when coughing I can't deal with.


Just another reminder of what stays on your lungs when smoking. YUCK!!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


The cough, ah, the cough. See I can deal with the cough, it is the stuff that on more than one occasion flies out my mouth when coughing I can't deal with.


Just another reminder of what stays on your lungs when smoking. YUCK!!!!

Oh yuck that is horrible!!

It's a bit scary really, I'm still young and haven't been a really heavy smoker or anything but I've been coughing my head off.

I hope both our coughs clear soon!

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

Yep, you are right.

I am young enough (32) for stopping now to make a difference. The coughs will go, the body is a magnificent healing entity.

I was a heavy smoker, so I have been told, and really needed to stop. Loads of headaches, not one since quitting, horrible tight chest and difficulty breathing in the morning (but still had a ciggie) everything fine now, and that is just 2 and half weeks in.

Here is to a healthy future


nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Ye gods...the expense to have that horrible smell lingering about you. I feel ashamed that I ever let people smell that smell on me...particularly people I love. It's amazing how you can smell it on people who drift past you in the shops isn't it? It's so revolting.

Keep up your good work. x

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Ye gods...the expense to have that horrible smell lingering about you. I feel ashamed that I ever let people smell that smell on me...particularly people I love. It's amazing how you can smell it on people who drift past you in the shops isn't it? It's so revolting.

Keep up your good work. x

And smokers genuinely think that by smoking outside, or squirting on scent/aftershave that they are preventing themselves from stinking! I don't think so.

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

And smokers genuinely think that by smoking outside, or squirting on scent/aftershave that they are preventing themselves from stinking! I don't think so.


I think back at how many times I thought a mint, or chewing gum would mask the smell, and thought it did.

Oh dear, I stunk.

I can actually smell it now on people who drive past me in their car.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And smokers genuinely think that by smoking outside, or squirting on scent/aftershave that they are preventing themselves from stinking! I don't think so.

Oh god that's exactly what I used to think!!

Really thought I didn't smell - but I had a coat to nip out into the garden for a fag in and honestly I had to bin it, I must have really smelled bad. :(

And thanks Becky :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yep, you are right.

I am young enough (32) for stopping now to make a difference. The coughs will go, the body is a magnificent healing entity.

I was a heavy smoker, so I have been told, and really needed to stop. Loads of headaches, not one since quitting, horrible tight chest and difficulty breathing in the morning (but still had a ciggie) everything fine now, and that is just 2 and half weeks in.

Here is to a healthy future


Its great you're stopping now 'cos hopefully it'll all be undone!

I used to get a tight chest and things after a night out 'cos I smoked more then but didn't take any notice - drowning in denial!

But then the "voice" kicked in, "oh I'm young it's OK" or "I changed to smoking lights theyre not so bad" or "lots of people smoke more than me and they're fine" and other stupid stuff!

All things now that make me cringe and I've only been off them less than 2 weeks!

nsd_user663_42471 profile image

I used to get a tight chest and things after a night out 'cos I smoked more then but didn't take any notice - drowning in denial!

But then the "voice" kicked in, "oh I'm young it's OK" or "I changed to smoking lights theyre not so bad" or "lots of people smoke more than me and they're fine" and other stupid stuff!

All things now that make me cringe and I've only been off them less than 2 weeks!

It is fantastic that you already have this opinion, half the battle is won in your mind.

Keep this train of thought and you will walk this with consummate ease.

I have said and done just that in the past, just to carry on what is in effect killing myself.

But,thankfully the light bulb went on and the fags went out.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It is fantastic that you already have this opinion, half the battle is won in your mind.

Keep this train of thought and you will walk this with consummate ease.

I have said and done just that in the past, just to carry on what is in effect killing myself.

But,thankfully the light bulb went on and the fags went out.


Thanks! :)

I'm glad you're doing well too!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Another reason - very vain I know but in the nearly 20 days since my last fag my skin is looking so much better :D

One of my friends said I'm looking younger, which is fab!!

Anyway the dark circles have almost completely gone from round my eyes and so has the puffiness under them, and the best thing is I'm getting a nice glow back on my face :cool:

Sorry if that sounds like I'm in love with myself, I'm definitely not but it's made me really happy :D

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

OMG the improvement to skin texture and colour is amazing for me...better than any of these miracle creams! xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

OMG the improvement to skin texture and colour is amazing for me...better than any of these miracle creams! xx

Oh that's fab!! :D And the best thing is that it doesn't cost money, it saves money!! Bonus :cool:

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


I agree with Biggrin, this quit defo sounds like you're 'ready'. You had a 'moment', that's all it takes Gem, something just clicks our minds and helps to make us positive. Wishing you all the live and luck in your quit.

Fi x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


I agree with Biggrin, this quit defo sounds like you're 'ready'. You had a 'moment', that's all it takes Gem, something just clicks our minds and helps to make us positive. Wishing you all the live and luck in your quit.

Fi x


I really do think this is it now :D

Just thought of another reason. :cool:

I'm not sleeping at all well with the patches on, so have been up ages - thought I'd pop my head outside and get some fresh air but it's windy, drizzly and horrible so changed my mind -anyway it hit me that if I was still a smoker then I'd have *had* to go out in it to have a fag but now there's no need for me to suffer :D

Good luck with your quit too!! :)

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