I really do appreciate all comments and fee... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I really do appreciate all comments and feedback

nsd_user663_53529 profile image
12 Replies

I have started to feel depressed and low, and have felt the same way now for 3 weeks, I feel useless, as though I am not a man anymore, and now this is week 6 coming up.

Only reading other posts, has helped me to see that the quitting has caused all these problems.

Only this morning my wife looked at my side of the bed, and my side was dirty from top to bottom. all I can do is hope that it is all the crap coming out of my body that has made the sheets look so dirty.

It seems to be one thing after another, first lack of sleep, and then too much sleep, then back to normal at week 4, now the sleep thing has started again this week. I could sleep all day if I didn't have to try and do some work.

Cold sores been with me now for 4 weeks and still not going, although not as bad as they were. One on each side of mouth.

2 days ago was my wife's birthday, so as a treat decided to take her out shopping for the afternoon, well I was like a zombie, then all of a sudden a really big lump apperared on one side of my face near to my cheek bone, and was very red, and my face just was blotchy red all over, I looked terrible, also had problems breathing again as though I have a large frog in my throat and have trouble breathing (this comes and goes) and so then started to feel really low again, and started crying in the car to my wife telling her that I am a useless husband.

I never ever felt this bad in my life, or this low, or this many ailments since I quit, but I am not giving in, I listen to all of you and your support, and hope that soon things can get better.

So from what I can say is don't give up, if your as down as me, then we can set up a club together to compare notes.

I don't know what else this stopping can throw at me, and how much more I can take of it

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nsd_user663_53529 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_53753 profile image

So sorry to hear all this Krij. Sounds like you really have been going through some tough times. On a more positive note...Things can only get better for you now so the only way has to be is up. :)

You should give yourself an almighty pat on the back because after everything you have been through these past six weeks, you have remained strong in your quit.

Congratulations on remaining so strong and I really hope things improve for you very soon.

Take Care

Love May x

nsd_user663_51469 profile image

Thirty years of smoking is a lot of bad stuff to undo.

I speak as someone who has had serious illness since my quit.

If symptoms are getting you down, perhaps a word with your doctor wouldn't go amiss. As well as posting on here for moral support of course!

It seems us long term smokers sometimes suffer weird effects. Our bodies have a lot to cope with when we make such a drastic (although beneficial) change.

Keep notching up the benefits, don't let any symptoms get too bad before seeking help.

nsd_user663_53529 profile image

just about coping


Thanks all for your comments, I am only just coping, must admit have some good days and some bad days, but no 2 days are the same.

I just praying for the day, that I can wake up, and feel normal like I did when I smoked, as I never had a day off work in 25 years, and all of a sudden give up smoking and I am ready for the slaughter house or ready for medical science tests labs, to see why a strong person, can turn into a wreck in 6 weeks.

Breathing Problems occue around early evening, where I feel blocked up

Big Toe still sore

Face still a blotchy red mess

One strange thing in my toe nails are not growing as quick as they used to with cigs, used to cut them every 2 weeks, now not cut them for 5 weeks, and they still have not grown much

Anway Christmas is coming, everyone going to be in good spirits, apart from grumpy old me, bah humbug

Bed sheets still need washing, wife's side pure white, my side dirty as hell, only since stopping the smokes

Concentration is getting a bit better each day, first few weeks, could have put me to sleep for good, as I was useless, still am, but at least now, I can get about 3 hours work a day done.

Lucky I work for myself, or a boss would have fired me 5 1/2 weeks ago

thanks everyone, please keep the comments, agree that you have had similar symptoms or disagree with me, but as long as your still out there for me, to keep me going

Must admit the cravings I had this week, were amazing, i could virtually taste the cigs all day

nsd_user663_33140 profile image

Sending virtual hugs...I hope things get better for you. Take 10 minutes to acknowledge how well you are doing, especially since you have been having such a hard time of it...in my humble opinion this makes you an ultimate dude and warrior!!! Alot of people stop trying when things get rough (I know I have myself on many occasion), but you are still going with it..I salute you!

Maybe you can book yourself and your wife in for a nice meal somewhere...or maybe a nice weekend away or a massage...just as a way of treating yourself after all the hard work you have put in.

Be proud of your achievements...you have every right to be :)

Take care and maybe take a look into Lemon Balm..its good for treating cold sores amongst many other things and may be of help to you :)

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Aww Hugs

Oh you poor thing, I have experienced this kind of thing in the past and it is really tough. Smoking suppresses the immune system, so it follows that the immune system can be affected when people stop. Unfortunately medics often dont like to hear that stopping can make people feel ill, so if you see a Dr, focus on the symptoms rather than the cause. The other thing is to try and boost the immune system as much as possible. Try Zinc and really healthy food- oily fish and nuts, lots of fruit and green vegetable. And a sauna(for the sheet issue). The good news, or it may be bad news, is that smoking will not make your health problems disappear- it will just stress your immune system even more. I once started again because I felt so ill, but got a migraine every time I lit up for weeks. Of course I battled on- who says smokers have no will power!

nsd_user663_53529 profile image

Never knew I had so much will power

Honestly never knew I had so much will power, my good lady had pestered me for years to stop or she would leave me, and I just thought yup, go on and leave, the cigs mean more to me, what a selfish attitude I know now, but at the time, I enjoyed smoking, and I guess I still could, but for wanting to live a better life, I am going through all this, so better be some sunshine soon, or I could end up thinking that this crap feeling and symptoms are going to be here forever.

I shall give it 1 year, and if I don't feel like superman, then give me back those horrible lucky strikes, or benson & hedges, put me in a corner and pull the trigger.

So, to all of you, who comment, and give words of wisdom, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

nsd_user663_53753 profile image

Oh you poor thing, I have experienced this kind of thing in the past and it is really tough. Smoking suppresses the immune system, so it follows that the immune system can be affected when people stop. Unfortunately medics often dont like to hear that stopping can make people feel ill, so if you see a Dr, focus on the symptoms rather than the cause. The other thing is to try and boost the immune system as much as possible. Try Zinc and really healthy food- oily fish and nuts, lots of fruit and green vegetable. And a sauna(for the sheet issue). The good news, or it may be bad news, is that smoking will not make your health problems disappear- it will just stress your immune system even more. I once started again because I felt so ill, but got a migraine every time I lit up for weeks. Of course I battled on- who says smokers have no will power!

Some great advice here from mrsm.... Just to add, walnuts and orange juice are both very good for your immune system and also help to flush out the toxins quicker.

Also go and see your Doctor if symptoms persist, but don't tell him you've given up smoking.... would be interesting to hear his diagnosis.

Take care buddy

Love May x

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

I have started to feel depressed and low, and have felt the same way now for 3 weeks, I feel useless, as though I am not a man anymore, and now this is week 6 coming up.

and started crying in the car to my wife telling her that I am a useless husband.

I never ever felt this bad in my life, or this low, or this many ailments since I quit, but I am not giving in, I listen to all of you and your support, and hope that soon things can get better.

You have stayed of the fags despite a potent and extremely challenging set of adverse quit-symptoms, which have been making life very difficult for you.

You aren't usless or not a man anymore. Far from it, you're persevering in the face of major difficulties - and that takes serious balls. Very well done :)

nsd_user663_53260 profile image

I was looking for a thread from you just now because I saw this post from you on Nifty's thread, I am glad you posted this here!

It's a real shame that you have been feeling horrible since you quit, I have the coldsores too (2 on the top lip and my patients have been talking to my top lip all week grrrr:mad:) - hadn't had one for ages before, like over 6 months :mad:

I haven't felt dreadful in other ways though and thought it's maybe because when I started the champix I started a cod liver oil with multivitamin at the same time (and I still hate taking blardy tablets arghhh!). Maybe you could try something similar?

I'm tired and lazy in the evenings and sleep is a bit up and down but 'this too shall pass' for us I hope! You are doing SO WELL through such a hard time. When this does pass you will be a million times stronger in your quit because you never want to go through all this ever again :o

Keep your chin up and I second or third the go to the doctor suggestion in case they can help xx I'm sending you good vibes xx

Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free


Hey sir, please stick with it. I had very similar experience as you are having. I felt rubbish, I thought it would never get better. I cried more in the first month than I ever cried..and I've had plenty to cry about..

I reckon smoking put a bit of a stop and muted my emotions for 20 years, without them to hide behind I was going bare into the world and it hurt.

The past few weeks I truly can feel everything just lifting back up... I don't wanta get all new age hippy about it, but for me the process overall has been like getting reborn a bit....

Keep with it, like all thing it will get better and what kept me going was thinking back... Was week 2 better than week 1 ? Was week 4 better than week 2? Was the last month better than the one before it... And so far I have been able to answer yes, regardless of how shity I feel at the time.

Keep going it is way worth it


nsd_user663_52604 profile image

keep on keepin on


please please dont think like that, your body has had huse ammounts of poison pumped into it over a long period of time at very regular intervals, that is going to have to come out somewhere, your body needs time to heal. Ive been lucky ive had those things but one at a time it was only a few days ago i was grumping because i never had spots as a teen and now ive these big red things that have their own heart beat, for them i used witch hazel, vitamins are a must, as is a trip to the docs an MOT wont hurt,

chin up your coping amazingly well

Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free

Cold sores

Just wanted to add I used to get cold sores once or twice a year, summer sun, winter cold seemed to be the triggers.

Friend recommended getting a cold sore machine.... A what ? Yup a machine... I thought what rubbish, googled it, saw boots sell them, didn't believe it but one time when I had one AGAIN I decided what the hell... It cost about 35 quid from boot. Put it on, used it twice and not had a cold sore since.

Hate recommending products but seriously that cold sore machine has saved me an absolute fortune and I recommend it to anyone. It zaps the cold sore with some light and magically your immune system seems to destroy the virus. As I say I got them like clockwork twice a year. Not anymore... Christmas is coming up... If cold sores are quite common for you maybe Santa can slip one in for you ?

For me and many many others this machine thing is definitely a workable solution.


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