January 2012 Quitters in December 2012 - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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January 2012 Quitters in December 2012

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free
76 Replies

Hi fellow January Quitters. It's the countdown to our Penthouse arrival, and I'm worried incase the Penthouse just isn't ready for us. I think we need to be putting in our requests for redecoration and plans for a party night.

I'll keep my request simple: new expensive furniture, have to have a water feature like all of the reality makeover shows, we need a theme since the reality shows like them too. Also, for the party night we'll have to invite a band - The Rolling Stones should be available - they'll be sympathetic to our drug addled past: especially Keith.:)

Oh, we need a celebrity chef to do the catering. Jamie Oliver?

This is the list - please amend if not correct.

Aitch Jan 30

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26

Rochelle Jan 26

Grumpy1 Jan-24

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

1 Bluetree Jan-11

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11

russellington Jan-09

Andrew G Jan7

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

Dapower Jan-01

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01

Written by
nonico profile image
7 Years Smoke Free
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76 Replies
nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Great job, wish I could join the party.

It'll be interesting to see how many on the list have made it, quite a few I think:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Look after it until I arrive on February 6th.:)

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Hello I'm still here and feeling very proud of myself :) really didn't think I could do it.

Well done to everyone else proud of you too :D

nsd_user663_43997 profile image

Well, I am still here ! , may have put a bit of wieght on, just love chewy peppermints, but have managed to stay totally clear of the fags. It has been a rough ride at times and still the cravings like to pop up now and then, but hey, whats life without a challange ?

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Hi fellow January Quitters. It's the countdown to our Penthouse arrival, and I'm worried incase the Penthouse just isn't ready for us. I think we need to be putting in our requests for redecoration and plans for a party night.

I'll keep my request simple: new expensive furniture, have to have a water feature like all of the reality makeover shows, we need a theme since the reality shows like them too. Also, for the party night we'll have to invite a band - The Rolling Stones should be available - they'll be sympathetic to our drug addled past: especially Keith.:)

Oh, we need a celebrity chef to do the catering. Jamie Oliver?

This is the list - please amend if not correct.

Aitch Jan 30

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26

Rochelle Jan 26

Grumpy1 Jan-24

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

1 Bluetree Jan-11

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11

russellington Jan-09

Andrew G Jan7

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

Dapower Jan-01

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01Noooooooooooo wait for meeeeeeee, I call in from time to time as is does me the world of good and still fighting strong and good to look back, here's my original post on the same quit day as Andrew on the 7th


I also call in now and again for the the group formed by Ace-Wisdom.


woo hoo

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Sorry about omission

You've been added now steelfixer. Congratulations on your quit.:)

Any requests for the Penthouse? it's getting sooooo close:)

Aitch Jan 30

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26

Rochelle Jan 26

Grumpy1 Jan-24

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

1 Bluetree Jan-11

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11

russellington Jan-09

Andrew G Jan7

steelfixer Jan7

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

Dapower Jan-01

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01

nsd_user663_40405 profile image


Oh yes please, could I please order Lucy Pinder to be mine for the day starting by serving me with ice cold pints of Carling on request and other stuff which I'm not going to post on a public forum img39.imageshack.us/img39/2... That's it really, I'm not greedy :D although when leaving the penthouse after washing down the top draw steak a pre set up with Camelot rigged lottery ticket on the table on exit wouldn't go a miss, mmmm that's about it really, thank you!

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

All of the above of course would after meeting and congrats to all in the Jan Pent house :) I'm actually quite shocked I'm here :p

nsd_user663_40748 profile image

:):)few day's left and the first year has gone by!!!!!!So quickly and some times so slow!!!,some may understand me! Last year this time I came to England. Bought Allen Carr's book went back home ,I'm back in Oxford to see my family and to close my first year as a ex non smoker,I dont know were I will be next year but I know one thing for sure it will be as a ex non smoker.Thank's to Allan ,2 months of nicotine patches ,this forum x2,and my family's suport ,thank you. If i did it anyone can,you must first let your mind stop smoking then after awhile your body will follow !!!! I used my smoking money of 10 months for a cheap but wonderfull holiday in Barcalona! Think about that (all new quiters,and strugling qquiters) The rewards are endless in so many ways.Today i am going to the market to have aBen's Cookies or 2 ,I deserve it ! You all can deserve it as well


nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Congratulations for Jan 11

Congratulations Paulo Assis - you're nearly at your 1 year mark- Jan 11. How exciting is that:)

Steelfixer is nearly there too. Jan 7 he should be with Lucy Pinder in the Penthouse. I'm assuming he's asked Santa for his wish. I must say, I thought he'd go for an international model rather than a provincial one -I had to google lil' ol' Lucy - hadn't heard of her in Australia. Seeing though she doesn't work the globe she'll probably be able to make it.

These people must be VERY excited - Jan 1 is their day

Dapower Jan-01

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01

Any of you Jan quitters around please let us know - I'd love to see how many have made the 12 months, and can go in the Penthouse. I'll be in there on Jan 19. I intend to do more exercise by then - Christmas meant too much food.

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

Im still here lurking in the shadows :)

im coming in the penthouse new years day! Woohooo!

Well done everyone that is still smoke free! Xx

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Hi all, well I'm still here :) although been thinking about smoking alot these past few days, not going to tho gone through too much. only 6 days to go and IM IN THE PENTHOUSE :D:D:D

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

Hi everyone!! I am here. Only 6 more days until I step into the Penthouse! I have heard so much about it I am just in awe!!!

CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!! ppat

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Ppat I've got a bottle ready for myself, what about yourself? My last cigarette was at midnight what about you?

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

So far 43%

Massive congratulations to

ppat324 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01

for getting this far.

43% of people who quit on Jan 1 have made it to the one year mark. So far anyway - more may respond before the big day.

Looking forward to hearing from the others too.

nsd_user663_40162 profile image

Hello all...

I am still here, I don't post alot but call in from time to time...

I quit on Jan the 14th 2012 so it will be a year for me this comming Jan 14th...

I quit using the Alan carr method, I was worried about quitting because I suffer from Bipolar disorder and used smoking to destress (Or So I thought).. But after listening to Allan Carr CD rom, I quit and haven't looked back, my life is so much better without the ciggies, I feel less stressful now than when I was smoking and can handling lifes problems more easily.... And no more yellow teeth or stained fingers.

Take care, Lance.

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Amended list.

Hi Lance

Here's the amended list. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Good luck in the Penthouse on Jan - 14 - I'll be joining you 5 days later on the 19th.:)

I hope that others who aren't on the list get added to our Honour Roll.

Aitch Jan 30

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26

Rochelle Jan 26

Grumpy1 Jan-24

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

Lance Reed Jan-14

1 Bluetree Jan-11

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11

russellington Jan-09

Andrew G Jan7

steelfixer Jan7

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

Dapower Jan-01

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


Hi all - I notice on the bottom of Ace_Wisdom's posts that there are people listed for quit in Jan 2012 that are not on the list I have. Does anyone have updates on the following?

Catfink Jan-1

Andy37 Jan-1

Ben_M34 Jan-1

clare_ lou2909 Jan-1

Pixie Jan-1

SarahAllen Jan-2

sarabop Jan-4

Tinkerbell Jan-8

russelington Jan-10

dolly3 Jan-13

Kat24 Jan-19

lillie Jan-22

jojo22o112 Jan-22

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Hi there my quit date was jan 1st :)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


Thanks Tracey - I think we have you on our "official list". You must be so excited and proud of yourself. The Penthouse awaits you.

Have you any special requests?:)

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

The people at the bottom of my list was done awhile back....I only added the members that was apart of the group....but you can add them to the official list if you like.....them maybe we could put stars at the side of the members that are still smoke free so we can keep track of who's missing and who's going in the penthouse :D

Hope to see you all there:cool:

nsd_user663_43351 profile image

Hi all

Hi there I m still here along with captain and Rochelle , unfortunately we lost Si on the way but hoping he is going to restart soon !

I m jealous of all you 1st jan quitters !! I have to wait 29 more days to get into the penthouse !!! Wish I had quit earlier lol ! But nevertheless 11 months over tomorrow and then another 30 days yoohoo


Quit date 30 th jan 2012

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Ohh yes please can we have some stars next to our names, the more fuss we make the better I will feel. I'd like to order some lobster to go with my bottle of champers please :D

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Official list

Hi all - I think this is the official list for January. The countdown is here.

There are 42 people on the list.

Aitch Jan 30

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30 *

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26 *

Rochelle Jan 26*

Grumpy1 Jan-24

lillie Jan-22

jojo22o112 Jan-22

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19*

Kat24 Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

Lance Reed Jan-14*

dolly3 Jan-13

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11*

russellington Jan-09

Tinkerbell Jan-08

Andrew G Jan7

steelfixer Jan7*

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

sarabop Jan-04

SarahAllen Jan-02

Dapower Jan-01

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01*

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

Catfink Jan-01

Andy37 Jan-01

Ben_M34 Jan-01

clare_ lou2909 Jan-01

Pixie Jan-01

jojo22o112 Jan-22

I've put a * next to those who I know are still smoke free. Will amend as I get more information.

nsd_user663_41477 profile image

Star Please - Thank You

Hi Nonico,

Can I have my star please? Still free. Don't miss it either.

My order for the Penthouse - A taxi in Lagos, Nigeria from the Countdown on the Beach to my house on 1st Jan 2013 at about 4.30am. The government's paying for all the beer you know;)

Well done all those who've made it this far, bear in mind this is just the beginning though. For those who didn't I pray that you will find the strength to keep trying until you succeed.

BTW, I must thank all of you on this forum. I don't post much but I read a lot both before and after I quit. I don't think I would have made it this far with the challenging year I've had without your help and encouragement witting or unwitting. As my people say "may you always either be strong or find those who can be strong for you"

God bless,


nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Getting Close!!!

Hi Dapower - Congratulations - Jan 1 will be a monumental milestone. As for the taxi - no problems, but wouldn't you prefer a private jet? That's how I'm getting there from Australia.:)

Actually 41 people - there was a double up on the list which I've amended.

Looking at the amended list ( adding more people from Ace_Wisdom's list ) 12 people quit smoking on Jan 01 2012 and 4 have reached the one year mark ( in approx 3 days time ). So, on the information I have, that's 25% success rate. Any more smoke free quitters? Please let me know & I'll amend the list.

Aitch Jan 30

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30 *

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26 *

Rochelle Jan 26*

Grumpy1 Jan-24

lillie Jan-22

jojo22o112 Jan-22

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19*

Kat24 Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

Lance Reed Jan-14*

dolly3 Jan-13

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11*

russellington Jan-09

Tinkerbell Jan-08

Andrew G Jan7

steelfixer Jan7*

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

sarabop Jan-04

SarahAllen Jan-02

Dapower Jan-01 *

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01*

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

Catfink Jan-01

Andy37 Jan-01

Ben_M34 Jan-01

clare_ lou2909 Jan-01

Pixie Jan-01

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Drums are rolling!!

Hi Jan 01 2012 Quitters.

The drum roll is starting for you. Not long to go now, and you'll become a PD. PD is short for Penthouse Dweller. :)

Dapower Jan-01 *

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01*

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

Catfink Jan-01

Andy37 Jan-01

Ben_M34 Jan-01

clare_ lou2909 Jan-01

Pixie Jan-01

Any more stars needed?

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

It is an honor to be on the list of those who have succeeded.

I am counting the hours until I can say 1 year, only 73 1/2 hours left until I reach the Penthouse. It is overwhelming to me that I have done this. I thank each and everyone of you for your help!! Without you I don't believe I would be standing at the door to the Penthouse.

To those still fighting the battle...do NOT give up....EVER!!!! I was a 3 pack a day smoker and I did it...so can you!!! ppat

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


The following people must be VERY excited. We are all so very proud of you.

Dapower Jan-01 *

ppat324 Jan-01*

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

They are very close to reaching their 1 year mark. This is a magnificent achievement. :)

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

Thanks Nonico....in about 18 more hours it will be 1 year since I smoked my last cigarette. 9:35 Pm to be exact!!

I am knock,knock, knocking on the Penthouse door!!! ppat

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

In about 14 hours and 40 or so mins I'm in, I'm there, I can't belive I've done it! Well done to the rest of you January quitters to, If I feel proud of myself you all must be too, and I'm proud of you too :)

Knock Knock

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Well done to all of you, you should all be so proud - the champers awaits you!!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

The following people must be VERY excited. We are all so very proud of you.

Dapower Jan-01 *

ppat324 Jan-01*

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

They are very close to reaching their 1 year mark. This is a magnificent achievement. :)

I'm excited for them!!! A huge well done:).

Fi x

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Well done fellow Jan quitters. Nice long list there who will soon be moving into the penthouse. I've have to wait until the end of Jan but at least you rowdy lot might have quietened down by the time I get there. Not too much though as I want to join the party also. Still going strong and wont be beaten.

And to the new Jan quitters about to come on board all I can say is go for it and like us you will be amazed how quick a year goes and you will never regret the decision to stop.

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

Thanks nonico :)

Well done guys not far now :) I can hear the penthouse party from here :)hope they have enough booze for me in there!!

good luck to the next january members, its a long journey but its so worth it.

Happy new year everyone

nsd_user663_40413 profile image

Thanks for all the best wishes and support over the year, it's been a real help on bad days and there's been quite a few.

Good luck to the new quitters and I hope you make it to the penthouse too.

Not long to go now!!!!


nsd_user663_40405 profile image

What a happy thread :) Congrats to all who have made in today and all the best to all even if it's your 1st day or 90th year for 2013 :)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

I can't believe I joined here a year ago, OMFG!

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

More Jan quitters.

Hi steelfixer - soon be your turn to be in the Penthouse. :)

Aitch - you need a star next to your name if you're still smoke free.

Aitch Jan 30 *

Anyone any news about the following January quitters?

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

sarabop Jan-04

SarahAllen Jan-02

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I absolutely love this thread!

Well done to all the January 2012 quitters. You are all so inspiring!

Molly x

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

Since I don't want to spoil anyone's expectation of the Penthouse..all I will say is it is EVERYTHING you thought it would be and more!!

I am proud to of finally joined the party in the Penthouse and can not wait to see more of our warriers in here also!!!....ppat

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

It gets better, come the 1st of March I finish my plan that I made and it worked as stuck by it, I will 100% debt free :) Promises of a good good year ahead, just shows that the sayings totally correct that you get out of things by what you put into them and sticking with it.

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

I'm so happy for you

It makes me feel so happy to know that ppat324 & Tracey71 are loving being 1 year free from the cigarettes. I'm sure that Ace_Wisdom and Dapower are loving being in the Penthouse too. I'll be joining you on Jan 19.

Steelfixer it's wonderful to hear you'll be debt free in March. That's another great thing about giving up smoking - it's a really expensive habit these days, and giving up means some very significant savings.

$6,000 a year in Australian money is serious money, and that is what people are spending if they smoke a pack a day. It's equivalent to:

-a very good overseas holiday.

-one year's University fees (for 4 subjects)for a son or daughter or yourself.

-the bulk of a family's groceries for a year.

etc etc.

The list just goes on and on for the positives upon giving up smoking. I hope that people thinking about giving up smoking realise that materially, their quality of life will improve significantly as well as the enormous benefits to health.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Congratulations to all the January 2012 quitters who are now in, or about to enter, the penthouse!

A good percentage of the starting line up have made it and hopefully those that didn't will come back and give it another try.

I'll be there on 26th at 11.30pm :D

I'll be celebrating with a big fat cigar...a chocolate one of course! :p

nsd_user663_41061 profile image

Feeling fine!

Ahhhh Jan 11th is my day of celebrating! I will have done it!

1 YEAR no smoking! I did it, but I was NOT alone...

Thank you for all the support my friends here! Penthouse here I come!

LOL! XOXO to all...you can do it! I am that example! :D

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

It makes me feel so happy to know that ppat324 & Tracey71 are loving being 1 year free from the cigarettes. I'm sure that Ace_Wisdom and Dapower are loving being in the Penthouse too. I'll be joining you on Jan 19.

Steelfixer it's wonderful to hear you'll be debt free in March. That's another great thing about giving up smoking - it's a really expensive habit these days, and giving up means some very significant savings.

$6,000 a year in Australian money is serious money, and that is what people are spending if they smoke a pack a day. It's equivalent to:

-a very good overseas holiday.

-one year's University fees (for 4 subjects)for a son or daughter or yourself.

-the bulk of a family's groceries for a year.

etc etc.

The list just goes on and on for the positives upon giving up smoking. I hope that people thinking about giving up smoking realise that materially, their quality of life will improve significantly as well as the enormous benefits to health.Everything just seems to have gone better as a whole since quitting, it's took it's time obviously in fact a year but I seem to go about things better as a whole and dealing with things 100% instead of reaching for 20 Regal, nearly all of the time in "reach for the smokes" situations I don't even think about them at all, I still have the odd craving but hardly ever and very weak. So if anyone who's reading this who's lets say a couple of months into a quit and your getting down as you thought it would have all gone away by then, IT WILL GET BETTER.

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

Yes im enjoying the penthouse....only just fully recovered from new years eve :)....to much john danials for me I think lol

not be long 1bluetree already got you a chair saved next to me

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Steelfixer prepare to enter!!

Hi Steelfixer - I'm assuming you're camping outside the Penthouse door getting ready to make your grand entry on Jan 7.

You'll be the 5th entry this year; joining

Dapower Jan-01 *

ppat324 Jan-01*

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

You won't get much sleep camping outside the door since those 4 above are still celebrating very loudly.:)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Yeah right noisy lot they where, It was ok though I was secretly passed a

create of lager through the back door until I was allowed in the front, (can't

say who passed it to me though), In wards I went and still am, wow, not

saying what's inside as I'm swore to secrecy but to those who are on their way

whoo hoooooooooo.


nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Technically I'm 11 hours early going by my signature but I don't care it's still a year going by, a very fast year as well, the first 2 to 3 months where the hardest by far, some days where slow some fast, some knackering some too much energy, many a early days felt like i was in a sub conscious state and put that with one of the few sleepless nights I was feeling weird but everything gradually came together and just looked at everything super positive :)

here's to the future, good luck everyone old or new :)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


Congratulations steelfixer on reaching the Penthouse.:) I don't think you're 11 hours early since you can go by Australian time - 11 hrs before the UK I think

( or is it 10? ). I never know the times with daylight saving in some states of Australia and not others.

You achieved something very very important in 2012 by quitting smoking & I hope the Penthouse is everything you want it to be. I think the Penthouse symbolises freedom, liberation and courage; no one gets in there without those 3 attributes so you've done very well.:)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Next in line

Hi all

has anyone any updates on:

russellington Jan-09

Tinkerbell Jan-08

They're next up for the Penthouse. There are 5-2012 quitters in there already & if the two above are still quit then they're eligible to enter.

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Last posts by both, hope this helps.



nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Last call

Hi Stellfixer - thanks for the posts.

If russellington Jan-09, Tinkerbell Jan-08 aren't ready to join the Penthouse this January they may be along another month.

The next group to be very excited and proud are:

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11*

I'm interested in obtaining some sort of statistical data from the January group. Just to see the % of those ( that we know of anyhow ) that made the year, and which method of quitting they used.

nsd_user663_41061 profile image

4 more days...uh actually FRIDAY will be it! 1Year

I can't wait!!! 1 year no smoking!! :D

Jan 11 its unbelievably wonderous! I did it...

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Well done fixer a year is great.

and an early well done to you Bluetree.

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

I'm so happy for you

Hi 1Bluetree

I'm so happy and excited for you. What a great achievement you made in 2012. I have ordered lobster for the menu in the Penthouse for Jan 11 - a little bird told me you like lobster.:)

A whole new world has opened up for 1Bluetree the non-smoker. It is like being reborn in many ways isn't it?

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Well done fixer a year is great.

and an early well done to you Bluetree.Thanks, nearly there yourself :):):):)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

I can't wait!!! 1 year no smoking!! :D

Jan 11 its unbelievably wonderous! I did it...

Whoo Hooo, almost there, well done :)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

1year Australian time

I have begun the countdown for entry to the Penthouse for

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

paulo assis Jan-11*

In 1hr45mins they will be allowed into the Penthouse. I am so happy for you, and congratulations to you both.:)

nsd_user663_41061 profile image

I just walked thru the doors baby!

**********1 YEAR TODAY!!!!**********

I am here...its so great to be in the Penthouse! :D

I had support from this very site..and beautiful ppl to chat with!

Thank you everyone! I hope I can repay by helping someone here!

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


:)Congratulations 1Bluetree - you've done so well & we're all so proud of you.

There will be quite a few more Jan 2012 joining you soon to keep you company.

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

More Jan quitters.

The next group to go into the Penthouse are:

Mojo76 Jan-14

Lance Reed Jan-14*

dolly3 Jan-13

Lance Reed I'm sure is still quit. Your method of quitting Lance?

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Another Cold Turkey

I've found out how to go to the member's list & find all posts from a person. So,

Lance Reed Jan-14* Cold Turkey

We're getting ready to form a guard of honour at the Penthouse for you Lance Reed.:)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Any news on these forum friends?

I've done some sleuth work and found their method of quit, but I don't know if they are going in the Penthouse now or will be later.

Mojo76 Jan-14 Cold Turkey

dolly3 Jan-13 NRT

Anyone got any updates?

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Lining up the Penthouse stars

I've been going through the posts and pammiewammie Jan-18 who quit using Champix was going very strong at 10 months. Is 2013 the year you enter the Penthouse pammiewammie?

It's interesting, we don't have quitters before Jan 18 on Champix. It makes sense since you resolve on New Year's Day to go to the doctors as soon as you can and get Champix. Then there is a 2 week continuation of the smoking before the quit starts. We'll be getting the Champix stoppers in Jan now.

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Updating list to include lefoy123 Jan-22

Aitch Jan 30

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30 *

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26 *

Rochelle Jan 26*

Grumpy1 Jan-24

lillie Jan-22

jojo22o112 Jan-22

lefoy123 Jan-22*

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19*

Kat24 Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

Lance Reed Jan-14*

dolly3 Jan-13

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11*

russellington Jan-09

Tinkerbell Jan-08

Andrew G Jan7

steelfixer Jan7*

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

sarabop Jan-04

SarahAllen Jan-02

Dapower Jan-01 *

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01*

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

Catfink Jan-01

Andy37 Jan-01

Ben_M34 Jan-01

clare_ lou2909 Jan-01

Pixie Jan-01

nsd_user663_40748 profile image

I have begun the countdown for entry to the Penthouse for

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

paulo assis Jan-11*

In 1hr45mins they will be allowed into the Penthouse. I am so happy for you, and congratulations to you both.:)

Well,it's better than i ever thought possibll. I have no more words to say:):):)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free


Congratulations Paulo assis - I'm glad the Penthouse is everything you want it to be.:)

Yes, words are hard to describe the feeling of "kicking the habit" it is such an exquisite feeling.

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

3 on champix

Getting the next group ready:)

The 3 quitters for Jan 19 were on Champix

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19*

Kat24 Jan-19

These were my quit buddies - same day. I haven't heard from Jubilee or Kat24 for a while. Any updates?

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Aitch had a star missing - updated.

Official list for Jan 2012 quitters

Aitch Jan 30*

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30 *

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26 *

Rochelle Jan 26*

Grumpy1 Jan-24

lillie Jan-22

jojo22o112 Jan-22

lefoy123 Jan-22*

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19*

Kat24 Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

Lance Reed Jan-14*

dolly3 Jan-13

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11*

russellington Jan-09

Tinkerbell Jan-08

Andrew G Jan7

steelfixer Jan7*

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

sarabop Jan-04

SarahAllen Jan-02

Dapower Jan-01 *

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01*

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

Catfink Jan-01

Andy37 Jan-01

Ben_M34 Jan-01

clare_ lou2909 Jan-01

Pixie Jan-01

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Getting ready for Penthouse entry

I know that Lefoy123 is still quit, but I don't know about the other. Any updates?

lillie Jan-22

jojo22o112 Jan-22

lefoy123 Jan-22*

2 days lefoy123 and you're in the Penthouse.:)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Nearly there

This is my list of who is left to go into the Penthouse ( the ones with the stars):

Aitch Jan 30*

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30 *

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26 *

Rochelle Jan 26*

Grumpy1 Jan-24

Anyone any update on those people with no stars next to their name?

Aitch Jan 30*

gina1506 Jan 30 *

Capitan Jan 26 *

Rochelle Jan 26*

Once the 4 above enter the Penthouse that brings the January 2012 total to 14. 42 originally started the quit. That's where my 33% comes from: (14/42)x100

I have a sneaky feeling that the % may even be slightly higher since I think a couple just stopped posting yet they were going strong when we last heard from them. Anyway, 33% is still very good going.:)

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Giving Catfink their star

Aitch Jan 30*

Bec81 Jan 30

Si22 Jan 30

gina1506 Jan 30 *

jonnynosmoke Jan 30

Capitan Jan 26 *

Rochelle Jan 26*

Grumpy1 Jan-24

lillie Jan-22

jojo22o112 Jan-22

lefoy123 Jan-22*

Jubilee. Jan-19

nonico Jan-19*

Kat24 Jan-19

pammiewammie Jan-18

Mojo76 Jan-14

Lance Reed Jan-14*

dolly3 Jan-13

1 Bluetree Jan-11*

foreverfree Jan-11

niconomore Jan-11

paulo assis Jan-11*

russellington Jan-09

Tinkerbell Jan-08

Andrew G Jan7

steelfixer Jan7*

Moonlightblonde Jan-05

bex_boo Jan-05

sarabop Jan-04

SarahAllen Jan-02

Dapower Jan-01 *

Jae0404 Jan-01

mumi76 Jan-01

ppat324 Jan-01*

Thisistheday71 Jan-01

Tracy71 Jan-01*

Ace_Wisdom Jan-01*

Catfink Jan-01*

Andy37 Jan-01

Ben_M34 Jan-01

clare_ lou2909 Jan-01

Pixie Jan-01

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Updating news about quitters.

As January 2013 comes to an end, there are 2 people left to join us in the Penthouse.

Aitch Jan 30* NRT

gina1506 Jan 30 * Cold Turkey

Any updates on the other Jan 30 2012 quitters? They may be joining us another time.

Not what you're looking for?