Weird: I'm feeling very weird. Fairly strong... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_53202 profile image
18 Replies

I'm feeling very weird. Fairly strong continual cravings, with weasel thoughts to go with them. What's worse is that my mind is triavialising my quit, trying to give me the impression that it's only 5 minutes since my quit started (it's day 17 today). I'm also feeling sad and sorry for myself.

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nsd_user663_53202 profile image
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18 Replies
Unah profile image

I had many days like that. Just don't give in and tomorrow will be better.

nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Biggrin keep at it, it wil lget easier, I know it feels like it now that it wont and whats the point but it will!!! it just take time. Deep breath, ice cold water and walk away from the incident that caused the pang....Just keep thinking its not forever..... 11 weekso n i dont get that anymore and believe me i got it alot, the whole fgeeling sorry for myself ect is normal... talk to your family / friends ect it helps

thi forum is here for you also with lots of advice


nsd_user663_53212 profile image

keep it up biggrin your doing really well:D

17days great achievement, but as for feeling low and sorry for yourself i am in that club too:( so your not alone. feels like i've lost something at mo but dont know what if you know what i mean???

cravings are suprisingly getting easy to contend with which is a bonus, taken 19days tho bloody things lol

we can do this biggrin keep it up, im rooting for you xx

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Thanks for the support and reassurance, guys. I wasn't expecting to feel like this until I'd stopped using the Champix. It just shows you can't be certain of anything during the initial stages of the quit. As Clint Eastwood is supposed to have said "If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster....."

Still feeling out of sorts, but better after reading your posts, thanks.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Biggrin, we have all been there and we know how it feels... cr*p.

Just grit your teeth and keep going, dont give in and you will soon be feeling better, I promise you:)

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

That's a help, thanks Haze.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I wish I could do it for you cos as I have said before I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I remember how thoroughly thoroughly fed up I was in the early days, fighting the craves, feeling like life wasn't worth living if I couldn't smoke and also, irrationally thinking why was I so stupid as to quit?? Those were mind games that I had to battle through and it seems so ridiculous now but at the time it was awful. After about 3 weeks they just diminished. Really I started to believe I could do it and the relief that I had not given in was immense. It does get better if it didn't no one would be able to quit would they. Chin up be proud and stay strong:) You wont regret it:)

Dippy_Egg profile image

Bigus not despairicus. (not sure why i've gone all life of Bwyan on you :))

Here is what I think is occurring.

You are succeeding. 17 days and you are clearly cracking this thing. I think this is the point many of us have a slight wobble. Its back to Karri's 'forever' thing. We realise we can actually do this and panic......and think......arghhhhh......coz we werent sure at all we would succeed.......and we have to re-assess whether a whole life time of not smoking is too scary a prospect.........or what we really want at all. Its ok though. A smoke-free life is exactly what you want or you wouldnt be here at 17 days. The wobble will wibble away in no time......and you'll be stronger and happier for it.

Now then....where's Wodewick :D

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

oh big grin , keep grinning, they werent doing anything for you, beyond a momentary but addictive rush, but it is a big change. It is really hard, but think how good it feels to beat this shit. Imagine being able to be truly in the moment and enjoying every experience, rather than always looking for an opportunity to stick a burning bush in your mouth. Give yourself a big pat on the back and decide how you want to reward yourself. I just ordered some shiny shoes, and the thought of them makes me all fizzy.:D

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

I remember that sad and empty feeling:rolleyes:

It does pass though - HONEST:D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Ditto what Mags just said. I too remember the empty, sad feeling, felt sorry for myself, had a feeling of dread like something bad was going to happen, not nice, just another phase which passes tho. Honest it does.


nsd_user663_51038 profile image

Big Grin Biggrin

Hey Biggrin,

It was into my second or third week when I really nearly caved in!

I was cooking for about 25 people for a 'cook off' that we were holding at school the next day... Now, I'd like to think I'm a good cook but cooking for 25 people and trying to cater for everybody's taste was a mission!!

I also had a new foreign student come over from Mexico around the same time as my quit... Now just to put you in the picture, he's 18, an only child, first time away from his family and English - not so good!

So... There I am cooking away... Kitchen a complete mess, panicking that its not going to turn out as it should and along comes the student trying to explain to me why he could not buy a monthly travel card, 'trying' being the point here!!!

After 30 mins, I am still listening to him trying to explain at which point I completely lost it!!! Told him I didn't have time to listen to him, he needs to sort it out himself, I turned into a complete bitch to the poor boy and at the back of my mind all I kept hearing was.... "Go on, go ask Michael (neighbour) for a cigarette, one won't hurt, you don't even have to smoke the whole thing, just a couple puffs to calm your nerves, and its not as if you're buying any!".

The voice went on and on at me for about 7 hours but at no point did I act upon it. It was the worst day ever of my quit but Biggrin I am living proof that those 'voices' do subside and guess what? That was my first and last major crave!!

Look you're here, you've conquered thus far, lets try a little further more, and then some and so on and so on.... Baby steps, remember you weren't born with a cigarette in your mouth, you learnt how to smoke, your body learnt how to deal with your inhalations and now, it's the opposite... And being a teacher and not to sound patronising, practice makes perfect, keep practising being smoke free but also don't forget, you're only human and you can only do your best.

Live by your forum name and grin and bear it... ride out the storm, It's worth it, trust me.

I believe in you and I'm sure I can confidently speak on behalf of others and say that they do too.

Good luck and keep going... Don't look back and don't act upon the voice.

Mimi xx

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Thank you everyone for the support and advice. It's really making a difference in counteracting the weasel thoughts, and bringing me more onto an even keel. Also, the reassurance that the cravings and sensations of emptiness will pass is heartening, and is helping my motivation no end.

I didn't smoke yesterday, and woke up feeling pleased and proud this morning.

Thanks once again.

nsd_user663_53437 profile image

stick with it

Keep with it............we have the same stop smoking date, so it would be good to get into week four together!!!!!:)

nsd_user663_53202 profile image

Gally - sounds like a plan! :)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Dont think I can add anything to all these comments Biggrin apart from

"come on ... show us yer pearly whites!!" :D

Well done and keep riding the waves.

Haha Dippy!

No-one could find a Woderwick but we found a Woger

Can we welease Woger?

nsd_user663_53202 profile image


How about Wudolf the Wed Nosed Weindeer, do we have a Wudolf....?

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

We realise we can actually do this and panic......and think......arghhhhh......coz we werent sure at all we would succeed.......and we have to re-assess whether a whole life time of not smoking is too scary a prospect.........or what we really want at all

I love this, so true for me. Goodbye smoking, nobody wants you now.

Not what you're looking for?