Really Struggling: I am fairly new to the... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Really Struggling

nsd_user663_39534 profile image
15 Replies

I am fairly new to the forum still not sure what am doing ,i am now on day 5 i found yesterday and today tough i took my grandkids to the shop and was going to buy 10 i even felt excited to get them but i didnt and so glad i never ,i was feeling ok up till day 4 but i will just keep going just wish i knew a bit more about the forum how to ask for support lynn

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nsd_user663_39534 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I am fairly new to the forum still not sure what am doing ,i am now on day 5 i found yesterday and today tough i took my grandkids to the shop and was going to buy 10 i even felt excited to get them but i didnt and so glad i never ,i was feeling ok up till day 4 but i will just keep going just wish i knew a bit more about the forum how to ask for support lynn

Hi Lynn, we are about the same days through our quit,and I too struggled on day 5.finding posting here takes my mind off it and reminds me why I want to do this.Was having bad chest pains and feel they have eased since quitting(day6 now) so have to stay focused through these early days.:)

Im on patches 5mg the lowest and then will cut them in 2 before stopping them altogether........soon:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

Hi carolrose yes your right we need to focus in these early days and keep reminding ourselfes why we quit well done to getting to day 6 with the patches am on champix i like reading the posts they really help but still not sure how to use the forum :)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Welcome to the forum, Lynn. Well done on your 5 days and especially for managing not to buy any smokes.... I know exactly the excitement you felt.... it's the addiction, your body wanting the nicotine to stop the withdrawal process.... but... you didn't buy them and that's huge.... every time you say no, it gets easier. Be really good to yourself these early days and post on here as it really does help to ask for support and to receive it. Post when you have questions, when you struggle, when you feel good, or when you just want to have a rant. Lots of great folks will be there for you.

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

Thank you so much bellablue its funny but i was thinking that to at least i did not buy them ,i was just unsure about what to write but have been reading a lot of posts which do help i feel i do need the forum :)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Lynn, it is very early days yet and I can promise you it will get easier. Well done for not buying the cigs that took some will power. You are using the forum just by posting and reading. The forum is really useful for advice and support which you need in the early days. We have all been where you are now. Take care and be nice to yourself you deserve

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

Thank you everyone glad to say i feel a bit better tonight ,una think i know what you mean like am in 4 to 7 days thanks i will be using this forum more often for support and hopefully one day i can help others to :)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Using the forums especially in the early stages more of boost than you will ever know, talkng to others in the same about at the same time is immense, I'm not on as regular but at the start of my quit it helped so much being on here, instead of pondering wether to go and get another 20 regal which I prob would of done I logged on here instead posting in bits and reading through and the next thing the quit eventually reached the phase where it does get easier as it doesn't always happen in the first week or so, it takes time, put the time and effort in and it's excellent spend time, I packed in Jan, I cannot believe it's nearly Oct :eek: after 25 years helping to make Regal fat cats fatter while my health and wallet taking a nose dive but what do they care? sod em, do it for you, your family and your health and finances, you may a couple of months down the line think to yourself "when's the it's gets easier time arriving?" trust me does just not over night and sooner for some longer for others, good luck with your quit, any relapses dive straight back i, it's really not worth getting the "one last ten packet" just ti make yourself feel like shi*e again with less money in your pocket just to do it again, you might as well bear it and tell the cravings to sod off. The people who have been hear over a long period of time, take their advice, theve been there. lol steelfixer.

AngryBear profile image

Hey Lynn just keep doing what you're doing, post as you need to (I needed to a lot especially early on! :o ) Well done on the resistance and keep it up ;)

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

Thank you to you both good advice am sure as long as i have this forum it will help me through thanks again :)

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

What helped me is quoting N.O.P.E.....not one puff ever! OVER and over again. Somedays I would repeat it over 100 times. I was smoking 60 fags aday at the end. If i can quit anyone can.

When ever you want to smoke, think of the reason why you are traveling down this journey to be a non-smoker. For me it was my health(I have emphysema), I have 6 grandchildren I want to watch grow up, and I just didn't want to cough anymore.

I am more than 9 months into my quit and it is so nice to be able to carry on a conversation with someone. I could not do that before as I coughed constantly.

I still say NOPE at time but I know it is the evil nicotine trying to get me back in my old habits but I refuse to give in. Nothing I can't handle and it is such a fleeting thought.

So,, don't give up and remember, some one is on here if you want to rant and rave, scream, cry or feel sorry for is ok...we all understand...ppat

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

Thank you pat for advice ,well i was the same coughing all the time and i to have 6 grandkids and a great grandson to ,no am not old haha only 57 but i want to be here for them, well done 9 months hope one day i can say that but for now 6 days is good :)

nsd_user663_52080 profile image

Hi Lynn just found your post.Thats how I stopped smoking after 43years I just refused to buy it! I had tried once before but kept cadging the odd puff or fag off my smoker friends.IT DOESNT WORK! It has to be not even one puff.Well done for getting to your first week(Ive just done 2weeks) Other than a rough patch around day 9 it has been getting easier.Take it a day at a time its amazing how quick they mount up and how quick the craving starts to fade.If you want a good quality of life in the time left then now is the time to stick with your resolve.Good luck and all the best x

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

Thank you soosan yes your right your 2 weeks now thats great i cant believe am at day 8 already hope your doing ok:)

nsd_user663_51671 profile image

Day 8 - that's fantastic!

It's inevitable that temptation rears it's head and every time you get past one it becomes weaker and weaker.

Keep at it a day at a time - you're worth it.

nsd_user663_39534 profile image

Thank you york i will do i am on day 9 now cant believe how fast it has went in i feel really happy with myself but still doing one day at a time :)

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