Sooooo sleepy: On day 6 and for the last... - No Smoking Day

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Sooooo sleepy

nsd_user663_51853 profile image
20 Replies

On day 6 and for the last 3 - 4 days I have been so tired. I got up at 6:30am yesterday to get the children to school, had a busy day. Got the children to bed for 7:30pm, came downstairs walked the dog, sat on the sofa and fell asleep. Woke up at 11:30 and took myself to bed.

So sleepy again today, I just want to Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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nsd_user663_51853 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_51617 profile image

ha ha - im on day 3 and feel the same. I really like it! that, coupled with the dizzy effects form more O2, is a really wierd and funny feeling.....

id rather be like this than not sleeping!

Enjoy it and embrace it....

na-night x

nsd_user663_51853 profile image

You're right, it is better than not sleeping. Feel like I'm going through life in a daze at the moment, far better than craving nicotine, getting anxious and being grouchy because I'm lacking sleep.

Children & husband can cope with a messy house as I am far too tired and need to go back to my funny and crazy dreams.

Well done on going cold turkey. Here's to replacing nicotine with sleep Zzzzzzz

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

I've never heard of anyone becoming i'll from too much sleep!

if yawning was an olympic sport, i'd be getting the gold.


Dippy_Egg profile image

Heh heh. I remember this. I was catatonic at the start. I would just wake up momentarily to eat some more crap (biscuits,cheese,cake,more biscuits, more cake crisps, bread) ....then fall into a stupor again. :) Sadly it passes. Then I had the energy of road-runner on drugs. My house twinkled. Sadly that passed too. Now i'm more or less just as i used to be except I dont smoke and wouldnt pay you for a tab. Wish the road runner phase would come back sometimes though :)

Well done you's :D

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

ha ha, thats brilliant - meep meep!! this a dream..... zzzzzzzz

Dippy_Egg profile image

Dippy enters silently from the left...........pokes sleepy magic........and points to the A.C.M.E box in the corner..........she's gone before sleepy magic can drag his weary eye-lids up over his weary eye-balls and focus on it ........meep meep :)

Back to sleep Magic.....its just a dream :D

nsd_user663_51853 profile image

Fabulous, I could do with the Road Runner stage to kick in, but just need a little more sleep first (after raiding the fridge or biscuit barrel - Oh, was too tired to shop, wonder if the dog has finished her food)

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

I had this extreme fatigue and had myself convinced I was getting a bug or sommat. Get up, read email, moan about tea tasting horrible, maybe put some washing in, then exhausted and back to bed for two hours. Repeat thro day with minor activity such as emptying dishwasher . One of the days I slept 16 out of 24 hours. Unheard of for me.I don't think I slept that long when I had pneumonia!

I'm not quite as bad now.I have a "read" for a couple of hours every afternoon = 3 pages then fast asleep. Can't wait for the energy bit to kick in.....

Unah profile image

Enjoy it while it lasts. It lasted about 6 weeks for me :-)

nsd_user663_51853 profile image

Una - oh no, can't go on like this for 6 weeks, I'm hoping it will pass soon.

Beckysharp - how far in are you?

Just thinking how tired I was when I was pregnant, could have slept all day. I put it down to the pregnancies, but maybe it was partly because I'd quit smoking :confused: and that went on for months.

Dippy_Egg profile image

Only lasted about....i'd say.....10 days for me. If that. Dont worry Annie. You are doing great, and however long it lasts for you, it certainly will not last forever. Road runner stage right round the corner for you I reckon. Enjoy. Your house will never have been so clean :)

Unah profile image

Don't worry. Everything seems to last longer for me but I smoked for 50 years. Takes longer to get back to normal. I still haven't reached the stage of cleaning the house. Don't know that I'm looking forward to that

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Hi Annie

I am on day 41. The great fatigue came on in the second week and lasted 10 days at its most extreme. I blamed the Champix, but so many people seem to have it without taking that I now think it must be part of withdrawal.....though I certainly don't recall it at all at my first long withdrawal from cigs, which was for about 15 years or so. Mind you I was a lot younger then.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi Annie, nice to meet you.

I dunno about all of the above. I've been quit for 20 months and I'm still knackered :D :P

But seriously, if it persists after a couple of weeks it might be worth getting your iron levels checked. Lots of people are anaemic and don't realise it, and that can cause low level fatigue.

Keep on keeping on.

H x

nsd_user663_51853 profile image

Feeling better now, not sure if it was because I did the fasting only 500 cals for the day diet. My body got so much veg that day, it didn't know what had hit it. Anyway, the next day had plenty of energy and it's got better from there.

Was feeling tired this morning, but that was due to some git driving a combine harvester round the field outside, well into the night. Decided to get up and do something, instead of sitting at the computer and I havn't stopped all day.

My house isn't looking amazing yet, but I've made a start :)

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I'm still bloody tired all the time and im into my 4 th month:mad: iv only had about 2 weeks ov feeling great being a non smoker. I really want them back again as I felt brill loads of energy. Now I'm back to feeling like dirt again..

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

meep meep peeps!

Don't let that opening fool you, im not at road runner stage either. Far from it. I feel like rip van winkel half the time..... yawn!

nsd_user663_52080 profile image

I had this extreme fatigue and had myself convinced I was getting a bug or sommat. Get up, read email, moan about tea tasting horrible, maybe put some washing in, then exhausted and back to bed for two hours. Repeat thro day with minor activity such as emptying dishwasher . One of the days I slept 16 out of 24 hours. Unheard of for me.I don't think I slept that long when I had pneumonia!

I'm not quite as bad now.I have a "read" for a couple of hours every afternoon = 3 pages then fast asleep. Can't wait for the energy bit to kick in.....

Hi Beckysharp. I am so grateful for your post cos I was getting worried.All the articles I read mentioned not being able to sleep and I had the extreme opposite! I quit on 11th Sept 12 and have spent the last 5days-not so bad today-sleeping about 16hrs out of 24.I think it could be a way of the body detoxing but also wonder whether it was a way of escaping the awful reality of not smoking like a depression type thing? Today is my 6th day without smoking and Ive found it the 'easiest' so far and in turn have not slept all day! Who knows? It sure is an easy way to escape the pangs and have a detox at the same time! Then wake up nicotine free all ready to face the psychological/emotional battle....

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Hi SooSan

Glad that post helped. When I first joined I posted "Day 33", which you might also like to read as that also explains how awful I was feeling. Everything I ate tasted horrible. I went off tea, yes TEA!!!, coffee,didn't fancy anything to eat other than fruit or salad and didn't fancy anything to drink other than fruit juice.

I'm just beginning week 8 and last night I posted somewhere that at last I had been able to drink a cup tea and it tasted normal....beautiful in fact.

I am taking Champix, but because of my extreme nausea and feeling really horrible the dose has been halved since week 5. I have blamed that. I have a very long quit under my belt- 15 years stopped, years ago, and I have absolutely no recollection of feeling ill as I have felt this time.

Still the good thing is, you are not smoking .That's great, so think of that :)

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Yep i remember it well that sleepy dreamy phase, i had it for weeks maybe months.. i left the world to get on with its business while i focused on my quit and nothing else. It felt like i had a huge duvet around me as protection. enjoy it while it lasts .in my experience there was and still is lots of different quitting smoking weather patterns to come.


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