I don't understand!!: I am now in week 6 of... - No Smoking Day

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I don't understand!!

nsd_user663_50545 profile image
16 Replies

I am now in week 6 of my quit and up until now I have had no major issues. So how come I, now, feel like having asmoker? I even said it out loud this morning. I am so tempted to buy a pack and I really don't get why :confused:.

So far I have not given in but I thought at this stage in the game I would be over this sort of thing. Not feeling at all positive at the moment. :(

Please help

Quit date 19/07/12

20 a day for 16 years

Cold turkey and this forum

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nsd_user663_50545 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

well done on getting to week 6 of your quit :)

there are afew reasons your experiencing these yearns/craves or whatever you wish to call them

the main one being is if you have had a fairly easy time to start with ie not having that many craves or finding it easy to resist the automatic things you would normally associate with smoking

plus that good feeling of achieving the daunting prospect of actually stopping smoking does wan abit


it does get easier reading and posting on here will help

at certain stages in your quit you will get very strong desires to smoke especially the first of anything you do when you would normally have done while smoking

its your smoking side trying to tempt you with anything it can be it when your upset and stressed or out of the blue thoughts of

i want a ciggie or i need a ciggie to help me get through

you just have to ignore those thoughts and distract your mind till it passes

also the idea of smoking now for you is a fantasy but the reality at this stage would be you coughing your guts up and thinking wtf :eek:

why did i think this would taste how i imagined it

remember you have the control now but your addiction side will try and get it back

you just have to keep ignoring it

try saying out loud

i will not smoke today and keep a positive mind

onwards and upwards is the only way to go

nsd_user663_51033 profile image

feeling the same

hi charliegirl im in week 4 and 3 days and been feeling the same didnt know what the hell i was thinking all upside down thoughts but kept telling myself things can only get better and after reading carols post she made so much sence THANKS CAROL YOU ARE A STAR so charlie looks like we both are feeling the same we will keep saying NO !!!!!! I WILL NOT SMOKE TODAY !!!:)

AngryBear profile image

Hi Charlie I was EXACTLY the same in week 4. Weeks one & two were as rough as I expected and then week 3 was much better. Then came week 4 and it went backwards, it got so bad that I posted on here asking for help (I'll try and find it in a minute). It was really bizarre, I specifically wanted B & H fags, ones I'd not smoked in years and years.

This lasted a week or so for me as I remember, after day 30 it just went away. Be strong and don't give in, it's a temporary thing but it confused the hell out of me at the time, it was almost worse than week 1 :confused:

If your quit is anything like mine then after this spell you will feel marvellous, because I did, so here's hoping! ;)

AngryBear profile image

My post from July 22nd..if it helps!

This is the post I put on here on July 22nd, sounds a lot like your experience now....if it looks like it to you, the thread's in the same forum room as this is, about three from the bottom titled "help please guys!". There are a lot of replies, 17 I think. It must have worked because I'm on Day 68 now :D

Here goes......

"OK this is getting silly now...I'm on day 27 and the last two or three have been possibly the worst so far. Not in terms of temper but I just really want a fag. It's not a crave like I got in the first few days, it's hard to explain.

I'm not sure why I want one as the nicotine's long gone, there have been no situational triggers like I've had before, I've taken deep breaths (and enjoyed and appreciated the ability to do so), even read horror stories about ill health.... but I still want a fag. It's frankly getting on my bloody nerves now and I'd appreciate any advice in overcoming this period, it's baffling me!

I haven't had one yet and am sure it's only bloody-mindedness that's kept me off them. Silliest thing is, I really want a tailor-made B & H, something I haven't smoked since, as I recall, about 1992/3 (I went on cheaper tailor mades around then, then roll-ups since 1997, if memory serves). It's admittedly ridiculous.

My kids are so proud of me, they can hardly believe it. The missus though is getting annoyed with me saying the last few days how much I want a fag. I want her to give me permission, to tell me to just have one, I know how it works. She hasn't done, God bless her, she's seen this behaviour before with another thing.

So to sum up....arrrrrgh! mind you I feel a little better having typed all this!"

nsd_user663_49734 profile image

Hi All,

I had exactly the same thing. I also put a post about it somewhere around the same time as AngryBear. Stick with it though I promise it get's alot easier all of sudden for some unkown but wonderful reason. Keep up the good work.


nsd_user663_50545 profile image

Thank you

Thank you, thank you guys. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't vent here. It's very reassuring to know you're not the only one going through whatever it may be.

I definately think I got off lightly during my early days of the quit and I may be paying the price now. :( I need to keep telling myself how much I have gained so far like improved health and wealth.

I really hope I am strong enough to carry on. I am going to a family party on Saturday which has mixed blessings for me. On one hand I am looking forward to my family seeing how well I have done so far. On the other hand is my worries about drinking too much and my family members who are heavy smokers. Hey ho! I can only do my best.

I will keep smiling, I am a non smoker after all;)

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I'm on month 4 and iv had a trigger today. Felt a bit cold today with all the rain and darkness. So I got my portable fire out.. And that second I fort about smoking.. Cuz in winter I would be sitting by it fag in one hand cuppa in the other. It will pass.. Iv still got the feeling a bit now but it'sord like I want do sumthing with md mouth so iv chew gun

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

It could be that you've forgotten why you wanted to quit in the first place, and now that you're well on your way it seems strange to have quit. When we're feeling good it's easy to forget our more serious thoughts (and that nagging voice in the back of our minds telling us that we need to live more healthily).

I would suggest you sit down and write up a list of all the things that you find negative about smoking... But don't bother with the positives, because there aren't any! :D

You've had an easy time... and now it's not so easy, because you have to put in some effort to stay quit. You can do it!


nsd_user663_51649 profile image

Big help!

Hi, I'm new to all this.

I haven't smoked for 32 days now, cold turkey. For the last 5 days I have felt worse than I did in week 1!

I woke up this morning and instantly remembered I can't have a fag today which made me feel rather miserable again. Been really low and really tempted to go buy some fags to end the misery. Couldn't understand why I feel like this as the first few wks were rather easy. I was thinking this morning that maybe this is how I am gonna feel forever but thought I would look it all up on the internet and came across this forum!

So pleased to see that so many of u have got to this stage and felt the same as me. So now I'm thinking a bit more positively thinking it is a horrible phase and as long as I don't smoke it will actually go!!! Thanks guys :D

nsd_user663_37244 profile image

been there dont follow me

Many years ago I got to 6 weeks and was feeling pretty good , loads of energy and wife was happy that I finally got round to tearing down a horrible lean to stuck on the side of the house.

I stupidly went straight at it cutting through the metal frame with an angle grinder without using eye protectors.

Next stop sitting outside the doctors room at the hospital overhearing them discussing the chances of removing 70 metal splinters from my eye without leaving me blind.

You know the rest straight outside to the car park , lungs full of smoke again and back in the trap for years.

All completely stupid and after being sent to an eye spe******t my eye sight is fine and I am back at day 4 trying to kick the habit all over again.

No matter what happens a cigarette will not make any situation better so dont fall into the trap again.

Well done and just tough it out you've very nearly got it beat :)

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Hi, I'm new to all this.

I haven't smoked for 32 days now, cold turkey. For the last 5 days I have felt worse than I did in week 1!

I woke up this morning and instantly remembered I can't have a fag today which made me feel rather miserable again. Been really low and really tempted to go buy some fags to end the misery. Couldn't understand why I feel like this as the first few wks were rather easy. I was thinking this morning that maybe this is how I am gonna feel forever but thought I would look it all up on the internet and came across this forum!

So pleased to see that so many of u have got to this stage and felt the same as me. So now I'm thinking a bit more positively thinking it is a horrible phase and as long as I don't smoke it will actually go!!! Thanks guys :D

Hi stay strong and take it one day at a time. The first two weeks were great for me then bang.. It hit me the cravings the symptoms. Iv me sr befn the doctored so much since iv gave up smoking. Most of it was down to giving up smoking.

I remember one time sitting in my front room crying my eyes out punching a pillow because I felt that I'll from giving up. I got thru it and felt better the next day and glad that I didn't smoke..

So take it one day at a time. I said to my self I'm free to smoke when ever I want but today I choose not too.

nsd_user663_51649 profile image

Feeling happier today!

Thanks and well done to u for 100 days... Hope I can get that far!!

Well I turned a bit of a corner yesterday and thought if it is just a phase then chin up and get thr it. I didn't smoke even tho I weighed myself and put on 12lb in nearly 5 wks!! Now Im going to focus on eating healthy and stopping the rubbish lol, no point going and smoking now, got too far!

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Thanks and well done to u for 100 days... Hope I can get that far!!

Well I turned a bit of a corner yesterday and thought if it is just a phase then chin up and get thr it. I didn't smoke even tho I weighed myself and put on 12lb in nearly 5 wks!! Now Im going to focus on eating healthy and stopping the rubbish lol, no point going and smoking now, got too far!

Don't stress with the weight.. Tackle the non smoking first before the weight. Iv put on about 6 pounds but I'm just starting to do sum jogging

nsd_user663_52591 profile image

Suprised by the incredible "sameness of being"

I am on day 45 today with the help of Champix after being a pipe smoker for more than 40 years. Since I stopped I developed bleeding gums (after 2 weeks) , severe depression (week 3-4) and general iritabilty ( up to the present) This caused me to search the internet for some help and I stumbled on this website, discovering that I am not alone and that smokers are indeed a unique breed of people facing a challenge that most others do not understand.

I am committed to stop and allthough it took me many years to convince myself that I enjoyed my pipe I am 64 now and maybe it is time to finally grow up. Being quite adventurous I still have some mountains to climb and trips to complete and I want to thank all replying to this thread for contributing to my resolve.

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

good luck sebastian and welcome aboard the good ship quit. Its never too late.

There are many symptoms that may or may not effect you. I too had the gum/ulcer issue but thankfully it has pased.

And yes, only a smoker trying to quit can empathise with you.

we are all here for you.

nsd_user663_52080 profile image

Hi, I'm new to all this.

I haven't smoked for 32 days now, cold turkey. For the last 5 days I have felt worse than I did in week 1!

I woke up this morning and instantly remembered I can't have a fag today which made me feel rather miserable again. Been really low and really tempted to go buy some fags to end the misery. Couldn't understand why I feel like this as the first few wks were rather easy. I was thinking this morning that maybe this is how I am gonna feel forever but thought I would look it all up on the internet and came across this forum!

So pleased to see that so many of u have got to this stage and felt the same as me. So now I'm thinking a bit more positively thinking it is a horrible phase and as long as I don't smoke it will actually go!!! Thanks guys :D

I am on day 45 today with the help of Champix after being a pipe smoker for more than 40 years. Since I stopped I developed bleeding gums (after 2 weeks) , severe depression (week 3-4) and general iritabilty ( up to the present) This caused me to search the internet for some help and I stumbled on this website, discovering that I am not alone and that smokers are indeed a unique breed of people facing a challenge that most others do not understand.

I am committed to stop and allthough it took me many years to convince myself that I enjoyed my pipe I am 64 now and maybe it is time to finally grow up. Being quite adventurous I still have some mountains to climb and trips to complete and I want to thank all replying to this thread for contributing to my resolve.

I think you are amazing Sebastian for quitting (I dont like the term giving up because it implies losing something) for so long without the help and support of this forum.You are not alone and there will always be someone there in your hour of need.I stumbled onto this site on day 4 and experienced a massive wobble on day9.It was the support I received from members that saved me from throwing in the towel.Keep reading,and keep posting.Welcome Sebastian and all the best.

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