Well, I've got a few minutes spare so I thought it would be worthwhile me putting "pen to paper" and look back at the first ten days. This is in the main for my own benefit as it will give me something to come back to as time goes by but hopefully others may find it useful...
Last cigarette - Friday, 20th April. Midnight.
Using NHS Smoking Cessation Course - Patches and Inhalator
1. I can breathe! Part of the idea for this post came whilst out walking the mutt this morning. There's a big hill as part of our normal route and I noticed that today we strolled straight up it. No stopping, no out-of-breath, just a normal walk!
2. I'm sleeping better! In fact I'm sleeping slightly less but, whilst I'm waking up earlier, I'm waking up feeling fresh rather than still lethargic.
3. I'm not coughing my wotsits up every morning! I no longer need a good hack to try and clear the lungs before I start the day.
4. The "singing" in my sleep has stopped! That's "singing" as in wheezing in my sleep as I was breathing in and out. This really used to worry my infinitely better half as it sounded (in her words) bloody awful and sometimes there would be long pauses between breathes which scared her silly.
5. In general, I don't think I really miss smoking that much! There's been one or two things so far but I'll come on to them in a sec...
6. Something else is suddenly much better because I can now breathe. I could go further but I think that would be far toooooo much information!
1. There are certain triggers that I am struggling with - ie getting in from our walk and it's PC on, cup of tea and a fag. Well it was of course but it is getting easier. The inhalator really helps in these situations. I don't necessarily inhale but it does get me through the couple of minutes of, I won't use the word "craving" because it's not that, the couple of minutes of getting used to not doing I had done at this time for many years before.
2. Last Friday (Day 7) was really bad but I don't know why. I thought that I would be dead chuffed about reaching the first week but I just had a dull and empty feeling all day. Very strange. As day 8 went along I started to come out of it so it's probably just the brain getting used to not doing something.
3. I do sort of worry about getting off the patches and inhalator but I am happy with what the Course has allowed me to do so far so I'll just go with the flow and trust the nurse, I think.
Anyway, what started off as just being a few bullet points has turned into a bit of a waffle. If you are still reading at this point - thank you!
My next target is Thursday and my appointment with the lovely Elaine (Cessation Nurse). I know that I shall be walking in to the room with a big smile on my face and at the moment, that'll do for me!