My 1st day.: I've just had my last smoke at... - No Smoking Day

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My 1st day.

nsd_user663_44983 profile image
12 Replies

I've just had my last smoke at 12.15am (mon 19th march 2012).

So that makes me a non-smoker.

I will be going cold turkey with alot of N.O.P.E will power.

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nsd_user663_44983 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Good choice Snugsy! We will be with you all the way! There's lots of good stuff to read all over the forum.


nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Thanks viking, is there any tips for me or warnings I should know about?

I have been doing alot of reading on this forum and others as well.

I've got a extra challenge, just found out that my partner may carry on smoking.

I shouldnt been to bad today, I did manage to cut down to 4 smokes a day, last 4 days. Apart from today, I had a little bit more.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

Keep reading, rant on the forum, and never stop educating yourself. Ice cold water and walks do wonders for the first while. Its going to be tough having someone around still smoking, so keep the quit in the front of your mind. Most everyone I work with smoke, so it becomes a reminder of why you qwuit soon enough, with their coughing and smells. Remember to remain relaxed too! I'm just finishing day 3 this time, quit for almost 3 years before this one, figured one puff wouldn't hurt and soon enough was smoking full out. Stress the NOPE! Lol. Remember to post if things get too crazy, typing helps too!

nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Well done on your own quit... pat on back for you.

I did stop a couple of years ago, then we lost one of our cats (killed by neighbours dog), and that got us smoking again, I think we went for 3 months non smoking. What started me off, was when I found out partner was smoking behind my back, when he said he wasnt,ect. But this time he knows to be honest, and I wont be relying on his will power (dont mean to be mean),ect.

I'm feeling positive at the moments (very early days!), my big test will be when I wake up.

Thanks for your advice and keep up the good work.

nsd_user663_44983 profile image

See you later.

Going to bed now, just had cuppa with NO smokes! - yipee.:)

Catch up with you later on, in day 1 of freedom.

Take care.


nsd_user663_10532 profile image

Well done Anne. A big warm welcome from us all, this is freedom, enjoy it:D

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Well done Anne it is harder to quit while living with a smoker but it can be done just remember the reasons why you are quitting and just take one crave at a time they do pass and they will get easier :)

hope you have a good day


nsd_user663_44903 profile image

Msg from a newbie quitter !

Hi - I'm a novice at this really (stopped last week on No Smoking Day) but have had two large breaks in the past (9yrs and 6yrs) so I thought I'd have another go. Went Cold Turkey and though it's the hardest I personally find it the best way for me. Not going to lie to you. First 2-3 days were tough but cravings now are so few and far between and so much less intense. Someone gave me a bit of advice last week that I found really helpful too so I thought I would share it with you.

When you have a craving imagine in your head that you are only going to have to endure so many cravings - it will vary from person to person how many this is so say for eg I had to endure 50 cravings (which I haven't by any stretch of the imagination) so x=50. when that one has gone tick it off; then x=49; x=48 and so on. Eventually those cravings are going to run out. And you will find that you have none at all. I'm on Day 6 now - never thought I could do it and I have had to fight through some of the cravings but guess what I'm now at x=? and only had 2 yesterday though very weak ones. Let's hope that today is x=0 and that you too can get here with us. Also remember that everyone, in every thread, in every post on this forum wishes each other the best of luck with this challenge. You can do it.

Hope this helps a bit!!!


nsd_user663_44983 profile image


Still no smokeys !!!!!!:D,even with temptation around. Ian has just taken our doggy out, hes left his tobacco, lighter and ashtray there. But its going to be a great big ''NOPE'' !

Not been to bad today, the cravings are popping up, but like you all say, just take it one craving at a time. Been a little tight chested, nothing to worry about though.

For those of us who are quitting today, remember we can do this, and in fact we are doing it, everytime we say NOPE.

Nearly has a wobble, when we found out our new cat has got cat flu. wow... that was close. Still a NOPE though.

Thank you everybody for your support, it is invaluable.

nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Nearly finished day 1.

Well so far, so good, no smokeys and I'm nearly finished day 1 (its 11.15pm at the moment). Whopeee!:D

Its not been to bad, but I have been playing aztec tribe pc game, drinking water with lemon juice and chewing on sugar free gum. Been feeling a little ratty, told other half dont take it personally, its because of withdrawals.

Nearly had a smokey earlier, only because partner said theres a little bit of baccy left..... but nope, I didnt have it.

Well done to all of the others who have quit as well, on there first days... see you in day 2.

nsd_user663_1655 profile image

WTG Snugsy! Great job moving day 1 into the past!


nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Thanks viking.

Same goes to you as well, about moving your ... day(of course not day 1) in the past.

I feel over the moon tonight. Did a little jig around living room tonight, got strange looks of OH, doggy and catty.

Goodbye Day 1!!!

Take care.

Anne x

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