Who's inspired you on this forum? - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Who's inspired you on this forum?

32 Replies

Didn't know where else to post this, so because I'm on Day 2 I'll post it there.

Since I'm new, I don't know anyone on the forum. I'm wondering if anyone's willing to acknowledge other folks on the forum who've been particularly inspirational to them, for whatever reason. I'd like to read what these people have had to say.

Maybe they were inspiring because of their own story. Maybe they had great insights that they've shared. Maybe it was that they had good information to offer. I'm simply looking for suggestions on who I could sort of look to for support or whatever.

This make sense? :confused: I can't tell, i'm too lightheaded today to know what's actually going on!

32 Replies
nsd_user663_16968 profile image

What a lovely post.

I would like to say at the beg of my quit my fellow Oct 2010 Quit Buddies were my inspiration. They know who they are but they include Levs, Captain Crunch, snow33 and itsinthegenes. They were all there for me at the start and have been since.

I also would like to say that Cavalier, Tinkerbell and MAH have also been an inspiration. Thank you everyone who has been there in my times of need. xx

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

HELEN (HELSBELS) has been a real help to me, very supportive and inspirational! will always remember her!! she is a bit ahead of me in the quit. she has been through alot and has stayed stong!

also iv gotten a lot of encouragment from boo!! so thanks guys!!

all in all everyone has been pretty darn great to me!! 14 months quit and counting..good luck to all & keep it up !!

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

I am inspired by honesty. There are people on here who will tell me like it is and that's the way I like it. Austin inspires me when I read his posts, they are amazing:D. I can't say there is one person in particular but a whole host of people so I think THE FORUM inspires me :D

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

A few names. Austinlegro, cavalier, hellesbelles they always have inspiring things to say and lots of info to give.

Also capitan and si, who quit around the same time as me and we just sort of supported eachother at the very start.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Apart from myself;) my inspirations are the people who get through day 1 without smoking. That very first day is the most important day of anyones quit, its exciting, nerve racking, uncertain. But most of all the journey has began. And when i read day 1 done posts.. it makes me smile! because no matter how the journey ends that person has made that decision to quit which will be with them for keeps. :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

It would be impossible to name every person who's helped me along the road here, because every person on this forum is inspiring just for the fact that they've made that leap and kicked the habit. When I've struggled I've always felt that I've had an army of quitters at my back, a host of virtual friends that I would be letting down if I lit up. It's saved me many a time. This site is full of posts from gritty, witty, good hearted people. It's just an amazing place.

I'd have to shout out to all my Jan 11 quit buddies :)

But there are a few names that really stand out - AustinLegro, for the complete sense he talks. Boo, for her absolute honesty and steely determination. Cavalier for always being there with a kind word. And I've noticed some people behind me on this road that really go out of their way to be supportive - MrsT and Capitan spring to mind, and there are many more.

So I guess what I'm saying is you don't need to seek out great people on here, they're all over the place!

Really touched that I was namechecked above. I always worry that I ramble on far too much, it's nice to know it's helped some people :) Thanks guys x

nsd_user663_43995 profile image

Everyone does, its nice to see other peoples way of quiting

tho shojam is closer to my time and i think was first person to post on my thread

capitan-I feel like if i started smoking again i'd be in trouble :D

Kitkat-If i did start smoking again how would i get all the jokes :D

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

Ha ha funny that, I'm scared of Capitan too. He seems to be hiding around every corner waiting to kick my rear end whenever I need it. Where is he anyway?

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Right here watching! :p

Thanks for the name check folks, I feel humbled and honoured. :cool:

nsd_user663_3282 profile image




FFS....thanks for the kind comments :o

We each find our inspiration in a myriad of different ways, DGee. The inspiring aspect is that we do!!

Erm...I'm a little skeered of Capitan too. But he does give excellent advice from what I've read.

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

ahh bless you all i got some mentions [wipe the tear from my eye]

i remember the first person to answer my first post was cavalier felt lke my knight in shining armour

hellsbelles, im a quitter, neverstoptrying, camperpete, levs are all very forfront in my early days

more recently una-g, mrs T, lisa42 are brilliant and have a way with words

there are so many more to over the time these are just more prominent to me


nsd_user663_42755 profile image

Mrs T saved my bacon

Mrs T answered my first desparate post, and gave me some really sound advice that helped me to stop smoking again. On that basis, I went back and looked at the threads she had started, and then lots of her posts to others.

She is inspirational because she has been honest about her own experience, and has offered great support to so many on here. She never judges, but she is also not afraid to warn people if she thinks they are heading for trouble.

Don't know what she does for a living, but she would make a great social worker or counsellor! Thanks Mrs T.

I can also relate to Mash - again, he is so honest and has a real way with words. I always look out for his posts.

So many other great people on here, it's unfair to pick people out, but that's my view. :o

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

My quit buddy Fi, always straight forward, no bull, always supportive, battled her battle with nicotine and won.

My other quit buddy DAVO who is so awesome I lack the words. He's battled nicotine, cancer, living a rich live, making people smile and laugh.

Pol for her good sense of music, being lovely, and fun to talk to. Great supporter

MAH - lovely lady, like her a lot!

Bev... get your butt back here already!!

CJM - who finally did it and is still doing it!

JUDE, best sarcasm/post cat pic/story teller/wit thread buddy a girl could ever have. xx

Marg who was forum momma and I still miss her. Stuart, too, for being the best dancer and has proof.

Bibleblack who was always controversial, a big hug pain in the butt, but had a big heart regardless (at least I think) somewhere under that rock of his.

Manny who could get mad as hell and not be quiet about it.

ChrissyV haha I kinda did like her too sometimes.

Neverstoptrying who truly never stops trying. Change your name already!! Come back as donetryingdidit

Catwoman, the original forum sarcasm fan - and she did it well!

Nicfirth, well..... for his very important role on the forum ;)

Jase for being a kind, nice supporter.

Ellie, our Aussie quitter, always sweet and nice.

Carpenter and Carpenter's Mate, one quit, one didn't, but have not heard updates, maybe carpenter got inspired by his mate.

TKDJohn, I liked him, good supporter.

Jammypants, where are you??

Jackie always lovely to see her posting, always has a nice thing to say, wonderful lady.

Jody, another wonderful lady!!

Dragon, nogard.... she was great fun too!!!

Tinkerbell, Deke, bman, ktbird, duckling, twiste, bladeflyer, ha even bradders the ladies man :)

AND the Mods!! M1, M2, M3 all of them neat folks!

Everyone on here is inspiring is my point. Everyone has a story to tell, a personality to bring, to make this forum what it is. Love this place, lots of good memories. xx

lefoy123 profile image

dgee who inspired me

Hello DGee nobody on the forum actually inspired me to join. I knew that such group help organisations existed and from other experiences in life particularly with alcohol I found that such forums were beneficial in my recovery. So I had a look about and found the Wequit website. Has it helped? Yes. Most addicts and we who use Wequit are addicted to nicotine feel unique,thinking nobody thinks the we think as individuals.

You've probably notice that people who are not addicts/heavy users, advice is generally along the lines "pull yourself together" or words with a similar vein.

If only it was that easy, they have never felt the pain of cravings or the panic which went through me when I found I had tobacco but no cigarette papers or was broke and couldn't afford either. Only another addict appreciates these feelings. That's why speaking with like minded people(a forum) are beneficial.

Hang on in there it will get better.

Have you tried contacting any organisations such as Smokeline personally I enrolled on Smoking Cessation course which personally speakig helped me immensley.

Regards and Best Wishes in your efforts


nsd_user663_32615 profile image

I think different people bring different qualities. I have particularly appreciated:

Una for her unswerving support - I have always felt that she is there, just ahead of me

Helen for her eloquence and consistency

Davo for his daily presence and niche role (I miss him and hope he is well)

I have appreciated several of the old timers who drop in from time to time and share their experience.

But most of all, I think we are best collectively rather than individually. It is about a diverse group of people who spark off each other. Sometimes the results can be truly educational, sometimes very funny, occassionally tense, and sometimes simply surreal... Either way, it is our differences that keep this whole thing alive, and I wouldn't be without anyone on here.

And thank you for the mentions. I am slightly embarrassed but very touched. :o

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

this is an interesting thread as there are quite afew people that in the beginning both welcomed me onto the site and helped me along the way

but as Mrs T says

""I think we are best collectively rather than individually. It is about a diverse group of people who spark off each other. Sometimes the results can be truly educational, sometimes very funny, occassionally tense, and sometimes simply surreal... Either way, it is our differences that keep this whole thing alive, and I wouldn't be without anyone on here. ""

that about sums it up really apart from mentioning the newbies joining not only do they bring there own fresh ideas and characters to the forum they give us daily reminders of the early days that we long term quitters forget :eek:

onwards and upwards is the only way to go :)

hopefully david wilbe back soon you are greatly missed so get well pretty please with a cherry on the top :)

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

Loads of people helped me but its the ones who reached out when i first came on here back in march 2011 there was the one who had a wonderful quote about mountains and pebbles which kick started me i even made a huge poster of it and then there was another person who was always ummin and arrin like me but so supportive and consistent. I'd hate to mention names cos there are so many of you.WOW Iv just been overwhelmed with a wave of love for you all, what an enormous year this has been probably the most important one of my life so far. for me to quit smoking is amiracle and somat iv always hoped for and im ding it because of you people. i wont mention names cos it wouldnt be fair on those id have to leave out because there are so many of you. i love supporting people and getting support back it gives me a buzz. its one of the better things in life

Cheers Mashx:cool:

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

Woo hoo, I got one mention - Thanks Una-G.

To be honest despite the fact I have rubbed many a folk up the wrong way you have all helped me in one way or another so I thank you all especially those people who are ahead of me, you inspire me to keep going.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Well let's see... a whole bunch of people really! I wouldn't want to put them in particular order, so here they are in random order:

Helsbelles (she's seriously scary as hell!)

Davo (I miss his jokes, where are you bud?)

mash (woah! that was random!)

Betty Boop (all sense and no nonsense from this gal)

Karri (the queen of flounce, plays hard to get! (echos of another forum member's comment)

JohnJ9876 (where the f did you get those random numbers?)

KitKat72 (she makes me behave every once in a while... sometimes)

Nuttynursee (because she's always nice, no matter the weather)

Shojam (I have no clue why, but I think there's a rebel about to explode)

Carol62 (because she puts her foot down every once in a while)

... Many other people whom I'm sure I have forgotten.

Oh, and the dude who put the turd in Saturday... He just cracks me up!


nsd_user663_10532 profile image

Oooooo Alex, I think I like being a rebel :cool:, thank you. Lol

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Helsbelles (she's seriously scary as hell!)

Really? I don't mean to be! :o

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Really? I don't mean to be! :o

Only in the nicest way possible, of course! :D


nsd_user663_52535 profile image

For DGee

Didn't know where else to post this, so because I'm on Day 2 I'll post it there.

Since I'm new, I don't know anyone on the forum. I'm wondering if anyone's willing to acknowledge other folks on the forum who've been particularly inspirational to them, for whatever reason. I'd like to read what these people have had to say.

Maybe they were inspiring because of their own story. Maybe they had great insights that they've shared. Maybe it was that they had good information to offer. I'm simply looking for suggestions on who I could sort of look to for support or whatever.

This make sense? :confused: I can't tell, i'm too lightheaded today to know what's actually going on!

DGee Capitan, Alex76, Mash, Austinlegro, Dippy Egg, Bellablue, Una x 2!, Mrs T, Nuttynurse, Boo,

Hellesbelles, Carol62, Haze, Magic

But as Mrs T says so rightly

But most of all, I think we are best collectively rather than individually. It is about a diverse group of people who spark off each other. Sometimes the results can be truly educational, sometimes very funny, occassionally tense, and sometimes simply surreal... Either way, it is our differences that keep this whole thing alive, and I wouldn't be without anyone on here.

Fi x

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Zoemac for me.

AngryBear profile image

I've been inspired by a lot of posters, too many to list I suppose, either with inspirational posts, or examples of how I would NOT like to try to quit :D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Everybody that has gone before me and all those who follow!

The ones that went before that have held my hand and kicked my butt when I needed it.

The ones that are still joining everyday that may need the same from me, it helps so much to be able to speak of your own experiences. It all helps the healing process.

I must say a special thanks to Dippyegg, Haze and Helsbelles for giving me a slap in the face when I was feeling particularly sorry for myself! :D

also Sian, Nutmeg, Biggrin, Cymro, Shortstuff, Una, una-g, mrsm, Werthers ..... in fact there are too many names to think of!!

They are all just .... "there"

And there when you need them most

Thank you to all of you.

Should we have a group hug?

Think that would be a World Record? ... biggest hug in the world! :)



Unah profile image

There are far too many to count and I would hate to leave anyone out.

nsd_user663_53328 profile image

Lots and lots of people, I was going to make a list but it was too big and I didn't want to miss anyone lol :D

Una, Hazel, Paul and Shorty were awesome though. This site rocks for those serious about giving quitting a go!

nsd_user663_35351 profile image

This makes me feel quite emotional, sorry. Horse who replied to my 1st plea for help and has now disappeared!!

Boo, Fionacox, hellesbelles, Mrs T, Dorset, Tinkerbelle, and so many more...some still here and some resting!

This forum was and still is my lifeline.

Cav , Austin even bloody Francob have all helped. Also Karri who is a bit of a diva but always supportive.

Jamangie, Bladeflyer where are you?

You and so many others have been wonderful..lets keep on going folks x:)

I haven't mentioned all whom i admire so forgive me

Nice to know I have helped and I'm still remembered Una-g :D

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Nuttynursee (because she's always nice, no matter the weather)

Lol Thank you alex, that is so sweet of you. I should come on more though so i can help more people as i never seem to be here anymore. Have a great Christmas bud.

All the best xxx

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Lol Thank you alex, that is so sweet of you. I should come on more though so i can help more people as i never seem to be here anymore. Have a great Christmas bud.

All the best xxx

Thanks to you Jo! I still remember how you brightened up everyone's life back in the times when I was a regular on the forum.

Merry Christmas to you too Jo, and to everyone else on the forum!!!

I know it may sound trite, but it is entirely possible to live smoke free and happy. It may take mental strength, perseverance, and an occasional kick up the backside, but in the end you will be able to look back and feel proud of your accomplishments. Hang in there, it does get easier.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

All the lovely people on this forum who have listened to my moaning and given me helpful tips have inspired me!! It's fab to have somewhere like this :cool:

Big thanks to all of you and happy Xmas! ❤

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