Help needed.: Hi, I'm planning my first day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Help needed.

nsd_user663_44983 profile image
13 Replies


I'm planning my first day of not smoking this monday (18th march), was wondering if theres any thing I can do over the weekend, to make it easier for me on monday. I have stopped and started a couple of times in the past, plus I will be going cold turkey.

Thanks for any advice.

PS sorry if this is in the wrong place, still getting use to the forum.

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nsd_user663_44983 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_36288 profile image

Hi Snugsy - and welcome. You've found the right place for support, help and advice - and I'd say read, read, read ... and then read some more! Everyone approaches their quit differently, but planning worked well for me. One of the important things is getting your head in the right place - understanding your reasons for wanting to stop, examining why you smoke at all, and having some idea of what to expect in the early days. There is MASSES to read on here - have a look at the tips section etc.

Keep posting too!

Good luck for Monday!


nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Thanks Sue for your welcome.

I'm both nervous and excited at the same time, if that makes sense. Decided to choose monday, because my partners mum is coming on sunday. Abd he always stressed after seeing her. And hes thinking off quitting too.

This time I've decided to not depend on Ian as much, this time round. And just concentrate on my own journey. In the past I've tended to smoke ,when he does,ect.

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

:) Welcome Snugsy, Keep reading all posts and as Sue says their is loads of tips to read, stay strong be positive and make sure you have a good frame of mind.

All the best for your quit on the 18th.


Quit Date: 10.2.12

A couple of things have helped me when I've quit (I've successfully quit twice after two several-year periods of smoking, and today I'm on Day 2 of my third, AND LAST, quit after smoking for the past six years.


I found it helpful on my last day of smoking to actually have a little ritual for the last cigarette, including saying goodbye to it, and to smoking, etc. Then I made sure I'd cleaned and put away all the ashtrays, the lighters, etc. Had to make sure I'd taken out the trash with cigarette butts in it, because I knew even those smelly things would be tempting.

Then, I started a new mantra. It's quite simple: "I choose not to smoke." Not, "I'm quitting," but "I choose not to smoke." For me, that keeps it in the present tense, it leaves me in charge of my choices, etc.

I know that I quit one day at a time, one cigarette at a time. So, when the cravings start, I remind myself, "I choose not to smoke." I try to say that in a calm, thoughtful manner. I look at my cravings as someone outside me, who is being as silly, ridiculous, etc. as possible to get me to crack.

But if I can just remember to say, "I choose not to smoke," in a calm way, just as I might say something to a toddler who's out of control, pretty soon the craving gives up.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your quit!

nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Thanks, friends for your advice.

Tonight, I've started to cut down. I had my last ciggie at 6.45pm, and now its 9pm. By know I would have had one after something to eat, with a cuppa, and a aprrox 2 more.

I can feel the urge to have one, but I keep on telling myself, what I'm feeling is for my benefit... nicotine leaving body, so just embrace it, not give in to the urge. Probably ... might or not... have a smokey later. Will feel guilty though, even though its not might quit day till monday. Sorry if I'm upsetting anybody, talking about still smoking, just trying to be honest with you all.

I mentioned to my partner, ian about having a drink of water, got snapped at, he said he was doing fine till i mentioned it. So ive learnt to keep things to myself or speak on here, and be there for ian when he wants to talk.

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Awww hun the worst thing i think is to trying to avoid thinking about smoking. I just let myself think/talk about it. It would be like torturing myself if I tried not to think about it. Every tuesday morning I go into work and a couple of people asks me how the none smoking is going. Would it be ok to snap at them and say I wasn't thinking about it til they asked? Noooo! I think you will do better by talking about it even if it is just on here. After all it does bring a lot of emotions out, luckily I've only suffered 2 days of anger and depression, 2 days in a row where I couldn't control my emotions and then I was ok, if you experience anything like that its better to talk about it I reckon! No need to suffer alone x

Oh and you're not gonna upset anyone here by saying about smoking, don't worry. We wouldn't come here if we wanted to avoid thinking about it :) xx

nsd_user663_44633 profile image

just do it

well done, just do it. I've gone cold turkey before and failed, if you can do it then great, fab, (and I'm jealous!). I'm too weak willed to do that myself so I would advise the patches. I'm only 2 weeks in though, and I'm already dreading coming off them! GOOD LUCK, YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

nsd_user663_44983 profile image

oooooh.... just had a smokey!:( I've not done too bad tod day, only had 6 today, usually have 20 plus each day. Shall I keep on like this, cutting down, till my no smoking date, or shall I stop tomorrow? What do you think?

nsd_user663_44157 profile image


Only you can decide that but you sound really positive at the moment so I would suggest you got for it rather than wait. Just think by Monday, your original quit date you will be on day 4. How good will that be?

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I belong to the 'read, read, read' school of thought. Spend your time browsing the blogs and forums and support sites and videos out there - see if you can find some things that really click with you and help you get your mind in the right place. Because, to borrow a phrase from another forum member 'we quit in the subconscious'.

I found woofmang very inspirational. Maybe, like him, you could try writing a goodbye letter to your cigarettes. Good therapy.

Other than that my only advice would be don't be afraid of this - it is achievable, and although the going may be rough at times the end result is better than you could imagine. Freedom. It rocks.

Happy quitting!


nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Hi everybody,

I've decided to stop on monday, and cut down over the weekend. And ian,my partner says he will stop with me. He has promised this time not to lie to me, says hes stopped smoking, but smoking behind my back, like last time.

Its 2ishpm here, and I've only had 1 ciggie today, that is very good going for me. My next test will be when I come back from the big shop and have a cuppa.

Just got back from shopping, had a cuppa, with smokey... only had 2 today.. yipee!!! Didnt think about a smokey, until was driving back in car, usually would have one in car park,ect. So we shall see what happens tognight. I forgot to tell you, never had smokey in bed before sleep last night, which is very unusual.

Thank you all for the advice, which I have been reading.

nsd_user663_40738 profile image

Snugsy01, all I can say is you need to quit which ever way is best for you!!!

I quit on New Years. New's years eve I smoked so many smokes i thought I was going to get sick. At 9:30 PM, I emptied the ash tray, washed it, put it away, got rid of my lighters and all smoking material. Any smokes left went to my boyfriend. I put on a patch and went to bed.

In less than 2 weeks I went Cold turkey because the patch was causing me problems. I have now been without a cigarette for 76 days. Each morning I wake up and say "NOPE....not one puff ever." It works for me. And I live with a smoker. His smoking does not bother me, what bothers me is the years I spent sucking on those things and the money I THREW away!!

As a reward for not smoking my boyfriend is sending me to San Antonio, Tx to meet my brand new grandson. He was born this past Monday.

You go!! I have faith in you and know that if you really want to quit you will!!! Nothing will stand in your way!! Good luck on your journey, it is only just beginning!! ppat

nsd_user663_44983 profile image

Congratulations ppat on your grandchild:)

I'm getting annoyed today with myself, mainly because there is tobacco lying around, which belongs to both of us. Today I've only had 1 sofar, but its bugging me... baccy is there!. Can't wait for monday in someways, because I dont want any baccy arround,ect. But ian has said, that hes happy just cutting down, so i might have to get use to seeing it around anyway. Sorry about rant.

So ive been busy cleaning,ect. You could say this is like a test to myself before the big day... n.o.p.e day. I've learned last 2 days, is that its harder for me, knowing there is smokes around. But ian says its easier for him, knowing there is smokes around. I guess we are all made differently.

Is there many people whos stopping on monday (19th march)?

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