I am alone at home in Control: Two best... - No Smoking Day

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I am alone at home in Control

nsd_user663_44926 profile image
7 Replies

Two best things that happened to me... Twice I was standing next to my friend who was smoking on day 1 and yes I was in control :)

Today I am all alone at my place, no ciggis at home and I am feeling better and better...

But yes, everyone, be cautious.... have one and you are back to your normal habit. Let us not do that at all.

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nsd_user663_44926 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_44862 profile image

Hi Rubal

Thanks for your post. I came on here as i noticed a spare ciggy lying in my car this morning and i havent been able to stop thinking about it! Keep thinking, well i could just have it and thats its done! :eek: You are right, it only takes one to get back on the road to ruin, so i am going into my car right now and i'm going to crush that fag into smitherines.

Thanks for your help. :)


nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Thats it go and crush it up NOW

13 years stopped then I had just one. That was nearly 15 years ago and here I am now trying to get over that one won't hurt idea. You will find a lot of people on here with the same story. So dont even think about it.

nsd_user663_44862 profile image

Aw, it just shows you how one really does lead to another. Good luck with your new attempt, i think you will crack it this time as you are aware of the pitfalls.

Well that ciggy is now well and truely crushed and mashed up into tiny pieces!!!

1-0 to me!!:):)

nsd_user663_44835 profile image

Last night when i got back in from work i was talking to my partner as he was outside on the decking having a ciggie!!! As usual he went to give me one from the pack but I just said no, actually i won't thanks!

It was a close one but the feeling I had of accomplishment when i went to bed later and knew i had not given in was just amazing!

keep the faith everyone, crush them underfoot or just ignore them, just get them out your life!!!


must be fate ...

Hi Rubal

Thanks for your post. I came on here as i noticed a spare ciggy lying in my car this morning and i havent been able to stop thinking about it! Keep thinking, well i could just have it and thats its done! :eek: You are right, it only takes one to get back on the road to ruin, so i am going into my car right now and i'm going to crush that fag into smitherines.

Thanks for your help. :)


Rubal's was the only thread I read since I joined today .. day 2 already for me :o)

I read Denise's comment about finding a cig in the car and crushing it .. Well done I thought .. must give you a great sense of control over your destiny.

Then whilst hoovering I found a cig upstairs .. the difference is this cig had my name on it. Panic set in .. well after I realised that I wasn't supposed to pick it up and smoke it that is. Glad I'm not doing cold turkey .. took me all my strength to remove myself to where my crave electronic cigs are and took 3 puffs (1st of the day) and 1/2 a nico gum and then found the strength to destroy that cig. It was shouting 'light me' all the way to the bucket. :p

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Nice one Suze

Your a non smoker, don't it feel great

Thank you .. I am, I will continue to be and yes, it does!

Better go do some work though :)

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