Made it to Day 2!!: Feeling very pleased with... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Made it to Day 2!!

nsd_user663_44835 profile image
24 Replies

Feeling very pleased with myself, glad I didn't cave in last night, came close by the way!!!

Bit light headed this morning, don't know if it's withdrawal or just low carbs, but had a great sleep last night, no nightmares, no discomfort!

Going to focus on work today, and hopefully the smell of my colleague after she's just been for a smoke will put me off rather than make me want a ciggie!!!

For the rest of you on day 2: let's do this!


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nsd_user663_44835 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Well done you!! I am also on my second day, and yes like you I nearly caved in last night, but still going strong (I hope), I am at work later and I hope I get through it :-)

nsd_user663_44903 profile image

Hey well done !!

Hey - well done to you - our second day together off the weed - shall we be buddies?

How good do you feel today?? !!!!! I feel so much better .........!!!

nsd_user663_44835 profile image

and well done you clare! :)

I got so much done yesterday at work and have my schedule all laid out for me today lol

might even get a promotion for all this extra work? (yeah, right!)

Anyway, have a good day and keep strong .....


nsd_user663_44903 profile image

Clare 141

Hey Clare - Day 2 for me too! Plus in your neck of the woods (H'pool)!!

We can do this - found last night a bit tough but it's over and there's no going back now eh? :D

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Thank you both, I feel I am struggling, but lots of cups of tea helped me through yesterday, but today I have work so no tea to get me through, I hate vending machine tea!! Addictivenature I am about 6 miles west of Durham City, so yes sorta in my neck of the woods lol :-)

nsd_user663_44835 profile image

I feel great AN!!! bit light headed as I said but i smell so much better lol

couldn't believe how strong the stink of smoke is to people who don't smoke, I'm noticing it on people getting on the bus or even just walking past me, and that's only after 24 hours of not having one myself!!!!

Well done to you for reaching day 2!! We can do this if we all stick together!:D


nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Yay we should all stick together and encourage each other, I am all for any support that is on offer, and like you Stuart I am going cold turkey too. I am a bus driver, and even as a smoker I hated ppl smoking just before they got on the bus as they breathed their smoke out and it made my cab stink, it will probably be 100 times worse today, oh well I will keep my body spray handy and spray the cab liberally everytime someone gets on my bus that has just put a cigarette out

nsd_user663_44862 profile image

Hi Stuart.

Whoo hoo, I've also made it to day 2! :)

I'm sure we'll manage just fine today. You're right, the smell of other smokers is awful!! That wont be us anymore!!

I'm still cold turkey and reading Allen Carrs easyway to stop smoking. That book is fab, i pick it up everytime i need a bit of willpower. I would recommend it to anyone who's trying to quit cold turkey.

Well all the best to everyone else on their 2nd day. Hope its painless. Stick with it, and be proud of yourself, you,re doing great!!!!!!:D

nsd_user663_44835 profile image

Sticking together sounds good, I'm sure we can all get through it with encouragement from the others and using each other as sounding boards if it gets a bit scary!!!!!

And to everyone else starting at this time, feel free to join the quitters!!!

I'm feeling pretty damned positive just now I have to say although i might try your trick clare and spray Lynx every now and then lol

Might give the book a look denise, although i brought in girl with dragon tattoo to give me something to do in quieter moments!

*whisper - how do you tell the person who works beside you that she smells bad?*

nsd_user663_44924 profile image

Hi Stuart

Yesterday was my first day too and your posts really helped me get through it. I read Allen Carr and he doesn't advocate NRT so I am cold turkey too. Which is just as well as I am pregnant (only two weeks) which is why I am giving up. First time I have ever attempted it so I am not sure what to expect. Up till now I have been ok, it's the mornings (and evenings!!) that are worse for me. Anyway, I just wanted to say it is really helpful having you all here. And good luck to you all!


nsd_user663_43344 profile image

You are all doing so well:)

The first few days are the most difficult... Keep it up, It does get easier as time goes by, It really does, Just fight through those cravings and you'll be fine. Im on Day 27 today and I feel great!:D I barely even think about smoking anymore, Actually the only time I really think about it is when I log onto this forum but it doesnt bother me at all.. well done all!

nsd_user663_44926 profile image

keep in control folks

Day 2 again for me and along with the excitement, I am bit worried as well. This is my 3rd 2nd day.

We need to stay focused and for everybody's benefit: avoid alcohol if you have a tendency to smoke a lot when you drink.

That is one place where I lagged in my last two attempts to quit. Be careful and enjoy our 2nd smoke free day... more to come...

nsd_user663_44835 profile image

Hi kim, first of all congratulations on the new arrival! You're making the decision to quit for two people now .....

Yeah, looks like we got a bit of a team going here ... March 14th quitters! Yay, go us! :D

and rubal, stay with us, we can all do this ..... look forward to hearing more from you

Hope everyone's day is going ok and all still focussed

Stuart :cool:

nsd_user663_8148 profile image


Day two for me also, bit worried about the weight as I have had the munchies a bit.

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Been a little bit of a struggle so far, first thing was I went to put my cigarettes in my pocket before I left to go to work then realised I had none as I've given up, the drive to work was hard as normally smoke two cigarettes, then when sat waiting for my bus 2 other drivers lit up, that was hard. Luckily no one got on my bus having just smoked, so that was a relief. Back out on the road for 4hrs now, I hope I don't crumble :-)

nsd_user663_44924 profile image

I am working from home today which makes it even harder for me. I don't usually bother with a massive breakfast or lunch but had both today, and chewing gum at all other times. Definitely not as weird a yesterday though, just not having a packet on me was bad enough then! Me and my husband (who is giving up too but laughs in the face of forums!) chatted last night about who in our friendship circle still smokes and it was frightening to think we were the last few, that has given me some motivation today too. For the time being!!

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Thank you both, I feel I am struggling, but lots of cups of tea helped me through yesterday, but today I have work so no tea to get me through, I hate vending machine tea!! Addictivenature I am about 6 miles west of Durham City, so yes sorta in my neck of the woods lol :-)

I'm from bishop auckland so a few of us from north east

I feel great AN!!! bit light headed as I said but i smell so much better lol

couldn't believe how strong the stink of smoke is to people who don't smoke, I'm noticing it on people getting on the bus or even just walking past me, and that's only after 24 hours of not having one myself!!!!

Well done to you for reaching day 2!! We can do this if we all stick together!:D


Haha wait til you've done 7 weeks like me, smoke smells disgusting!! Mind u it didn't smell this disgusting til the last 2 weeks, I'm pleased I've reached the stage where it smells awful now. Its not that it didn't smell awful before but now to me it just smells so stale and strong, if someone has a fag and comes and sits in my living room, not even right next to me, I can smell em. Rotten!

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Well done to all of you day 2 quitters, and you wait till you get to 35 days which is where im at and everytime I pass someone smoking, it makes me feel sick and yuck. Anyway good luck to all of you in your quit.


Quit Date: 10.2.12

I'm another Day Two kinda guy, popping in to say hi and it's good to see all of you. When my clock struck noon, I realized I was not only half way through Day Two already, but halfway through the first three days as well!

We can do this, people! Stay strong, hang in there, and soon we'll all be feeling much better! :)

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

I am really struggling right now, I left work an hour ago, and when I got in the car I wanted a cigarette really badly, I got home I have had my tea, and yes I want a cigarette, in fact I would kill for a cigarette right now lol :mad:

I am really struggling right now, I left work an hour ago, and when I got in the car I wanted a cigarette really badly, I got home I have had my tea, and yes I want a cigarette, in fact I would kill for a cigarette right now lol :mad:

I just had a whopper of a craving. One that made me say, "Is this worth all this anguish? The convenience store is right down the street. And besides, who would know?"

Came from the kitchen, where the craving began, to my home office, and got on the computer and came to this site to look for new posts. Found a couple, offered a response to some of them, and then came to this one.

It was only then that I realized the craving I'd been having, the one I thought was so strong I might actually go buy cigarettes and sabotage me quit, yes, that one - had slipped away, sight unseen, somewhere between the kitchen and the office.

And so, as I write this, I'm fine, I'm calm, I'm happy for my progress, and I know, if I can do it, YOU can do it too! Hang in there!

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Glad ur getting there DGee, but I am crumbling, I am so tempted to jump in the car and go to the shop and get some, so I am having a read of posts on here to see if it helps and gives me will power to carry on :(

Glad ur getting there DGee, but I am crumbling, I am so tempted to jump in the car and go to the shop and get some, so I am having a read of posts on here to see if it helps and gives me will power to carry on :(

Nooooooooo! Don't cave! You can do this - it will get easier, I promise!

nsd_user663_44912 profile image

Thank u DGee, yes I know it will get easier, but just hate having these cravings, and not only that I just want to eat everything in sight, and I am not even hungry!! Oh well I think a cup of tea, my book, some sudokus and bed for me, for tomorrow is another day and I think it may just be harder than today :eek:

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