Day 6-1/2 - Struggle: To sum up today in... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6-1/2 - Struggle

nsd_user663_13779 profile image
13 Replies

To sum up today in 1 word - struggle

You know it’s bad when I'm counting by 1/2 days - lol

should I, shouldn't I, should I, shouldn't I, just one? how about just a half? ok just 2 hits - good news is only 12 more long hours until bed time.

It seems that every other day is a struggle for me- yesterday I was fine all day not 1 real craving. Today back to a struggle.

sorry for the rant.

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nsd_user663_13779 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_42145 profile image

Hey Sparky,

Sorry to hear your struggling. I struggled for weeks, after day 3 the nicotine is out of your system, but then it's a mental thing. re training your brain. Right now I'm reading Allen Carr's easy way to quit and it is amazing. If you look under my posts, you'll see that I posted the link to the book for free, you can print it out or save it.I advise everyone to read it. It helped me kill my mental monster.

nsd_user663_13779 profile image

Thanks Jubilee, The majority of stress for me comes from work so not much can do about it just need to find a way to cope with it a little better. I watched Allen Carr's web cast a few days ago and took my patch off for a few hours and found myself facing a total relapse of smoking so ran back to put one on again. One thing I've learned over all my quit attempts is that I’m not very good at it.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

hey Sparky dont spark up should be your mantra. seriously tho u might benefit from revisiting yor reasons for quitting. one of mine was to escape the madness and sheer misery caused from umming and arring , should i stay or should i go now, tottally poxing misery. make a choice and stick with it. if your male u might want hard ons in your thirties and forties . you wont have this pleasure if you carry on and you wont half miss em. ps quitting smoking brings em back.. please dont be offended by this its a very underestimated reason to quit and one thats never mentioned in this prudish beige culture of ours.

Mash x:cool:

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Hey Sparky,

Sorry to hear your struggling. I struggled for weeks, after day 3 the nicotine is out of your system, but then it's a mental thing. re training your brain. Right now I'm reading Allen Carr's easy way to quit and it is amazing. If you look under my posts, you'll see that I posted the link to the book for free, you can print it out or save it.I advise everyone to read it. It helped me kill my mental monster.

Or the 'big monster' lol I'm at the end of the book now, reviewing the instructions. So I was thinking about the moment of revelation. I think I've had mine. I'm enjoying social things, even work, so much more now I don't have to go out for a ciggie. I never thought I'd be able to get through things if I quit. But I get through them better!!

Thanks Jubilee, The majority of stress for me comes from work so not much can do about it just need to find a way to cope with it a little better. I watched Allen Carr's web cast a few days ago and took my patch off for a few hours and found myself facing a total relapse of smoking so ran back to put one on again. One thing I've learned over all my quit attempts is that I’m not very good at it.

I've decided to carry on with the patches too. I just don't think I can deal with feeling disorientated and irritable for a few days. I think it would just set me back. And maybe give me doubts wether I've ever been strong enough.

hey Sparky dont spark up should be your mantra. seriously tho u might benefit from revisiting yor reasons for quitting. one of mine was to escape the madness and sheer misery caused from umming and arring , should i stay or should i go now, tottally poxing misery. make a choice and stick with it. if your male u might want hard ons in your thirties and forties . you wont have this pleasure if you carry on and you wont half miss em. ps quitting smoking brings em back.. please dont be offended by this its a very underestimated reason to quit and one thats never mentioned in this prudish beige culture of ours.

Mash x:cool:

Really great reason. No man wants to be impotent. It also effects sperm count for any man wanting to have children in the future

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

GREAT to see you back here!! So my constant nagging on facebook worked then??;)

Hey, inbox me ANYtime you need a moan/support/a rant etc.

nsd_user663_13779 profile image

Mash - That is the funniest post I have ever seen. I just turned 40 not long ago and luckily i haven't had any of the problems you mentioned - I better stop before I regret it in the future. (still laughing about it)

Rochelle - I like the patches soooo much that I'm considering increasing to 2 patches rather than just one - lol

Karri - "Blimey" It's not a word I familiar with but judging by the :eek: face it doesn’t look good.

Claire30 - My best friend in the world !!!!:D:D:D. I figured it would be a surprise some day when you logged back on to see that I stopped smoking again. I didn't want to post it through facebook just incase I couldn't stick with it again. Yes your nagging was a big factor (thank you so much) if you weren't nagging I may still be smoking - lol

Thank you all again - so far so good

nsd_user663_13779 profile image

Karri I'm driving down the road by myself reading your post and laughing so hard the people in the cars around me are looking at me like I'm crazy

nsd_user663_41857 profile image

Rochelle - I like the patches soooo much that I'm considering increasing to 2 patches rather than just one - lol

lol, hey, dont be two timing those poor patches.

oh and blimey is just a word us UK people use like another word for 'yikes!!' or 'holy shit!!' lol you should come to the North East of England, you would learn a WHOLE new language. :D

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

OOps sorry didnt mean to offend anyone:eek:

Mash x

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

a few hours after that post i couldnt get back into forum i convinced myself id been banned and locked out ,i nearly joined another forum i was convinced the administrators had read my post and decided i was a total perve and shouldnt be on this forum . i was really upset that i may never hear from you all again. 12 hrs i was locked out for...

ps wtf does LMFAO mean im from the 20 century.

mash x

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I think we all knew where you were coming from with that post about impotence Mash. :D :D :D

See what I did there? :D

nsd_user663_13779 profile image

You guys (and girls) are great for a laugh as well as support. Thank you all so much. I can't believe I am still hanging in there. Maybe this really will be the attempt that works for me. Thanks again everyone

nsd_user663_42755 profile image

Well done from me too. You may be struggling, but you are on that road. I wish I could get to where you are right now. Don't give up.

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