Grrrrrrr@help2quit: I went to my appointment... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_35711 profile image
14 Replies

I went to my appointment today so chuffed that not only was I in the last day of week 3, but also that I had done the last week without patches.

Well what a way to crush someone. I told her with a huge grin that I had stopped using the patches...*ohhhhh* says she * we don't recommend that*

Why? I asked her. *well we just don't, we agree that you should stay on them for the 12 weeks. I dont need them though says I. Im still on the lozenges though I say. Ahhh so you've just replaced them with the lozenges she says smiling. Nope say I. I was using both remember? Ive cut down the 21mg a day from the patches.

Im so pleased I say to her, I cant believe Ive got this far. *well* says she *its still early days*

Way to go help2quit thats how you encourage and aid people to quit.

Thank God I have you lot to encourage and praise and tell me off when needed.

i BELIEVE I have done well and thank God I only have to see her every fortnight now. You are my help2quit group and I dont need miss happy nurse.

So I am now on the last day of week 3 and will be moving on in the morning to finish my month off in month 1.

Without this forum and without the support I get here I have no doubt I wouldnt be looking forward to finishing a month.

Thank you to all of you :D:D

lillie xx

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nsd_user663_35711 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Hi Lillie

Am having a similar reaction from my quit nurse. I'm about to go down to the final stage patch 10mg and I'm only in Week 6. I did this because I think the patches are affecting me adversly. My quit nurse is somewhat horrified and can't seem to cope when people don't follow "the programme". I told her I have severe muscle weakness which has only come about in the last 3 Weeks, I think it's the patches (lets not forget Niotine is a poison).......she laughs at me whilst opening her Nicotine leaflet and states that "The ONLY side effects from patches are Nausea, Headache and Itching" She also said how can I say it's the patches, it's only nicotine and you had far more from smoking. I explain that it's a slightly different method of delivery ie bloodstream not lungs, could that be an answer, perhaps my muscles don't like being bombarded with nicotine in this manner?? She looks at me and shakes her head like I am nuts. I am now even more determined to get off the patches so I can prove once and for all that it's the patches making me feel ill..!!

I have concluded that they are only trained to follow a set programme and thay aren't trained to deal with anyone who deviates. They will keep repeating "you must stay on the full course" I asked why, she said "Because it says so on the packet"...........I gave up any hope of medical support at that point! :eek:

As you say, thank god for this forum eh :)


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Oooh lillie, your miss happy nurse sounds like a right barrel of laughs NOT:mad: If it had been me I would have stuck the un-used patches all over her and bounced the lozenges off her head:D I don't understand these people - it's like they don't really want us to quit, so that they can keep us in our place and feel superior to us. Control freaks all of them I say. I had a similar experience at my stop smoking clinic when I described the first 3 days of quitting to the advisor there. She said I probably wouldn't have done it if I hadn't been on Champix. How does she know?? Does she think I have no willpower?? I have missed out loads of Champix and I am still here nearly at the end of Week 5. I could be cynical and say that nobody ever recommends cold turkey because nobody makes any money out of cold turkey, unless it's in a sandwhich of course:D

Anyways lillie, you have done well, you are doing well, and you WILL make it in spite of, not because of, miss smarty pants happy nurse.

WELL DONE YOU:D See you in Month 2.

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hey Pip,

Just who is nuts here??

she laughs at me whilst opening her Nicotine leaflet and states that "The ONLY side effects from patches are Nausea, Headache and Itching"

Well erm, who wants to spend 12 weeks feeling sick, itchy and with a headache??:eek:

Sometimes these stop smoking advisors/quit nurses make me feel like Alice In Wonderland, but that's not them of course, after all I am on Champix....


nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Keep going Lillie - you are right to be confident in yourself, because it has got you through so far, hasn't it? I suspect that these nurses don't get that much spe******t training, and they certainly don't appear to demonstrate much of an understanding in many cases. I only went to mine once, and disliked the service so much that I never went back. Besides being a waste of my time, I didn't want them taking the credit for my quit!

nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Hi Zoe

I think they must have us all down as bonkers !!!

Just because a person is stupid enough to smoke does not make them stupid perse!!

I think she patronises me........hahaha the silly ex smoker is now blaming the life saving patches I prescribe when I alone.....the quit nurse have rescued her from a lifetime of nasty ciggarettes pffffftt! :cool:

Lets be under no illusion, the only help she has given me is access to a prescription for which I pay £7 or something rather than £47 !!

I am grateful that the NHS are funding this as I think it's brilliant and vital for people who want to quit.....but please please please I wish they would train the nurses to give more support emotionally and physically!

Again, god bless this forum and all who sail in her :D:D without it I would by now have set fire to the damn patches and shoved the inhilator up......ahem I think I'll stop there ;)


nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Pip I agree with you,

please please please I wish they would train the nurses to give more support emotionally and physically!

I have been going to the stop smoking clinic for five weeks now and the best piece of advice I have been given is 'suck frozen grapes'.:rolleyes: Other than that she just bangs on and on about 'the product' and actively discourages anyone to go cold turkey. And THEN changes tack in mid-stream and says 'the product only does 50% of the work, you have to do the other 50%'. Caught her out on that one though, cos I said 'well how come I get the HARD 50% and the tablet gets the EASY 50%:eek: it's not FAIR';)

And on that note I am going back to my vanilla yoghurt yum!!

Oh and erm, watch where you are aiming that inhalator....


nsd_user663_34855 profile image

Oh and erm, watch where you are aiming that inhalator....


Zoe.....I have 2 x inhilators aimed and for each of the nurses nostrils next time she laughs at my side effects ;)


nsd_user663_35711 profile image

LOL I love you lot you brighten my day.

Lillie xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hey lillie I found you some dragons eggs if you go and look in the 'group'. Just don't look too closely at the little barrel on legs in the pink top lol:o


nsd_user663_35121 profile image

Trust yourself Lillie, no-one else, esp. a nurse who has no idea whatsoever about what you're going through.

nsd_user663_35711 profile image

I saw them Zoe, so fab. When I go back to work Im gonna see if I can buy one. Lizzie you are so right, sod her lol, I only need her script anway:p:D

nsd_user663_35834 profile image

You are my help2quit group and I dont need miss happy nurse.

I have concluded that they are only trained to follow a set programme and thay aren't trained to deal with anyone who deviates. They will keep repeating "you must stay on the full course" I asked why, she said "Because it says so on the packet"...........I gave up any hope of medical support at that point!

If it had been me I would have stuck the un-used patches all over her and bounced the lozenges off her head I don't understand these people - it's like they don't really want us to quit, so that they can keep us in our place and feel superior to us. Control freaks all of them I say.

Besides being a waste of my time, I didn't want them taking the credit for my quit!

Again, god bless this forum and all who sail in her without it I would by now have set fire to the damn patches and shoved the inhilator up......ahem I think I'll stop there

I have been going to the stop smoking clinic for five weeks now and the best piece of advice I have been given is 'suck frozen grapes'.

Trust yourself Lillie, no-one else, esp. a nurse who has no idea whatsoever about what you're going through.

Wow.....! :eek:

Is there a collective name for a 'gang of women' all sat around their couldron sticking pins into those quit nurse effigys (sp)

This thread is ACE !! lol :D

What is all that nonsense about quitting smoking turns you into a miserable moaning so and so...... lol :p

Sorry ladies..... but reading Lillies original 'thread' followed by all those lovely compliments for quit nurses/advisors really tickled me... lol

Let's hope there's not too many of those nasty quit nurses read this forum..... :eek:

Luv n stuff

The Dragon x

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

That's the problem Dragon,

Let's hope there's not too many of those nasty quit nurses read this forum.....

They DON'T read this forum and get all huffy if I mention it in groups, but it is so valuable to all off us. But smartypants quit nursey knows best. Yeah right. (Followed by a few expletives).

Reckon ALL of us here could start our OWN quit clinic for rich people and make a mint:D:D

Just a thought,


nsd_user663_36231 profile image

well done lillie

three weeks your doing fantastic, only you no how you feel and when your ready to move of patches it is your quit and your doing well i think these nurses should be a bit more understanding and deal with everybody individually not just sterotype everybody and quote text books

well done you were all proud of you!!!:)

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