3 weeks crossed off today: That's 3 weeks... - No Smoking Day

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3 weeks crossed off today

nsd_user663_33095 profile image
8 Replies

That's 3 weeks done :)

Quite happy about it, except week 3 has been pretty rough, and I didn't really expect things to be this difficult.

I really hope next week will be easier.

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nsd_user663_33095 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_30954 profile image

You've done really well to survive 3 weeks

especially cold turkey

you must have very strong willpower

strong focus as well

I found the grief and loss the most intense part of

quittting ..

irrational emotions

i was upset because i went up town and just

came home again .. when i smoked i would of sat

on a bench .. had a ciggie and people watched for a while

i wrote my feelings (howl) down ..

i coud then emotionally see that i could sit on the bench

and people watch .. just without the ciggies

i couldnt get there intellectualy .. it had to be an emotional

understanding ... weird


Best wish's with your quit

Regards River xx

nsd_user663_33545 profile image


well done . You can be so proud of yourself :D

nsd_user663_32559 profile image

Well done for getting so far, you must be so proud of yourself!

You're doing really well :)

nsd_user663_33095 profile image

Thank you guys! Today has been great too, no cravings, I'm quite relieved as the last few days were the worst since day 5ish :)

Riverbe, quitting has definately taught me that i am much stronger than I thought, and that if I focus enough on something i can achieve what i want. It hasn't been easy though, and it took me quite a few failed attempts to finally manage to get to where I am, it's all a learning process.

Anyway I don't think quitting cold turkey takes more or less willpower than quitting with different kinds of aids, it's just a matter of getting through the first 4 days cold turkey, then NRT's won't have any effect anyways :) In some ways I think cold turkey is actually easier, at least if you can get through the first 4 days.

nsd_user663_34009 profile image

Congratz smokecat ... trying hard to get to 21 day mark! Keep it up ..you are done, you non-smoker!:D

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Bravo Smokecat - great job! It's strange how we experience these ups and downs along the way, isn't it? You would think that the further down the road you travel, the easier it will get, but that's not always the case. You are still sounding very strong though.

nsd_user663_32978 profile image

Well Done Smokecat,

I have been away which is why I didn't post earlier. You are doing so well.

Lingy :)

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Hi Smokecat and well done on your quit. All the best for the next week. Jacqui:)

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