WOW 19 Months: So here I am on 19 months and... - No Smoking Day

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WOW 19 Months

nsd_user663_7469 profile image
19 Replies

So here I am on 19 months and still I wonder where the time has gone, it has flown by and I have to admit that I find it hard to remember what it was like to be a smoker, no I am not considering having one to see, just struggle to think I was one of those people stood outside the pub, sitting outside a cafe in the cold because I couldn’t smoke with my cuppa anywhere else, there are just so many things I can remember I had to forgo because I smoked and was addicted big time, one thing that sticks in my memory was going to a friend’s 50th Birthday and asking if I could hold her granddaughter, the mother nearly had a dicky fit and said no you smoke, I was gutted as I hadn’t had a cig for about an hour and I had washed my hands and cleaned my teeth but she could still smell it on me the same as I can smell it on other people who also don’t realise how strong the smell of fags is.

So for all the hundreds of reasons why I quit and also why I have stayed quit, here is just another one, my Brand new Granddaughter one day old today, she came in at a whopping 9lbs 8ounces by emergency caesarean and you guessed it Mum gave up smoking 2 years ago, and Alex my son the Daddy gave up about 6 or 7 years ago, he can’t remember exactly LOL.

But this little poppet I can hold and know for sure I want breath baccy breath on her she can come and stop at our house and want get to smell of fags from off my clothes, I am proud to be able to say that my Grandchildren no longer have to smell smoky Nanny, they now all say Nanny smells nice of perfume.

So anyone who is quitting go get yourself some expensive perfume and splash it all over :D not the Men of course they can buy after shave, unless they want perfume of course, who are we to judge :eek::D.

Happy Quitting to you all.5811

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nsd_user663_7469 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_8676 profile image


Congratulations Jamangie on the birth of your granddaughter as well as your 19 month quit. I am back from Oz and became a granny to a grandson Ethan just 3.5 weeks ago. It is fantastic. I was with my daughter in the labour suite and through the window I could see lots of people popping out to have a quick puff. It was great not to have to leave her side to have a nic fix myself. I have quit just over 17 months ago and have never looked back. I have to say that having an incentive to quit is a real help. Good luck to all of you and if a 30 a day for 30 years granny can quit, then anyone can :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Lovely inspiring post and congratulations on your new Grandchild. you are an inspiration to us coming on behind you.Baby looks gorgeous and healthy , congrats to the parents also. Lovely little girl for you all to love and no one

near her smoking!

On a different note can you post one of your "hugs". I've seen them but now can't find one to save!!

Wonderful week for you all, x

Thanks Una you aint doing so bad yourself :D so just for you a load of I love bling :D x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Congratulations Jamangie on the birth of your granddaughter as well as your 19 month quit. I am back from Oz and became a granny to a grandson Ethan just 3.5 weeks ago. It is fantastic. I was with my daughter in the labour suite and through the window I could see lots of people popping out to have a quick puff. It was great not to have to leave her side to have a nic fix myself. I have quit just over 17 months ago and have never looked back. I have to say that having an incentive to quit is a real help. Good luck to all of you and if a 30 a day for 30 years granny can quit, then anyone can :D

Welcome back to the land of the erm Cold :eek: and how is your Mum I bet she is pleased you are back as well.

Is this a permanant move back or is it just temp and then off somewhere else ?

Isnt your Grandson a Bobby Dazzler, just think 20 years from now they could meet up and get married and we could be outlaws LOL

You have done really well to have stayed quit with all that stress that moving can give us.

Pats on the backs for us all, no one who hasnt done it even if only for a day knows how hard it can be but how great it can feel.

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Welcome back to the land of the erm Cold :eek: and how is your Mum I bet she is pleased you are back as well.

Is this a permanant move back or is it just temp and then off somewhere else ?

Isnt your Grandson a Bobby Dazzler, just think 20 years from now they could meet up and get married and we could be outlaws LOL

You have done really well to have stayed quit with all that stress that moving can give us.

Pats on the backs for us all, no one who hasnt done it even if only for a day knows how hard it can be but how great it can feel.

Thanks Jamangie and yes I did feel the cold at first but back to normal now. Hopefully back for good and between, work, unpacking the container and Ethan I feel like I have never been away :)

Mum (now a great granny) came up to see the baby last week and she is doing OK. Says she is determined to give it another go this year and I told her that I would do all I can to help. My granny was 101 last week and is glad that we are back and is delighted with her great great grandson.

Quitting was not easy for sure but the rewards are HUGE. :D

nsd_user663_15147 profile image


And congrats :) You've got 19 months under your belt with the right attitude. You've stopped thinking of smoking as something 'worthwhile'... it's sad when we remember all of those times when we chose smoking over something else.

You're certainly making up for lost time though- always an inspiration - thanks for posting! x

Dannyboy55 profile image

My wee pal

Well done Jamangie and it is up and onward for you and me to the two year mark.

Would you believe it/


nsd_user663_7469 profile image


And congrats :) You've got 19 months under your belt with the right attitude. You've stopped thinking of smoking as something 'worthwhile'... it's sad when we remember all of those times when we chose smoking over something else.

You're certainly making up for lost time though- always an inspiration - thanks for posting! x

Funny but I think my 19 month post made me dream I had a cig :eek: only the 3rd time I have done that since smoking and I was so upset LOL the mind is an amazing thing when it can seem so real.

Jamangie thanks for that..I love bling too! x

I will find you some more then as I like it too.

Well done Jamangie and it is up and onward for you and me to the two year mark.

Would you believe it/


Thanks Danny Boy I am sorry I keep missing your, why didnt you post the 19 months then, but thanks for posting on mine xx

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

aww cute baby pics... the best reason to be quit:)

well done on your 19months jamangie :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks KK, if pretty babies are a good reason then you have the answer on how to quit and stay quit ;) or is having a baby a bit of a drastic way to quit LOL have a great time and I am sure its not going to rain and if it does you will still have a great time I am sure.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thank you Karri, I think that you are doing great if not quitting then just for giving your support on here, no one finds it easy but some do seem to get through a little easier, I feel priveldged to have got this far without a hiccup, I can only say I feel lucky as well.

Baby is gorgeous but Mum is quite poorly with blown up legs an high BP so she cant go home and is getting even more depressed but soon I hope they will let her out, thanks every one for your support even after this length of time we still need it, well I do.

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

:)double congrats!! one for your 19 months quit and one for becoming a grandmother!!

so nice to be able to enjoy everything without needing a smoke..all the best!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Wow Jam, double congratulations! A beautiful grandchild and an inspiring quit.

My first one was 9lbs 9oz. And I'm only a wee thing. Oochies :D

Awwww, I've come over all soppy now. Babies. Aww

Seriously though - congratulations on 19 months. Gives the rest of us something to aim for.


H x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks for that H, blimey that’s also a good weight for a first, was it a normal birth or C S, my first was a tiny 7lbs 6oz and they got bigger as I went along till the last,.

You don’t need to aim for any more than a day at a time, that’s adequate,

and will get you along the way very well and not cause you too much stress, I never looked any further than the day I had arrived at, as I was terrified I would tempt fate, when others spoke about reaching the year I always held my breath and crossed my fingers as if to say hey I daren’t look that far ahead, I also never write my thread for a milestone till the day, how bad am I and so superstitious as well.

But remember that’s only my way of doing it so if looking to the Penthouse as a goal that’s great, I was never that brave LOL

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Normal birth! I've had easier days... :eek: LOL

I too take it one day at a time. But it's nice to know that year plus quits can be done!

H x

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Congratulations what a beautiful baby, makes you so proud and I bet so glad you quit. 19 months is amazing there's no going back now.

A smoke free Nan is brilliant when my grandson was born I was still smoking:(

I so regret that now, never mind he is so proud that I don't smoke now.

Best wishes Jam.

Maria. x:)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

double congrats!! One for your 19 months quit and one for becoming a grandmother!! so nice to be able to enjoy everything without needing a smoke..all the best!

Thanks for that and you are so right when you say it’s nice not to all the while be looking for the next convenient place to have a cig, I think it’s really scary to think you were once allowed to smoke in hospitals and schools and restaurants, seems surreal now doesn’t it cause we wouldn’t be able to smoke in many places now would we so I am even more glad to be a none smoker.

Normal birth! I've had easier days... LOL

I too take it one day at a time. But it's nice to know that year plus quits can be done!

H x

Yep normal is if you don’t have a C S isn’t it nowadays, and of course year quits can be done and I am sure that there are literally hundreds on the forum over the year mark just that we don’t see many of them because they move on, I am just a saddo who still enjoys the company just not as often as we do tend to not post so much once we are more comfortable with the quit.

And a day at a time I think does work just getting into the concept and then it gets easier, I think

Congratulations what a beautiful baby makes you so proud and I bet so glad you quit. 19 months is amazing there's no going back now.

A smoke free Nan is brilliant when my grandson was born I was still smoking

I so regret that now, never mind he is so proud now that I don't smoke now.

Best wishes Jam.

Maria. x

Remember Maria I had quite a few Grandchildren while I was still a smoker but sometimes I didn’t do all the cuddly bits because I know it’s not pleasant to make baby stink of fags.

Like you said it’s good to quit and because allot of mine are younger maybe they will forget Nana smoked, I hope they do any way, good luck to you all and keep writing cause when you are typing you tend not to think about smoking.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hey Jammie,

I'm not around quite so much at the mo, what with it being the hols and all. Still, it's great to have checked in and seen you're at 19 months already!!!

W - O - W !!!!



nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Yes many congrats, well done!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Congrats on Everything

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