3 Years: Well I've been to a Christening... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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3 Years

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free
28 Replies

Well I've been to a Christening today and got back to find my Quitnet anniversary email in my Inbox reminding me that its 36 months since I last smoked. These days smoking is a past memory, something that I once did and something that I may look back on with the occasional nostalgic feeling but never with a desire to restart.

Its been a pleasant family day I started off with a relaxing shave with a vintage cut throat razor and splashed on some great aftershave that I would hardly have been able to smell 3 years ago.

Quitting is very achievable, allow yourself to believe that and just do it. The longer the period of time since your last smoke the easier it gets.

Written by
NicFirth profile image
10 Years Smoke Free
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_2847 profile image

Wow! You give us all inspiration and something to aim for! Many congratulations!

One month, two weeks, one day, 17 hours, 19 minutes and 34 seconds. 1371 cigarettes not smoked, saving £480.08. Life saved: 4 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes.

nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Congrats, Nick. Good to hear from you. I don't even come on this site anymore, but glad I did today! I'm still smoke free after 2 and a half years. Your right, it only gets better and smoking is just a distant memory. Keep going strong! Jody

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Massive well done Nic on your three years quit. Have a chocolate on me.


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Congratulations Nic, 3 years is truely amazing. Glad you have had a lovelly family day out and that you could enjoy the smell of your new aftershave. ;)

Anyhow here's to the next milestone and a HUGE well done to you :)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Well done, Nic, huge congrats on your 3 year milestone. After some time a quit becomes so easy that we forget what a really great achievement it is to have gotten there! Nicely done, you even get a cat pic ;)


nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Congratulations Nic It proves to all us new ones it can be done, and nice to know you don't really think about it any more. Thanks for still posting it gives us encouragement. Happy for you.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

A Happy 3 Years Quit Smoking Day to you Nic


And I can understand exactly what you are saying.

I like your aftershave mmmmm smells well nice doesnt it, enjoy the rest of your.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Well done Nic :cool:

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Wow! You give us all inspiration and something to aim for! Many congratulations!

Thanks, you too can be here posting in a few years time. Smoking is a choice you just have to be steadfast and never give in to temptation. Nice username BTW is it a bit tongue in cheek (I'll get my coat)

Congrats, Nick. Good to hear from you. I don't even come on this site anymore, but glad I did today! I'm still smoke free after 2 and a half years. Your right, it only gets better and smoking is just a distant memory. Keep going strong! Jody

Great to hear from you Jody and so glad you are continuing to do so well. I'll look for your 3 year post in January.

Massive well done Nic on your three years quit. Have a chocolate on me.

Don't mind if I do David, any coffee creams in that box?

Congratulations Nic, 3 years is truely amazing. Glad you have had a lovelly family day out and that you could enjoy the smell of your new aftershave. ;)

Anyhow here's to the next milestone and a HUGE well done to you :)

Thanks Jo, yep it was a super day, thoroughly enjoyable.

Well done, Nic, huge congrats on your 3 year milestone. After some time a quit becomes so easy that we forget what a really great achievement it is to have gotten there! Nicely done, you even get a cat pic ;)

Thanks for the cat pic Bella, I feel honoured. To be honest being quit for 18 months is the achievement staying quit for 3 years is just a new way of living.

Congratulations Nic It proves to all us new ones it can be done, and nice to know you don't really think about it any more. Thanks for still posting it gives us encouragement. Happy for you.


Thanks Maria, yes living proof here that can be done and I'm nothing special. So if I can you can.

A Happy 3 Years Quit Smoking Day to you Nic

And I can understand exactly what you are saying.

I like your aftershave mmmmm smells well nice doesnt it, enjoy the rest of your.

Thanks Jamangie yep the aftershave smelled niiiiice, when I used to wear some I think I would have gassed badgers at 50 paces the amount I would have put on as I could hardly smell it!

Well done Nic

Thanks Kitkat, great to see you sticking at it. I have every faith that you'll be posting your 1st, 2nd, and so on anniversary posts this time!

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Nic, it only seems like yesterday.............

Youve been an inspiration to many and for that I virtually tip my hat to thee.

Good luck :D;)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Thank you Mr Pots

Doesn't seem like there are many large cats about but nice to see you, hey its a bit like The Hotel California here isn't it or was that Royston Vasey ;)

BTW I've got a hamstring injury at the moment so have't been running up and slags (heaps that is) recently.

All the best and I shall continue in your footsteps.

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Thanks Kitkat, great to see you sticking at it. I have every faith that you'll be posting your 1st, 2nd, and so on anniversary posts this time!

Cheers nic, think i will be throwing a real party then :D

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Terrific job Nic!!!

You're a great example of success.


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Thanks Alex, I'm sure you are too, I see you are 2 thirds of the way to the penthouse already.

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

well done!


Wow, three years!! many congrats, smoking is just such a distant memory now. You helped me during my quit many times, so thanks and well done x:)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hey, hey, hey.....congrats on your 3 yrs Nic :)

You and Jody speak to nicotine being distant memories and I can only add my 3 1/2 year experience to both of your posts. In point of fact we all can add our voices as you've ably stated below....

Quitting is very achievable, allow yourself to believe that and just do it. The longer the period of time since your last smoke the easier it gets.

Bella happily added a cat pic and here's one from me...I'm sure you'll enjoy :D


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free


Wow, three years!! many congrats, smoking is just such a distant memory now. You helped me during my quit many times, so thanks and well done x:)

Thank you, glad I could be of some help along the way. Many people helped me and its nice to pass it on.

Hey, hey, hey.....congrats on your 3 yrs Nic :)

You and Jody speak to nicotine being distant memories and I can only add my 3 1/2 year experience to both of your posts. In point of fact we all can add our voices as you've ably stated below....

Bella happily added a cat pic and here's one from me...I'm sure you'll enjoy :D

Thanks Cav. Yes generally Civil and generally...... :p

nsd_user663_3282 profile image


Have you not trademarked that yet :confused::eek::D

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hey Nic,

Popped in on the Forum for the first time in ages and saw your 3 year post and just wanted to add my warm congratulations. Not much I can add to the fine things already said. But it's a nice thought that the reminder of your lengthy quit had to be given to you by your quit counter since not smoking is now so obviously the natural state.

Myself and many others have benefited from your support and guidance so it's great to see you going so strong.



NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Thanks Deke,

I really should unsubscribe from those emails, but at the same time its quite nice to be reminded how long it's been.

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Congrats Nic on 3 plus years.I still think about it but I will not go back.:eek:

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Congrats Nic on 3 plus years.I still think about it but I will not go back.:eek:

Thanks Dubbs, great to hear you're still going strong!

Cmgratulations nick. :)

Thanks Karri,

How are you getting along?

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

3 years....

Well done Nic, always appreciate the help you gave me in the early days....

Thanks again


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

One of my inspirations to keep quit! You gave me much support and advice when I needed it! No cat pics here! Congratulations nic. X

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

oh I'm so ashamed - I thought I'd replied to this post ages ago and just looked back and realised I hadn't at all!

Congratulations on the perfect mental realignment.

H xxx

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Nic,

Glad to see one of the old guard still here, thanks for the inspiring posts they helped when I first quit.


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

MAH, fiona, Helsbells and Wayne

Thank you all, as I remember it we were all supporting each other here.

This place, its bloody good isn't it :cool:

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Congrats Nic! Really good going. 3 years is awesome achievement.

All the best.

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