8th day and almost: Hi, Im new to this sight... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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8th day and almost

nsd_user663_31156 profile image
4 Replies

Hi, Im new to this sight, I just figured out how to make a new post. Anyway, I'm on day 8. I hope I didnt break any rules (i found it soothing to help and encourage others in need) but Im with you all that I need support from people that did it and succeeded. Im trying to transition as easy as possible to become smoke free. (i dont want to hurt anyone in the process..lol) I dont want to get fat either. Alittle info. female,34 2-3 ciggs hr. smoked out of anxitey,boredom,stress, social smoking. I am using the patch step 1.

Id like to add the Smokegov.com is sending me patchs for free.

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nsd_user663_31156 profile image
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4 Replies
nsd_user663_31133 profile image

Keep it up

Hi you're an inspiration!

I'm still trying to set my Quit day and struggling with endless excuses!

Hoping to join you ASAP

This Forum is a BIG HELP

nsd_user663_31133 profile image

New as well

Hi there

This place is really a big help I agree.

Watch out for your own mind games! Mine are having a field day. Be rude to yourself and stay strong. You won't regret it!!!!

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Welcome to the site This2 - 'This too shall pass' is a very good maxim to keep in mind when you're struggling with the craves.

Well done on making the decision to quit. It can really transform your life.

Just thinking about why you smoked and wanted to add:

1) Social smoking - you might want to take the social side of things carefully to begin with. If you hang out with smokers at work, avoid going out with them if it's too hard, and don't drink too much when you go out in the early days of your quit, it's fatal!

2) Stress and anxiety. Do you know, most of us smoked for that reason and loads of quitters on here will tell you that smoking does not help with either of these things. It really doesn't. In fact the need to smoke greatly increases your stress. It has been a complete revelation to me how much better I deal with stresses and irritations now I'm quit. I'm so much calmer, I'm a different person.

3) Boredom - absolutely, it's a killer trigger. Find something to occupy your hands when the craves strike, because otherwise that one can drive you a bit loopy. Although, really, 'I'm bored, I think I'll go and inhale some poison'... not really a great solution is it?!? :D

Best of luck with your quit. And well done on making it to day 8, that's fantastic!

Helen x

nsd_user663_31156 profile image

Thank you all

Thanks really! Now Julie, the step is one you have to take and want to, its one of the hardest things but its easier then being sick. Ciggarettes are like one BAD relationship. If you want help, I WILL help you. Find comfort in your strength and the help of others!! Refuse to let ciggs control u. I personnally believe the time it takes to completely be free of cravings is about 9 months. Its a journey, I think of it like having a baby, the end result is fabulous! Go girl!

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