driving test stress and smoking: Hey guys... - No Smoking Day

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driving test stress and smoking

nsd_user663_20263 profile image
14 Replies

Hey guys,

what I wouldn't give to be able to smoke a fag.... I am doing my driving test the day after tomorrow and am proper stressing about it... my driving instructor is a sweetheart but he has just suddenly changed loads of what we have been learning right at the last minute... I am panicking because I am worried I will go blank on my test.... everyone I know has said this is normal, but I would kill for a fag right now to help me chill out....................... I'm not having one though :)

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nsd_user663_20263 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Hi Vicki,

Yup, that sounds like a typical time to think of a cig. But, think of it this way. A cig is not going to make any difference as to whether you pass or not... the only thing it will do is to set you back in your quit, so don't do it! Have a glass (or two) of water instead.

Break a leg on your test!


nsd_user663_20591 profile image

oh vicki i know how ya feel!! we know by now that smoking hurts way more than it helps!! stay strong woman!!!!! good luck to ya luv!!

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

Good luck with the driving test.

Don't think a fag would help ya. After all - you can't actually smoke during the test in the car!!!! THAT will be your most stressful time, hands shaking, palms sweating etc. But it will be over quickly and when you've passed you'll be elated - ESPECIALLY that you got through it smoke free too!!!

nsd_user663_27261 profile image


Life will throw these challenges at you and whilst it's natural to think of a smoke so soon after a quit you need to dismiss those thoughts and get through them.

It's funny that so many quitting smokers fall off when life's stresses and strains increase, yet there's nothing in a cigarette that acts as a relaxant.

Tell yourself you're too strong to cave in, too much hard work has been put in up to now for it to be thrown away.

Good luck with the test

nsd_user663_15752 profile image

Looking back on it Im glad I wasent trying to quit smoking when I took my test, that would of been hard, I hadent actually even started smoking at that point lol.

Best of luck in your quit and with your test. Just take everything nice and slowly, you have to be perfect for the full test, just take your time and think about evrything your doing and Im sure you'll pass.

nsd_user663_20263 profile image

thanks you guys... I have an excellent lesson today... over the last few lessons I have had so many cars pull out on me and idiots crossing the road without looking but they haven't phased me... hopefully tomorrow will be ok... my instructor says I am ready, so fingers crossed.

nsd_user663_26590 profile image

When you have passed your test tommorrow- you will want a car of your own no doubt.

You have a choice. Smoke your cash, or stop smoking and save your cash for a lovely new car. One that smells all new.

Will you reallly want to make it smell of stale tobacco within 5 minutes!! Yuk Yuk.

It has taken me ages to rid my car of that stale smell. Used loads of air freshners and driving with window open. Smell had got into every fibre of the car. And as for the ash!!! It was everywhere!!! Feel sorry for my passengers now - -but at last I can give friends a lift without feeling embarressed.

nsd_user663_20263 profile image

just to let you all know... I failed, but on a really silly "on the day" type mistake... it was a combination of factors that led to me knocking the kerb on a reverse round the corner.... the rest of the test was really good though, reckon I will pass next time without too many problems. feel suprisingly ok about it... I think because the rest of the test was fine.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Vicki

Sorry to hear you failed but i am glad you have taken it all in your stride. I passed 2nd time so all being well next time will be yours.Stay positive and you can do this. :) We are all rooting for ya.


nsd_user663_27261 profile image

Unlucky Vicki, stay positive....

nsd_user663_15752 profile image

ah unlucky! sorry to hear that, on my test it was the parallel park that got me but when I passed i got three point turn and reverse round corner which i found easier. Best of luck for your next test, whats the waiting times these days?, was about two months when i did it.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Vicki, sorry to hear it didn't work out as expected. If it's any consolation at all, I also only passed on my second attempt. The first time, I was so nervous that the examiner didn't want to risk his life on the road with me :eek:


nsd_user663_20263 profile image

ah unlucky! sorry to hear that, on my test it was the parallel park that got me but when I passed i got three point turn and reverse round corner which i found easier. Best of luck for your next test, whats the waiting times these days?, was about two months when i did it.Hey Dave... its three months in my area, however, I am going for a cancellation so probably half that.

thanks everyone... it seems that very few people pass first time, and most pass second time... its a shame that the thing I failed on was so avoidable, I am kicking myself a bit.

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

Bad luck on the driving test! I too failed first time in exactly the same way - reversing round the corner!

Passed second time tho' - as will you.

Hey, people say that all the better drivers passed second time!!!

Not what you're looking for?