Is there a right day of the week? - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Is there a right day of the week?

nsd_user663_27595 profile image
12 Replies

For the past three mondays I have woken with the intention of putting a patch straight on, but then something irritates me, usually something stupid and I end up just smoking.

Wondering if a Monday isnt a good day to quit!

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nsd_user663_27595 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_4149 profile image

I started my quit on a Monday Connie, decided to get the weekend out of the way first. Then again, any day ending in a y will do. David

nsd_user663_27595 profile image

I will do it this coming Monday!! I've got everything ready and am actually looking forward to quitting, do you think thats a good sign?


nsd_user663_20978 profile image

I will do it this coming Monday!! I've got everything ready and am actually looking forward to quitting, do you think thats a good sign?


yes definately a good sign i was looking forward to quitting i had prepared a couple months before mentally that i was gonna do it and about the last few days of smoking i could feel every cigarette making me feel ill,cough and and mentally it had a total hold over me

and the night before i quit i remember thinking i cant wait to quit and now if i feel weak or am craving i think back to that night and it gets me back on track

good luck u will do it

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I found Thursday to be a good day, about lunch time :D

Carpe diem

nsd_user663_27595 profile image

I found Thursday to be a good day, about lunch time :D

Carpe diem

LOL! You are right though, there is never gonna be a 'right' time is there? +

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Thurdays was good for me too. Well I stopped at 10 pm the wednesday before but I got up Thursday and carried on not smoking, made it through to Friday and thought right just keep on going. been doing that for 7 months now.

Day of the week doesn't matter, its the state of mind that is important. If you really want to quit you will, no matter what day of the week.

Take it one hour at a time to start with and go from there.


nsd_user663_27261 profile image

If you work Mon-Fri then I'd say Monday was the best day to quit.

If you're anything like me it's tougher when you have spare time, weekends are therefore always hard, so I stopped on a Monday which meant I was 4/5 days into my quit before the weekend came around and part way out of the habit.

Keep trying and good luck

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Hi Connie it was Tuesday for me and not planned just run out of cigs and thought see how long I can go without one, mind you I had been thinking about it for a while. Well hours turned into days and here I am.:) still can't believe it. So I don't think it matters what day you have to be ready!


nsd_user663_26590 profile image

Think we all agree ANY day is right day. It is your determination and strength of character that actually determine if becoming a non-smoker lasts for more than an hour!!

No-one says it is easy. But I agree -take it hour by hour. First get to lunch time!! then Tea time. Supper time etc........ Break it down to managable bite size pieces.

And at each milestone -look back and see what you have achieved. Be it one hour -or one day or one week. Each milestone is worthy of a hugh congratulation. And I kept telling myself I had survived!!! Nothing dreadful had happened to me!! I had not died. or passed out, or turned into a three headed monster by not smoking. I was amazingly still me!!!!

If possible also make sure you have NO CIGARETTES in house when you do decide right time -or quit will most likely only last till first craving - unless you are really really strong willed. I had run out --and it was pouring with rain!!! So decided to see if I could last out till lunch time. Well its 34 days later and rain stopped a long time ago!!!!!

Have saved soooo much money. Can smell and taste food again and my house and car smell fresher. Annoying little cough has gone and life is soooo much easier in every respect.

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

If possible also make sure you have NO CIGARETTES in house when you do decide right time -or quit will most likely only last till first craving - unless you are really really strong willed. I had run out --and it was pouring with rain!!! So decided to see if I could last out till lunch time. Well its 34 days later and rain stopped a long time ago!!!!!

I found the opposit to be true. I had 9 cigarettes left and knowing they were there, and if I really needed to smoke I could, helped me not to. I was choosing not to smoke rather than being forced, by say, rain. Which I have to say wouldn't have stopped me. I would have got the kids in the car and driven the 5 mins walk to the shop to get some.

Whenever you stop, whatever method you choose without the right state of mind you will find it really hard.

A gentleman on here once said

'If you really want to stop, you will stop. Even if you work in a cigarette factory and get free company smokes, you will stop' (Austinlegro)

nsd_user663_27595 profile image

Thank you so much for all your words of advice, I'm sticking to my quit day of this coming Monday.

I run a pub so not having cigs at home isnt an option, I've got a vending machine full of the bloody things! But at £7 a packet of 16 out of there is enough to put anyone off!!

Thanks for your support guys, I know I will be coming on here all the time and screaming HELP! :D

nsd_user663_26590 profile image

Connie -Good Luck for Monday

Will be rooting for you. You can do it

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