Still cannot sleep properly or control my blood sugar, both of which are making me feel really miserable.
No cough or anything like that.
Need to know when I will feel better not smoking than I do smoking.
OH still not noticed!
Still cannot sleep properly or control my blood sugar, both of which are making me feel really miserable.
No cough or anything like that.
Need to know when I will feel better not smoking than I do smoking.
OH still not noticed!
day 6 myself
I get really strong flash backs or triggers to when I would reach for a ciggie . I have realised that these are habit triggers and not really withdrwals . I quickly re-adjust to I have stopped or I dont smoke and it goes . For example I was putting on make up tonight for the first time since stopping . I reached my hand out for the ciggies !!! Gosh these flash backs are strong ! I pop a nic. losenge in and then get on with it . My sleep is weird also but you cnat die from lack of sleep and it will settle down . Once our brains have absorbed and re- wired to being a non smoker ,we shall settle down . Hope your blood suger sorts itself out ?Frances