Wasnt going to post but what the hell 16 Mo... - No Smoking Day

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Wasnt going to post but what the hell 16 Months Today

nsd_user663_7469 profile image
23 Replies

I wasn’t going to post this Milestone as it really doesn’t seem that big a deal, then I thought about it and decided for me it is a massive deal and trust me when you reach it (which you will I promise) you will want to scream it from the roof tops and although most people round you want see it as a reason to celebrate the people on here will, and they will see why it is still important to us to shout every single one we reach, doesn’t matter if it’s one day, one month or whatever its an achievement for us all and we should all acknowledge it so that those who are just starting out on this portentous journey ( get the diccys out :D) will know its not that bad, a bit like having a baby once you get to a certain point you do forget.

I thought that this quit would be a matter of weeks and at best a matter of months and here it is over a year.

After smoking for over 40 years I never thought I could do it and I have, I am proud to be a member of this site and to number most members as my virtual friends and some are even my real life friends now so I am so so glad I found this forum and so glad it has helped me more than anything else to be a none smoker keep giving the support you are all so brilliant at and what you reap you sew.

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nsd_user663_7469 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Well done Jamangie and congratulations:)

Its is soo fantastic to read posts such as this. Especially for those of us in the early stages of our quits because we can see that it can be achieved.

Your an inspriration so please keep posting:D

nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Congratulations Jamangie! that is a fantastic achievement, hope to get there one day .:)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Congrats Jamangie, its nice to recognise your milestones whatever stage you are at. You will start to miss some as time goes by but significant ones you will make the effort to remember.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Lovely post Jamangie and congratulations to you. It is definatley a milestone worth celebrating

LOL @ get your diccys out

Thanks Karri I thought I would add a nice big word to the thread to give it some class which is something I dont possess :D

Well done Jamangie and congratulations

Its is soo fantastic to read posts such as this. Especially for those of us in the early stages of our quits because we can see that it can be achieved.

Your an inspriration so please keep posting

Cheers Jo you actually dont realise that all the newer quitters on here make it so much easier for us that bit further down the road to stay quit, why you ask well for me at least it gives me yet another reason to stay smoke free, so thanks and you also keep posting.

Congratulations Jamangie! that is a fantastic achievement, hope to get there one day .

Betty you will be there before you know it but dont wish your days away they go fast enough as it is, also just to let you all know its not that long since I learnt how to do this multi quote thing as well :eek: good init :D

How annoying tooooo many smilies so had to steal some of yours before I could send grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Congrats Jamangie, its nice to recognise your milestones whatever stage you are at. You will start to miss some as time goes by but significant ones you will make the effort to remember.

Thanks Nick and if I see right your next massive one is 3 years, how humungous is that we will have a massive fireworks display for that one I promise ;)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

There's a lot more important things to look forward to before then for a start there is a new series of Torchwood due :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

When I havent seen that or is it on sky???????????????????? Love that program

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

According to IMDB 1st July is the start of the new series. Not always 100% accurate though.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Sending you a HUGE hug to say well done Jamangie. Wish I was still there with you...............

Hopeing you are celebrating in style ;):D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

Really really well done Jamangie. So pleased for you. :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Sending you a HUGE hug to say well done Jamangie. Wish I was still there with you...............

Hopeing you are celebrating in style ;):D

Gaynor xx

I wish you were with me as well its not to bad though cause once you reach a year we are all in the Penthouse together so come on and hurry up and we can have a drinky poos together, havent done anything to celebrate this time but did go out Sat night and Sunday Lunch, hope you are having a nice weekend xxx

Really really well done Jamangie. So pleased for you. :D

Thanks Dale your not doing so bad yourself are you, its strange but we dont realise till we start our quits what a life changing event it is, bit like william and kate but more so :eek:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well done Jamangie! I cannot wait to be able to report such a long quit, not just for my own health but also to encourage others it is possible.

Thanks for the post Franck and I am sure that eventually every one on the site will manage to quit and stay quit. we all know its achievable its just getting into the right frame of mind and having the support/confidence/will power to be able to stay there, this is my second quit and the first one went 11 months and then because of a stupid breakup I started again, it has taken me 20 years to have the sense to try again, notice I said try thats because I now know that it is so easy to find your self smoking again so I never turn my back on the nicco demon cause I know he is there waiting to pounce and if he does I dont think I would have another 20 years to think about quitting again, all I think now is that I wasted 20 years and could have really made a difference not just to me but to my kids as well, and my dogs of course.

bbbreezy profile image

Congratulations and well done; your milestone is an encouragement to all of us that it can be done. I hope that I will be here to congratulate you on your 18 month milestone.

Way to go Jamangie and be proud! Let's celebrate - a round for all in the house!!


Dannyboy55 profile image

well hello my quit buddy

Doesn't time pass fast now jamanjie?,do you remember the first week we stopped the fags? do you remember the first month we stopped, it really seems that long ago now, but congratulations and like you I feel I could not have done it without you and this forum , so thanks and talk to you soon


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Good to see your post Jam . Well done to you xx

jackieinv profile image

Well done you, sixteen months is brilliant.



nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Congratulations and well done; your milestone is an encouragement to all of us that it can be done. I KNOW I will be here to congratulate you on your 18 month milestone.

Way to go Jamangie and be proud! Let's celebrate - a round for all in the house!!


Jen Positive thinking will get you there I know and this forum is all about positivity isnt it, so keep those bopeeps focussed on the Penthouse lift and the drinks will be on me xx

Good to see your post Jam . Well done to you xx

Hi Fi nice to see you and thanks for your good wishes x

Well done you, sixteen months is brilliant.



:eek: excuse me 16 months and One Day :D Thank you also Jackie for your post its great to know their is still the support that has got us to the major spots isnt it xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Doesn't time pass fast now jamanjie?,do you remember the first week we stopped the fags? do you remember the first month we stopped, it really seems that long ago now, but congratulations and like you I feel I could not have done it without you and this forum , so thanks and talk to you soon


Hi Babe good to see you and to know that we can even after all this time be there for one another, did you ever truly believe that we would get past 6 months let alone 16 "didnt we do well" ;) I hope you are well and that all the benefits are now being more apparent cause I have to be honest there were times when I wasnt sure that quitting smoking was going to have any LOL take care my buddy and speak soon xxx

PS would you ever want to go through that again Hee Hee

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Congrats, Jammie!! You'll forget counting soon! :)

nsd_user663_26391 profile image

Well done. An inspiration to read when having a bad day ;)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Congrats, Jammie!! You'll forget counting soon! :)

I think by the time I forget to count I will have forgotten what I am counting :D

Well done. An inspiration to read when having a bad day ;)

Just remember the bad days will get less and less, and a saying of mine is that if you dont have the bad days how will you know how good the good days are???? its a way of life now that I truly do not want to change and soon neither will you.

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Hi Jamangie,

Only just seen this so apologies for my tardiness.

16 months is a massive achievement. You are always around to encourage those behind you and have been a big help to many. Well done on your 16 months and a big thanks from all of us that you have helped (Well I am speaking for everyone without asking first but am sure they will agree)


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well done. An inspiration to read when having a bad day ;)

Thanks for the post that really makes my day that it made you feel even a little bit better, I hope your day is improving.

I really like that saying :)

Yes I like it too Karri, it was on the day after I had had a stumper of a day and then felt great to have survived it so that's why it seemed appropriate that I then knew why you have to have the bad days but they do honestly get less and less and then there are more good and less bad

Hi Jamangie,

Only just seen this so apologies for my tardiness.

16 months is a massive achievement. You are always around to encourage those behind you and have been a big help to many. Well done on your 16 months and a big thanks from all of us that you have helped (Well I am speaking for everyone without asking first but am sure they will agree)


Thanks Sian it seems like it was only yesterday that I quit and now its over a year and here you are coming up to 3 years now, thats a whopping big quit which I am sure you are megga proud of your self so well done you.


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