Nice to meet you!: Hi I'm Anja, I'm 39 years... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_26128 profile image
18 Replies

Hi I'm Anja, I'm 39 years old and I quit smoking on August 23rd last year after losing two of my front teeth to smoking induced gum disease. It was easy. Honestly it was easy - I was beside myself with fury that I had actually managed to smoke the teeth right out of my head and the anger motivated me as nothing ever has in the past. I stayed true and strong until New Year's Eve! Go figure - at New Year everybody is thinking about quitting and I chose to start again. Since New Year I have been on and off the wagon more times than I've had a hot meal. This first half of the year is hugely stressful for me and that has been my excuse - but no more. Today is day 1 (again!) and I am more determined than ever. I LIKED being a non smoker. I loved the taste of my coffee in the morning and the way I would sleep at night without having to hack my cough away. I loved the smell of my own perfume and the fact that I didn't need to worry about the effects of passive smoking on my family and pets. I loved the fact that I could jog forever and not get tired legs or have to cough my lungs up afterwards. I adored being a non smoker. And I want to keep the rest of these teeth too. My gum disease stabilised because I quit and my bank account got a huge boost. I am done with it. And I was hoping I could come here to share support and tips, because the next time the worm of addiction starts telling me why it's okay to smoke again, I want to be ready for it!

I'll never give up giving up and my old friend the anger is back today - angry at myself and I hope that will give me the boost I need to finally kick this habit into touch.

It's nice to be here. :D

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nsd_user663_26128 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi Anja, welcome to the BEST place to be to help you through your quit.

I'm sure this time you'll learn from your mistakes and keep on going, long after the motivating anger has subsided.

Here's to fresh breath, a plump pocket and a new start.

Happy quitting!


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I LIKED being a non smoker. I loved the taste of my coffee in the morning and the way I would sleep at night without having to hack my cough away. I loved the smell of my own perfume and the fact that I didn't need to worry about the effects of passive smoking on my family and pets. I loved the fact that I could jog forever and not get tired legs or have to cough my lungs up afterwards. I adored being a non smoker. And I want to keep the rest of these teeth too. My gum disease stabilised because I quit and my bank account got a huge boost.

It's nice to be here. :D

Hi Anja,

I LIKED being a non smoker

I loved the taste of my coffee in the morning

I would sleep at night without having to hack my cough away

I loved the smell of my own perfume

The fact that I didn't need to worry about the effects of passive smoking on my family and pets

I loved the fact that I could jog forever

Not get tired legs or have to cough my lungs up afterwards

I adored being a non smoker

And I want to keep the rest of these teeth too

My gum disease stabilised because I quit

My bank account got a huge boost

I see here 11 good reasons not to smoke ever again. What I would suggest you do is print them in big writing and plaster them all over the house. This will constantly remind you why you don't want to smoke and maybe your family can point this out to you if you're wanting or thinking of smoking.

Now print out all the reasons you have to want to smoke, funny I don't think there will be much ink used.

Well done on quiting again I promise you it's well worth it.


nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Hi Anja and Welcome

You've definately come to the right place. Like Jack said you've got some very good reasons for quitting so take his advice and print it.

Im on day 15 and feeling good and like you surprised at how easy it has been, but i suspect the hard part is staying a non-smoker. So take one day at a time and if you want to rant, shout, cry or moan here is the place to do it. I wish you well in your quit and keep us all posted.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

but i suspect the hard part is staying a non-smoker.xxxx:)

Well done 15 days just over two weeks is great. Keep positive and you will stay stopped, just watch for that nicodemon telling you it will be alright to have one then you can stop again. Don't believe him because he lies.


nsd_user663_26128 profile image

:) Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the positive responses! 11 good reasons to keep me on the straight and narrow too, and I never even noticed them until you pointed them out lol! As day 1s go, this has been one of my better ones. I'm really glad I found this forum, and I know where I'll come if I need a boost! Thanks again all!

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

I am keeping everything crossed for you and look forward to seeing your day 2 arriving :)

I am keeping everything crossed for you this time Karri.

Jack x

nsd_user663_26128 profile image

Thank you - I can't wait for day 2 to arrive! Not least because that first coffee will taste soooo good! That is such a good point - the more you try I think the stronger you get. One of these days... My fiance is an ex smoker too, he is now on week ten, not that he knows that, because this time he has been so successful in not thinking about smoking that he has forgotten when he quit! So I have tons of support and I am very determined.

Good luck to all quitters! We can do this!!!! ;)

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Well done 15 days just over two weeks is great. Keep positive and you will stay stopped, just watch for that nicodemon telling you it will be alright to have one then you can stop again. Don't believe him because he lies.


Thanks Jack, and yes i am on guard for good against the nicodemon LOL. Not one puff for me, i cant now because iv put too much into stopping. Plus i love the fact i dont smell horrible, that iv got more energy, i can breathe easier, smell and taste things better and that my kids say 'mum we are really proud of you for not smoking'. Now there words mean more to me than a cig.

My only regret is that i didnt quit sooner xxx

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi Anja and welcome. You've got the right attitude and I second what Jack says. Print it out and stick your list it in places you will see it all the time. Getting mad is good but my way is I don't get mad at me, I get mad at the smokes and say "No you will not rule me, I rule me!"

Keep going :)

nsd_user663_26128 profile image

Oh my, just like that I find myself at tea time on Day 3! Yesterday went like a dream because we received some excellent news that we had been waiting a long time for and the day went by in an excited blur! Mornings used to be a danger zone on previous quit attempts but I have my morning routine down pat now so all of a sudden I am at day 3 with plans for a nice long walk with the dogs this evening!

I'm a bit unsure of the etiquette for the forum - I didn't know if I could just add to this thread or was I supposed to start a new one under the day 3 tab? Anyway, everyone's wise words are ringing in my ears and I am feeling rather positive actually. Hope everyone else is having an easy time of it. Oh, here's a positive thought to share - when I went downstairs this morning to take the dogs out I was hit by 2 smells - fresh cut grass, and sunshine! I can't tell you how nice that was! :D

Edited because I forgot to thank everyone for the lovely welcome I received!

Dannyboy55 profile image

Hi Anja,

And welcolme to this very special place were you will meet many like minded people as you.

We are all trying to or have stopped the smoking habit, and myself well I am 16 months stopped but periodicaly come back to this site to read and offer support to the newbies, but sometimes by reading some of the posts it keeps me focused on my quit. As an ex smoker now I never let my barrier down when it comes to the nicodemon even although I never have any urges to smoke I am always aware that one cigarette can put you back on the road to 23 / 30 a day again.

I feel healthier now than I have for many years and and just feel great, all thanks to the people on this site, so keep reading and posting and it will help you to stay off those bloody fags.


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey Danny I'm sure we have spoken before months ago I'm only a few weeks ahead of you and it's good to see another who has stopped about the same lenth of time as I have. Well done mate.:cool:

Anja123 well done on getting to day 3 It is one of the hardest days to get through but you're sounding positive and that's good.

Yes you can post on day three, four or whatever day you are on.



nsd_user663_7235 profile image

my kids say 'mum we are really proud of you for not smoking'. Now there words mean more to me than a cig.

My only regret is that i didnt quit sooner xxx

My family still can't believe I stopped they never thought I would and I get the same words. Well done again.


nsd_user663_26128 profile image

:( Middle of day 4, should have been safe because it was a day off work but there's only two of us in the business and dropped in to say hi and the next thing I know I am so stressed (one of those complaining customers who exaggerates everything) that I'm climbing the walls. What do I do? I go and buy a packet of cigs and smoke the whole lot! Went and bought more on what should have been day 5 and now I am facing day 1 tomorrow all over again. The rational part of me was thinking, why give this woman who is so miserable in her own life that she deliberately sets out to ruin a person's day the power to make me dirty my poor old lungs again? The addiction told me it would make it all better. Addiction won. For now...

Day 1 could wait until I am past these next few weeks - which include moving home, picking up fiance at airport, getting married and then sorting out a ton of visa paperwork to allow him to work, all whilst working full time to keep both of us because he is not allowed to work until after the visa bit. It's a lot to deal with. But I know me, after that little lot there will be a reason why "day 1 can wait" and so on and so forth...

I am one of life's worriers and when I can't think of anything to worry about I will make something up. So, no. Day 1 can not wait. :D Tomorrow is day 1 and this time I will not get blindsided and if I do - because I can't always avoid situations at work, I have a plan. I'll lock the office and go for a walk. Not past the fag shop.

On the plus side I did a nice 2 mile jog at the end of day 3 and felt great - jogging definitely helps clear the lungs out so I am going to create time in each day for a wee jog - relieves stress too. Wish I could go somewhere quiet with no work and no stress for the next 6 months until I've got this beat!

Thanks for all your support - I'm gonna learn from this I promise.

Anja :cool:

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Go for Anja! You're right the right day never comes. We can always find excuses to put things off. Start your new life with your fiance on a healthy note.

Keep focuses and like you said anything upsets you, go for a walk or jog. Fresh air is much better than the nicodemon.

Good luck!! :)

nsd_user663_24039 profile image

Anja, I totally sympathize!! I know what its like to have a stressful job (property lawyer dealing with people moving house day in day out!)

But with the help of this forum and my own will power I am hoping to jack it for good this time. I am too on day one so will be along with you for the ride!!

I like you also had a health issue which I suspect was caused by smoking and was so angry with myself for causing it so I know how you feel :)

nsd_user663_26128 profile image

Thank you all so much! When I woke up about an hour ago it was soooo tempting but I remembered writing it all down here last night and that got me by the craving. Coffee was awesome!

Knowing I'm not alone helps a lot, I'll probably post more later on today as last week I was checking the forum in the morning and then not again until the evening so it sort of fades as the day goes on, you know?

Property manager here - aka "the piggie in the middle" - LOL! But this week I am a stressed property manager with a contingency plan so...

:) Good luck to all of you, (I'll be thinking of my fellow day oner)... LET'S DO THIS!!!


nsd_user663_24039 profile image

Lets go for it!!

I would not like to be anything to do with property in Scotland as your system is so different to ours!

Just banged a patch on - lets see if that helps ;)

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