October 2010 Group Monthly Role Call :) - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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October 2010 Group Monthly Role Call :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image
12 Replies

Good morning all my fellow Oct 2010 quitters, its that time again. Another month out of the way and we all finally move into the 6 month free section.

As we all gradually complete the Full 6 months one by one it again would be nice to see how everyone is going regardless of the stage of your quit or not. Good luck to everyone, im so proud of you all and know we can all do this. :)

Now here's to our 6 months and half way point to the Penthouse.........................

My stats for the 1st April are:

I have been quit for 5 Months, 1 Week, 1 Day, 4 hours and 16 seconds (159 days/ 22 Wks 5 Days).

I have saved £719.88 by not smoking 2,705 cigarettes.

I have saved 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 18 hours and 50 minutes of my life.

Keep it up guys and gals as we are halfway there now, halfway to the Penthouse, half of a year, which is such a great achievement and you should be proud of yourself too. There will be triggers that will get in the way but we can do this, we are stronger than Mr Nic and we all know if he comes a calling we have to tell him to sod off as he is not our friend anymore, it was good while it lasted but he never did fit in around our lifestyle and he has such expensive taste you know. I mean we had to take him everywhere, not now though we dont need him at all. We have come this far and we can keep going. I know the novelty has worn of a bit but that does not mean to say we can be complacent and have that one puff cos we have managed this quit so far, no sureee we cannot we must stay strong and focused and get on with our lives as Non Smokers now. We dont need that horrid weed anymore now do we. I am chuffed witheveryone and want to wish not only the Oct 2010 group good luck but everyone on here as we can all do this.

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nsd_user663_16968 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_17596 profile image

still alive and smokefree.

taking it one day at a time and today I CHOOSE NOT TO SMOKE. just reread some of octoquits old posts - cant believe how many of us are left and how lifechanging this really has been for all of us. WELL DONE!!

Octoquits 1 Nicodemon 0 :)

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Still here, so excited about the forthcoming 6 month birthday.

Five months, three weeks, two days, 21 hours, 35 minutes and 23 seconds. 3497 cigarettes not smoked, saving £839.72. Life saved: 1 week, 5 days, 3 hours, 25 minutes.

nsd_user663_17793 profile image

:eek: Can't believe that it will be a full 6 months this month, WOW!:D

nsd_user663_4743 profile image


Hi to all October quitters. I am, unbelievably, still not smoking!! It has been a rough ride and it feels a lot longer. Still taking it one day at a time, but I can hardly even imagine smoking now. Unfortunately, I am still addicted to nicotine (I think) and am on the lozenges. Have cut down a bit but not ready to quit them too. This, I know is purely down to junkie thinking and I am a nervous person by nature (though I seem serene) and need something to rely on. I will deal with this soon. Still, I feel much better and am so pleased to have come this far. I feel better and it has given me more confidence in myself. However, I know I am still an addict and this is annoying, but what to do? Cold turkey now may send me back to smoking and I just couldn't face yet another attempt. thank god for NRT, though if I was given a placebo drug, I am sure I would be fooled. Maybe not.

Well done to you all, keep going on the downward slope (in a good way) to the year mark. Hats off to you all (special hi to nutteenurse who always has a wise word of encouragement to offer) and good luck.


nsd_user663_23772 profile image

Hi to everyone in the oct quit group. I am very pleased to say that on 12th april 2011 i will have completed 6 months of no smoking. Its been a rocky road so far with some days good and lots of bad days (mostly nights ). Ive recently had a rather big op which i was terrified about but thankfully managed to stay smoke free. Its true when everyone has said just take it one day at a time, it really does seem to help somehow. lets look forward to our next milestone in another month :)

nsd_user663_17807 profile image

well blow me I made it !

whoop! whoop! Well done Guys and Girls, we are now of course effectively WELL-'ARD, Super Human,Cool Dudes.:)

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Still here Six months, five days, 3 hours, 53 minutes and 59 seconds. 3743 cigarettes not smoked, saving £898.38. Life saved: 1 week, 5 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes.

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Hi Guys, I'm still here. It'll be 6 months for me on Monday. I can't believe how quick it's gone.

Unfortunately I'm still using the lozengers, but I have weaned down to just 2 or 3 a day.

I've had a few cravings now the warmer weather is here. I used to enjoy sitting out the back in the sunshine smoking. But hey ho, never mind!

Hope everyone is doing well xx

nsd_user663_16359 profile image

still here

i am still here going stronger than ever before

nsd_user663_17603 profile image

Still here

Still here ~ keep forgetting that I even smoked before.

Have put on some weight which I dont like- but now exercising again after a few years of doing nothing :)

Good to see other October 2010 quitters still here

What is the Penthouse ... ?


Quit for 6 months, 1 day.

nsd_user663_19276 profile image

Hi everybody,

Still off those fecking things since 18 / 10 / 10

Also still learning to live without them......smoking for 25 ish years

greetings and we should be very proud of ourselfs !!:):)

nsd_user663_17793 profile image


Still around and kicking! Haven't been on here in a while!

I am still smoke-free!!! I have had a few hiccups, like a puff a couple of times (literally a puff), and I think I did have a cigarette one night but I had had so much to drink I don't remember smoking it. I guess that's a good thing! I refuse to beat myself up over it and look at it as just a hiccup!

I have plenty of cravings, way more than I think I should have but I keep saying it's a mental thing and it's just not worth it!

So far, so good!

I haven't looked around yet but I hope my fellow quitters are hanging in there with me!

Keep up the good work!

Kim in Canada!:D

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