Made It To Day 3: Been trying to get here for... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Made It To Day 3

nsd_user663_deleted profile image

Been trying to get here for 5 weeks and it feels good to have arrived.

Wish I felt better so could enjoy the moment more.

Miss chatting to you all x x

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nsd_user663_deleted profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_23651 profile image

Glad you are sticking with it Karri, well done day 3 over! Hope your feeling better. x

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Karri, well done remember we are all here to help you so you are not on your own.

If you feel you need to come on here and have a big rant it can help.


nsd_user663_21995 profile image

Excellent!!!! Thank God for colds and stuff :)

Keep it up Karri, we're all so proud of you.

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

fantastic, well done Karri

Hope you're feeling bait better tomorrow, but not so much better thatn you want to smoke.

Really think this might be the one for you. Not planning worked for me and quite a lot of the rest of us on here.

All rooting for you hon


nsd_user663_20591 profile image

so happy for you karri:D i quit cuz i was hungover all day sick so i thought well i might as well cuz i wanted to quit anyway and here i am over 10 weeks later so keep up the good work hun!!

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

well done karri, sorry to say but hope you are ill for a few more days, but in the nicest possible way :D:p

S xx

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Yep, so happy to see you made it to day 3 :)

I'm sure you've smoked through colds and illnesses before so give yourself credit - you're so much stronger than you think you are! Congrats on reaching this point, carry on, you're doing well :D

nsd_user663_22002 profile image

Ahhh - your holy grail! Sorry it cant live up to your expectations with you being poorly still, but wait until you feel well again and discover you're on day 4/5 or something!!!:D

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

Well done Karri, hope you feel a bit better today :)

nsd_user663_23614 profile image

great , your in day 3 - keep it up - you can do this :D

nsd_user663_24274 profile image

Well done on getting to day 3 karrie, once you get past today it shouldn't be as bad. Well I definately found day 3 the hardest and if I can beat it, you definately can! Im now on day 5 and really proud to of got here, im now thinking what I can spend the money on that I have saved so far :D

nsd_user663_13466 profile image

Well done. Before you know it it will be a week and just think what a great feeling that will be!!!!

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

Well done karri.

You know what I'm on Day 7 and never ever thought I'd be here in one piece! To be honest it's come around quicker that I thought. When I look back at Day 3 & 4 - which were hard - I couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel.(Could only probably see a cigarette lighter !!!) Now, everything seems a bit calmer.

It's early days for both you and me - but we CAN do it. In fact we ARE doing it. We've quit and we're quitting still! :)

nsd_user663_24042 profile image

Tomorrow should be better. We're doing cold turkey so in theory I am now nicotine free. Your body should be too by tomorrow. I think it's meant to get easier then. Hopefully for you it does. :) Think of all the others who have quit the actual act of smoking but by whatever form are still addicted to nicotine and have yet to give up their NRT. WE DON'T !!!

I have stopped several times before, but I feel more positive and focused this time - don't know about you?

I've got a jar going on with fag money saved - try that too. Every time you think of a fag look at your mounting money and think of all the treats you and your family can have! :)

Keep going. You're doing great. Early days but perhaps the actual worst days are over.;)

nsd_user663_23871 profile image

Excellent Karri. Stay strong. Keep busy.

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