Sex drive !: Hi everyone Just wondering if... - No Smoking Day

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Sex drive !

nsd_user663_23666 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone

Just wondering if it is normal to loose all interest in sex and having fun?

I strangely been having offers on the table for sex and dates but I have been kinda turning them dowm and not showing any interest since giving up smoking I am not even going out or somthing, I kind of lost all interest in the things i used to do a lot.

Really not sure is it is smoke related or if it is my new nature ?!! this thing really messing me up !

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nsd_user663_23666 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I think it's because you have a sense of your own identity as a smoker. When you stop, you have to get to know a whole new you, and learn to do familiar stuff as a non smoker. It can take time to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Maybe that's why. I'd just go ahead and... um... 'date' anyway. It's just your brain putting you off. Once you're doing it, you'll be fine! :D

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

I think Hels is right. I've found that I've become more self-obsessed than I was before.

I don't want to gout for a drink - cos I might be tempted to smoke

I don't want to go out for a meal - ditto above

I don't want to have people round - ditto above

I don't want to do anything that might, just might tempt me in anyway

I want to focus utterly on my quit. I want to love it, nurture it and make it flaming well work!

Yes this means i'm being a bit dull for a while, and perhaps a bit selfish. But so be it, if that's what it takes...

As for sex? Hey I've been married for 21 years....!!!

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

ha ha Dale, with ya there !!

Like this topic, I dont feel much like me either. I dont recognise myself. For instance I really cant stand the smell of smoke so I cant use the lift in my office block. My best mate at work is now the only smoker so that relationship is somewhat strained because Ive deserted her:(

By trying to stay positive all the time I think I over doing it at times and get a bit hyper. I know I am a behaving a bit highly strung and snappy - if I lived with me I probably would have buggered off for a few days:D

I really would like to know that I will start feeling more "normal" as times go on. I know now and again I dont think about smoking or anything related to it for a good few hours and when I realise its really cool.

Really hope we all feel normal (minus the fags/plus the sex for some of us lol)

some time soon.


nsd_user663_8876 profile image

If anything it should be the other way round! Quite honestly i couldn't get enough :o


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

When I first stopped smoking I did not have the problems you guys are having because maybe I had a dull life anyway. What did happen to me was I could not concentrate so well, I had what might be discribed as mind wanders like slight hallucinations but I did find sometimes I could not be bothered to do things.

Now I'm back to normal and have been for some time so stick it out and you will start to do the things you used to do. For those who don't know me I have been stopped for over 15 months.

As far as sex goes what's being married 21 years got to do with it? I've been married 21 years and that won't stop me. Hey come on I gave up smoking I can't give up everything.:D


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

For the first couple of months I was the same, now I have found a renewed ..erm.. interest in extra curricular activies shall we say :o

nsd_user663_22968 profile image

I never have had much of a sex drive despite still fancing the pants off my husband but even less so now. I just can't even consider it without a smoke after!

I am hoping this energy thing we are supposed to get after quitting hurries up and arrives. A snail could beat me in a race right now.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Chrissie trust me it will arrive I'm 65 tomorrow and it's still there. Ahem I mean the energy thing:o:D


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Ummmmmm sex drive? Whats that? Am I missing something lol? xx

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

If anything it should be the other way round! Quite honestly i couldn't get enough :o


'Fallen Angel' what an apt name ;)

nsd_user663_23877 profile image

Misread the opening post and thought they'd been turning down any offer of sex if it involved a table!!

These responses have made me laugh! :D:D

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

'Fallen Angel' what an apt name ;)

Deep down i am still an angel!! :p Nothing wrong with a healthy sex life thats what my nanna always told me! our bodies and sexual instincts are god given... yeah baby lol

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

Deep down i am still an angel!! :p Nothing wrong with a healthy sex life thats what my nanna always told me! our bodies and sexual instincts are god given... yeah baby lol

Absolutely! We love you fallen angel! :)

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