The box in the kitchen is tempting me... - No Smoking Day

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The box in the kitchen is tempting me...

nsd_user663_7957 profile image
16 Replies

...but I have resisted. DH's cigarettes are in the kitchen. I picked them up and looked in and thought 'just one with a coffee this morning, won't hurt'. But of course, it will. When he gets up, I will remind him not to leave them lying out. The is the first big crave I have had in a week.

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nsd_user663_7957 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Do whatever you have to do to get temptation away if that's what you need. I personally prefered the "having cigarettes around but making the choice not to smoke them" approach.

Why put yourself at risk of having one though? Well done for dismissing that thought!

CamperPete profile image

Throw them in the bin.......... he won't leave them around again:D

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

They're gone! It hasn't been an issue but this morning I really considered smoking one. I still have it in my head but I have kept myself busy. Beinf a smoker does not fugure in my plans for 2011.

Lol, Pete. He would have gone mad!

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hey Ellie, good girl for not giving into sneaky nico's little prod there.

Have you told OH NOT to leave them around anymore now lol. My OH leaves his on the microwave but I seldom notice they are there. He does however take them to bed (or something) on a Friday night when it is bottle of wine night :eek:

Have a good day :D xxx

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

Tell your OH he should be more sensitive to your quitting and if he has to smoke should make sure he keeps them well hidden in his coat pocket or man bag or something LOL

Well done for not having one... we're all proud of you!!!

Shaz x

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

you are a bigger person than me Ellie. I would have opened the box and run a little water inside them. Not because they bothered me just because I would have loved to see the look on his face when he went to pull one out and it was all soggy :D

Have to say though I was one of those that kept a pack around as I knew if they were there and it got really bad I could have one. I don't need them now. Don't even know if they are still there.

Well done for saying no.


nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Handiman, the box was my DH's. Normally he keep them out of sight but they were on the counter this morning.

I don't like starting the day with a crave but I got over it. I have had a busy morning so haven't really given smoking much thought. Looking forward to a swim this afternoon.

CamperPete profile image

I keep a box in the kitchen too. In fact I have two boxes, of which only one cigarette has been smoked out of one of them, and I swear it wasn't me ;)

My logic is that I need to feel confident that I can have cigarettes around me without feeling tempted, and I can. I have no desire to smoke whatsoever, and yet I would feel that throwing the boxes away is somewhat akin to throwing away a life buoy. I need the cigs to be there just to know that in case of dire emergency I can always reach out and grab one.

Hmmm, interesting why we feel the need for a 'comfort blanket'.

I kept a pack for the first 2 weeks for exactly the same reasons, i then got rid of them. I have a Nicorette Inhalator i use now and again and i'm slowly stopping to utilise that too (once a day for 4/5 puffs) but will keep it for the same reasons as i (and you) kept the packet of ciggies.

What a strange species we are:confused::rolleyes:

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

I still have my tobacco tin in my handbag... It's never came out of there since I quit but it's comforting to know it is there. I agree that if it wasn't there I think I would freak out and need a smoke (even though I know I wouldn't actually need a smoke)

Yes, comfort blankets are strange things however some needed them as a child and some need them now :)

Oh rizla tin.... how you comfort me :confused: :p

Shaz x

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

i have an old bag with a couple of empty baccy pouches in and empty papers packets first of all i didnt want to clear it out cause it was like the old part of me i didnt wanna let go of but now i dont think about the bag and just cant be bothered to clear it out lol will get round to it one day

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

but now i dont think about the bag and just cant be bothered to clear it out lol will get round to it one day

Hahahaa just like me!!! :cool:

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

i thought that i was the only one to hang on to the cigs for a while! for the first 2 weeks i quit i had them in my bag for the same "just in case" reason:o but i never smoked them and remember the day and the feelings when i threw them out...i felt sad and scared and relieved all at the same time! and of course very proud and happy with month here i come!! glad to see your making it through ellie..good for pushing that just one thought out of your mind!!:D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Wow, I couldn't have done what you lot did. I had to get rid of all tobacco, papers and lighters from all pockets, bags, and drawers in the house. I could never have withstood it had I had them easily to hand. (I'm SO impressed that you could leave your OH's fags just sitting there -really - hats off to you girl!!).

Were I to come across some now I'd probably be OK, but a couple of weeks ago ... god no, I'd have probably eaten them!

nsd_user663_21987 profile image

firstly well done on not having one!

I totally agree we are a funny species, with some of us vacuuming every hint of a cig from the house, yet others are fine with them lying around. I think it really doesn't matter, the important thing is that we have all got this far.

I have a pack of ten in a cupboard, there are nine cigs in it, the missing one was my last one 27 days ago. in the last 27 days I have had a few staring contests with this packet. I know I will never smoke these cigs, but I honestly don't think I will ever throw this pack away.

nsd_user663_17606 profile image

I'm with you Helsbelles. This time I threw away everything associated with smoking. Tobacco, rizlas, lighters, matches and ashtrays. Now what will happen if we have a power cut :D

nsd_user663_21995 profile image

When I quit (just 20 days ago) I didn't want to have any 'norti' ciggies in my possession because I didn't think I would be strong enough to resist temptation. Now I almost wish I had some so I could have the smug satisfaction of knowing they were there but that I didn't want one. Now, if only I could do the same with chocolate! :(

The lighters are still in the house though but they're useful for lighting the candles I like to have on in the evening. :)

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