How is everyone quitting?: Hi guys, just... - No Smoking Day

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How is everyone quitting?

nsd_user663_21324 profile image
34 Replies

Hi guys, just wondering how you are all quitting whether your going cold turkey or using NRT?

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nsd_user663_21324 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Just lozenges & a positive frame of mind :D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

CT - just thought NRT would be prolonging the agony!


nsd_user663_20572 profile image

Im on Day 10 without nicotene..I am using Cold Turkey as I'm too cheap to buy patches but when smoking will waste a fortune on fags.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Im on Day 10 without nicotene..I am using Cold Turkey as I'm too cheap to buy patches but when smoking will waste a fortune on fags.

Well done Kev, it was always the truth that we found money for smokes - over everything.

Doesn't matter how you quit, only matters that you do.

Onwards and upwards.


nsd_user663_20815 profile image

I started off on the Champix for a few days - but got awful side now CT.

Tracey x

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

I am quitting cold turkey. I have never been able to tolerate patches. Also, I prefer to get rid of the nicotine as quickly as possible.

nsd_user663_18652 profile image

Cold Turkey for me also. Now 66 days smoke free and never felt better.

Keep up the great work everyone. One day at a time and we will all do it :)

nsd_user663_21324 profile image

Well done everyone, i am suprised how many people are able to do it cold turkey either you all have amazing will power or i am just rubbish :(!! Cant wait til i can say 1 week smoke free, 1 month etc but as i have said deffo feel i need some help even if it just for the first week

thanks for replys!

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

When i stopped in Oct i started champix, then on the 5th day quit smoking, then on day 11 stopped the champix and went CT. Its now over 11 weeks since my last puff and i am glad i let the nicotine leave my body when i did but had i needed an inhalator or patches then i would have used them anything so that i never went back on that awful weed.


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

This time :o orginally it was 24 hour patches (which I take off before bed and now I don't get the dreaming), inhalator, nicotine gum. But the nicotine gum disintergrates in my mouth when I stick it in the cheek (which is what the instructions say to do) so I now have the niquitin minis. I don't really use the inhalator just fiddle with it if I need something to do with my hands.

(I've just re-read my post and realise it's going from bad to worse) :D

Oh and of course I use this forum and have re-read Gillian Riley's stop smoking book.


nsd_user663_20937 profile image

Hi, I've just joined and have a quit date for this coming Saturday - 15th - and am dreading it! I have quit before, but 'had one puff' and that was it. Had a terrible year last year, so straight back on the weed. But now I have a permanent cough and I know smoking has got to go. I'll be using patches.

I know I should look forward to being smober, but I am so anxious about letting go. ah well. I know it can be done, just by reading all your posts, so fingers crossed!:eek:

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Welcome pigsflyonsundays!

Don't be anxious about quitting. See it as 'escaping' rather than something you are giving up. Please read the links that many people have in their signatures to help & give you a more positive attitude as for me, this is what works the best.

We are all routing for you & will be here to help & support ;)

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_21414 profile image

Im just going cold turkey Ive stopped before but never had any help just willpower Good luck to you every day does get easier I am on day 14 now.

nsd_user663_20549 profile image

Hi guys, just wondering how you are all quitting whether your going cold turkey or using NRT?

In the firt 4 or 5 days I used NRT in the form of niquitin clear 24 hour patches

Its now day 14 and Ive been off the patches for days! Ive never felt better :)

Good Luck! :D

nsd_user663_22276 profile image

Day 2 for me, and I'm doing cold turkey. And I've a Word doc on my screen which is my constant reminder:

1. What do you want to be: a smoker or a non-smoker? There’s only one or the other.

2. There is no such thing as just one cigarette

3. Smokers envy non-smokers

4. I stopped smoking because I do not want to smoke any more;

5. I will not start to smoke again, because I do not ever want to become a smoker again

6. “Smokers never have coughs, they just have permanent colds and headaches”

7. If you’re miserable because you want a cigarette, you’ll be even more miserable if you have one;

8. You know stopping smoking was the correct decision, so never doubt it;

9. The body doesn’t crave nicotine – only the brain;

10. Nicotine addiction is easy to overcome; much harder is 40 years of brain conditioning that tells you “smoking makes you feel good”, so start conditioning and convincing the brain that the opposite is true at every chance; BE CONVINCED

11. Every day without a cigarette makes it better

12. When you stop smoking, you are not making a sacrifice – the opposite;

13. Be convinced – isn’t it wonderful that I don’t smoke any more?

14. Don’t think negatively “I’m not allowed to smoke”. You’re not denying yourself anything good; be positive, congratulate yourself – thank god I don’t smoke - and see 4 above;

15. Why spend the rest of your like craving for a cigarette and being miserable? If you do that, you’ll be miserable if you don’t smoke, and even more miserable if you do.

16. Why spend the rest of your life craving for something that you desperately hope you will never have?

17. Never doubt the decision to quit – you know it was the right decision

18. When you see a smoker, pity them, don’t envy them;

19. You haven’t “given up something good” – you’ve saved yourself from a disease

20. Be a happy non-smoker.

21. If you’re reading this, maybe you’re suffering or being tempted. In 5 minutes you’ll be fine – even better because you resisted – and you can carry on being a happy and stronger non smoker. The alternative should be too awful to contemplate. If you start smoking again, then for the rest of your life you’ll go on suffering the distress of knowing you’re too weak to give up;;

22. Remember there was no real pleasure in smoking, just temporarily getting rid of the craving. Having to smoke was often a drag. Remember having to stand outside in the rain at the party? Or having to run out of a meeting for a quick gasp and returning later, stinking?

23. Don’t envy other smokers. They envy me.

24. You did not enjoy being a smoker. That’s why you stopped smoking. Just enjoy being a non-smoker.

25. You know that stopping smoking was the right decision.

nsd_user663_22484 profile image

Hi all,

It is my 1st day today and I have started on the patches - I feel unable to try it CT just yet!!!

nsd_user663_17966 profile image

I'm on day 12 of Champix & day 8 of no smoking. I am thinking of stopping the Champix though and going it CT! <----- CT, kicking it old skool! :cool::D

Shaz x

nsd_user663_20549 profile image

Hi guys, just wondering how you are all quitting whether your going cold turkey or using NRT?

I started using NRT, after 4 days it wasnt for me, and then I just went Cold Turkey! 31 days later, well ... ;) you can guess :D

Keep up the Good Work ! :D

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

Im trying 24 hour patches and inhalator this time. I did stop for a few months using Champix 2 years ago but got very depressed, so depressed that I went back to cigs to "cheer myself up" - complete joke. Day 1 today and feel much more positive this time

nsd_user663_4277 profile image

CT! Used inhalator before but I got hooked on that...and was still thinking about cigs a lot. I relapsed after 3 months...but each to their own!

nsd_user663_20549 profile image

In the firt 4 or 5 days I used NRT in the form of niquitin clear 24 hour patches

Its now day 14 and Ive been off the patches for days! Ive never felt better :)

Good Luck! :D

WOW - update .. its now day 33 :) .. and still cold turkey ! :P

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

i quit ct..going onto day 34!! tough but worth it:D

nsd_user663_22560 profile image

Not CT

I wish I could have gone cold turkey, especially after reading the amazing book "How to Quit Smoking the Easy Way", but I have been using an electronic cigarette. I read the book, which I suggest everyone who smokes or wants to quit should read, then when I was finished I put out my last cigarette and thought I would go cold turkey. Well, I work at a smoking bar, so that first day was miserable for me. So instead of leaving work and getting smokes, I bought the patch and felt immediately better. On the second day the patch started to hurt to I took it off and just used an electronic cigarette, and I haven't smoked since January 9th.

I'm weaning off of it now, but it's so so much better than smoking. My advice is for no one forget why NRTs are out there. If you're having a hard time and find yourself reaching for a cigarette, remember that there are other aides to help you. Have lozenges around just in case, or even some sugar free candy. Also exercise and drink plenty of water. It really helps.

Good luck! Remember you're a non-smoker!

nsd_user663_22353 profile image

Cold turkey for me, i'm on day 18.

I went cold turkey because i'd just rather get it over & done with really. I've always considered NRT to be prolonging the agony.

nsd_user663_22276 profile image

Champix helps

Day 18 for me I think - I'm not counting the days any more, just the weeks! It's going really well. I started Champix 4 days before the quit - in fact, I should have started 8 days in advance, but I'd set my quit date to link with some traveling, and asked the doc too late about the pills. For me, the pills have worked well. They effectively suppress the desire for nicotene, rather than replace the nicotene which is good, because you don't then have to quit the patches and the gum a few weeks after the first trauma of quitting cigarettes. However, the side effects have been very noticeable -- farting, bad insomnia and quick temper loss! (Thank god wife already quit a year ago.) For me the side effects are well worth it (not sure wife thinks so), and I'm feeling very pleased with myself (about quitting). I think when I reach 4 weeks, I'll try stopping the Champix. Good luck all!!

nsd_user663_4277 profile image

I've always considered NRT to be prolonging the agony.

I found this when I tried in March 2009...but I think it depends on the person :)

Well done all, it's important to find the right quit method for you.

- C x

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

I've gone cold turkey this time.

My 2 previous quits I tried NRT on the first which was going really well, about 6ish week in my nan was diagnosed with cancer and had only a couple of weeks left. I went back to smoking, ridiculous heh. Sec9ond one was with champix which sent me round the twist (still have fully found my way back :D) and I wasn't really ready, gave up cause I thought I had to.

This time, just shy of 4 mths, CT and it has been my easiest quit, but that is not cause of CT it's cause I don't want to smoke anymore. I won't lie, I still get craves, in fact have been having them for the last couple of days. Way I see it, if I am craving, means I am still not smoking and that s'all good for me :D

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Champix for the full course and then my own awesome self for the rest :D

This has been my most succesful quit since I started. I tried hypno for about 3 or 4 sessions but spent the whole time trying to avoid a fit of the giggles.

I've tried cold turkey - (now that sent me round the bend)

I've tried NRT - useless for me as I just get dependent upon them. I do think they have a roll though - for example for those that are going cold turkey but find themselves going round the bend like I did, the odd tab or inhale can make the difference between quitting and smoking.

One day at a toime

nsd_user663_9065 profile image

After many quits iv used patches ect ect longest quit 4 months . This quit postive thinking and CT one day at a time .Im now 5 months 1 wk quit .Everybody has diffrent ways .

nsd_user663_13779 profile image

Tried chantix twice with bad side effect. Just completed day 6 CT

nsd_user663_13466 profile image

Cold Turkey for me too. I carried a patch in my purse but never used it (it's still in my purse)

It's been really hard but worth it now. Week 6 for me today.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Have you tried starting a Facebook group, "If I get 500,000 members I'll quit smoking"?

I'd join and I've a friend who might.

My friends are trying to encourage me to stop as the did with the method.

Both have stopped one 8 months ago the other 6 months ago, but I need more convincing?.

If anyone else has stopped with please let me know.

Ah Mr smokemyheadoff, hows about you blowyourheadoff, now theres a link I'd click on! :eek:;):D

Not what you're looking for?