Woop Woop 4 months 3 days or 125 days since my last cig . longest quit ever . Now i cant say at times i never think of a cig cause i do , but it is getting less . So hang on in there and i find taking deep breaths when i have a crave helps .All the hard work iv put into this quit ,having a cig and starting all over again is not an option to me .XX
Proud of myself .: Woop Woop 4 months 3 days... - No Smoking Day
Proud of myself .
Woweeeeeeeee, well done Jan.
Can't wait to post 4 months myself, only ever manage 3 but this time will be different
Gaynor x
Well done Jan from me too. I agree it does get easier and im behind you with quit dates. Keep going and stay strong as things can only get better .
well done jan, 1/3 of a year!!
You should be proud of yourself. Well done.
Thankyou .I have been having craves these last two days . now maybe its because iv past my four month last quit i dont know . I do know it is getting me down and i just want to go back to how iv been .I will over come it . Ireally thought the longer without a cig the better you feel .
Well done you.
Dont worry about the odd crave, I keep reminding myself how often I would be gasping for a fag when I smoked- but meetings or work or travel or people got in the way. Think how many less craves you have had in the past 125 days!
Sandy this is very true . Today has been fine im glad to say £700 pound iv saved just over 4 months .
I have not smoked 2,609 cigs and saved £717 in 130 days .
Now touch wood my craves have subsided which im pleased to say ., but it does keep you on your toes cause i know they will be back for short periods . So do try and hang on in their
The reason i know my stats is iv got a quit meter which i started on the 1st sept 2010.