10 Weeks Free for Me: t2.gstatic.com/images?q... - No Smoking Day

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10 Weeks Free for Me

nsd_user663_16968 profile image
15 Replies


Hi Guys and Gals

Im not on here much now as i just tend to sit and read in the back ground, not really posting as i used to but i wanted to share that as of today i have hit my 10th week free, also on Tuesday im joining the whole family at our local sports centre so that we can all go swimming or the gym when we want and 2011 is the year im gonna lose 35lbs and get back to a size 14. I have been lucky in that this extra weight is not due to stopping but from when i had my twins and i lazily could not be arsed to shift it. So this is my year to get into shape :)

To all the new year quitters, you can do this, stay strong and positive. Its not easy no one said it would be but read, read and read some more. Keep posting and most off all dont give up cos if i can do it then anyone can ;).

Have a great day

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nsd_user663_16968 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_13090 profile image

Well done Nuttynurse on your 10 weeks quit:D

Great advice also:)

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Well done on 10 weeks Jo.

You and me both with the Gym on Tuesday. I have got my induction booked for Tues evening.

New year new start and all that lol

Sian xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank You Mod 4 for taking the time out to reply. I do hope that you have had a great christmas and new year.


I am at the gym 10am Tuesday morning and the twins will be with me too as they also need the induction so that they can use the gym facilities if they want to but they are mainly going for the swimming then after an hour workout it will be swimming time for the little ones. That will be the best £605 spent this year as it works out cheaper to pay for the family membership for the year in one hit rather than monthly and my OH will be going up too on his days off as he def needs to lose a few pounds since his quit. My aim is to lose 1/2 to a 1lb a week so by christmas 2011 i will be much smaller than i am now and def not a size 16/18.

Good luck hun, cos we can do this. :)

Dannyboy55 profile image

Well done Jo and congratulations on nearly 3 month quit , I am sure that you have cracked it now, I will be watching your progress with both your quit and your weight loss.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Well done on your quit Jo, brilliant stuff :D

Have fun with the diet & exercise plan. Thinks I had better do the same lol.

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thats brilliant Jo.

Well done :)

S x

nsd_user663_18695 profile image

Oh well done you. I feel inspired. I am going to sign up for yoga tomorrow...

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Fandabbydozy Jo, well done.

nsd_user663_17807 profile image

coolio well done jo !

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Well done Jo,

it feels amazing doesnt it!!

Here's to the next 10 weeks!

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank you everyone

Good Morning All

I wanted to say a ((((BIG)))) Thank you to everyone for their kind replies. I must admit it does feel great to have got this far as i have never got this far with my last 2 quits which they both ended at about 3-4 weeks in cos i dont think i was ready in my mind, i did not have the right attitude to stopping and i think i felt i was missing out on something..............so yes i know i went back on them, both the previous quits were 2-3 years apart, my last attempt was Jan 2006, this time however i was ready and i know its for keeps. I feel so different in so many ways and this site has been my best buddy when i have needed extra help and support and TBH at the beginning when i felt so tierd, weak and generally under the weather and could have caved you supported me and not once did i feel like i was just doing this because i had too, NO not this time im doing it because "I" Want too.

I knew my mistakes and flaws from the 2 times before and became armed with things like my knitting to keep me busy so that i did not feel like i wanted to have one, by changing my routine like only smoking outside along with anyone else i know they are not allowed to smoke indoors either, this change has helped as my house was clean and i had to go out to have my puff which in turn meant i cut down but also helped me now with the thoughts or even smells that may have lingered had i still puffed indoors and because i was the only one who smoked it was not fair on the others who did not then have to put up with passive smoking and 2nd hand smoke.

I never substituted sweets or such with when i had a crave instead picked up my knitting or now books and its even more fun now cos my OH got me a Kindle for Christmas so i read that now instead. I also started taking high dose vitamins esp vit c and calcium all good to help our bodies recover.

Anyhow, just wanted to say thankyou again and good luck with your quits too :)

nsd_user663_16359 profile image

well done on getting this far hope me and you can carry on

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Well done Jo!! That's fantastic. You're doing great hun.

Ed xxx

nsd_user663_15555 profile image

Thank You Mod 4 for taking the time out to reply. I do hope that you have had a great christmas and new year.


I am at the gym 10am Tuesday morning and the twins will be with me too as they also need the induction so that they can use the gym facilities if they want to but they are mainly going for the swimming then after an hour workout it will be swimming time for the little ones. That will be the best £605 spent this year as it works out cheaper to pay for the family membership for the year in one hit rather than monthly and my OH will be going up too on his days off as he def needs to lose a few pounds since his quit. My aim is to lose 1/2 to a 1lb a week so by christmas 2011 i will be much smaller than i am now and def not a size 16/18.

Good luck hun, cos we can do this. :)

Well done nuttynurse. Remeber me? im on week 16 and feeling great. like you lm swimming and going to the gym. lts like a new lease of life isnt it? Like kicking the habit l know you are gonna lose the weight also,you have the determination and will power to do anything after an ordeal such as giving up smoking. l wish you and your family all the best in 2011 , Take care. Andee.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank you Andee

Glad to hear that your now on Week 16. Def a Big Well done for you too. Im 2 days away from 12 weeks now but still its only a number.

Tke care and you have a Great 2011 too ;)

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