1st day today: Hi, My name is Ron. I'm an... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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1st day today

nsd_user663_19068 profile image
11 Replies


My name is Ron. I'm an American that has been living in the Philippines (cigarettes about $00.30 a pack here) for about 10 years now. I will be 62 on Dec. 19th and have been smoking since I was 15 :( . I made myself a promise that I would quit on my birthday. Well, I didn't wait that long. I put out my last cigarette a little over 12 hours ago. The last couple of hours have been hard because the afternoons are usually when I go outside, light up and have a few beers. I also drank the last of my beers last night so that I wouldn't have the urge to smoke while drinking. Anyway, it is now a little after 5:00 PM here, and I put out my last smoke at 4:54 this morning. I've tried to quit I don't know how many times before, but this time I'm giving it all I've got. Wish me luck. I know I'm going to need it!!

I'll be back tomorrow to report on day 2

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nsd_user663_19068 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_18536 profile image


Congrats on your decision !!! :) - you wont regret it. :)

Come back and rant whenever you need to.

There are many friendly people around to listen, help and assist.


nsd_user663_19068 profile image

Thanks Dean. :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Welcome to our forum and congrats on deciding to STOP smoking. A Very Large Well Done To YOU.

I wanted to say to you to read, read and read the posts on here as you will get some good advice from those who have been where you are now. Dont try and look too far ahead, take it minute by minute, hour by hour. You can do this you know. Im over 7 weeks in and never thought i would get this far, believe me but the guys and gals on here have been my pillar when i needed it.

When you need to rant and go let us hear it, when you want to cheer let us know and we will cheer with you.

We are here to support each other and it can be over anything ok so dont think that if you come on and moan that we wont like it cos thats what this site is for.

Anyhow, good luck and keep on posting :)

nsd_user663_19543 profile image

my first day

its my first day 2. I've just stuck on a patch and really want to do this but the FEAR is there. I'm scared because I feel like what else can I do if i dont smoke . its been a massive part of my life for so long and i dont think i can do it . I am going to try though :-) anyway good luck

nsd_user663_18536 profile image

good luck Lisa :)

Everyone says it but its true - if I can do it anyone can :)

Its certainly true in my case.

The only support I am getting is through this forum.

My work colleagues refuse point blank to believe I have quit - My family are still smoking round me - but I am still hangin in there :-/

I read on one of your other posts your getting married - just think of seeing the pictures with a cig in your hand - or a burn in the dress - that should keep you going :)

Best of Luck


nsd_user663_19543 profile image

Absolutely . I'd love a bright white smile on the day . And I don't fancy wishing the time away so I can nip out for a fag. My fiance doesn't smoke . I can't wait to be smoke free 2.

I hope you find this forum useful . I'd hate to have no support. I feel for you. good luck x

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

its my first day 2. I've just stuck on a patch and really want to do this but the FEAR is there. I'm scared because I feel like what else can I do if i dont smoke . its been a massive part of my life for so long and i dont think i can do it . I am going to try though :-) anyway good luck

Drifter & Lisa,

I felt like you do. I have smoked all but 8 years of my life and I have done it. I am smoke free. I look back now and can't work out where I had the time to fit in smoking in. Get busy doing something else. Get a hobby, go for walks whatever you like to do that fills your time. There must be something you have thought, oh I would love to do that but don't have the time, well now you do.

I quit 2 months ago today and I am so happy to be a non smoker now. Yes I still think of it every now and then, I am sure that I will for a long while yet. But I will never smoke again. I didn't think I would ever get to this point and I have. You can to.

Just take one minute, one hour, one day at a time.


nsd_user663_19068 profile image

its my first day 2. I've just stuck on a patch and really want to do this but the FEAR is there. I'm scared because I feel like what else can I do if i dont smoke . its been a massive part of my life for so long and i dont think i can do it . I am going to try though :-) anyway good luck

Thanks everybody for your support :D

And for Lisa, Hang in there .... WE WILL MAKE IT. I wish they had the patch or some of that no smoke gum or something over here.

Ok, on a side note since I'm a Noob on here, are you supposed to post on the day 2,3, etc forum, or just keep posting to your original post? :confused:

nsd_user663_19340 profile image

Hello and good luck to u both .WELL DONE for starting ur quit journey . i'm very close to the start of my quit have just finished the 1st week and boy is it hard ... But so worth it .. i am also using the patches which of course doesnt stop the demons i took advice and totally agree with ev1 on here to KEEP BUSY ,busy doing any thing even its banging things around in the kitchen talking to urself like me:mad: hehe ive had plenty of them and will still have loads more no doubt :) if i can help in any way dont hesitate its gd to talk ... wishing you both well and be strong . regards sam :)

smoker for 21yrs

25~30 per day

last cigerate smoked 07/12/10 6.30pm:D

nsd_user663_19697 profile image


I put out my last cigarette yesterday at 5:30PM, nd im scared as hell, Im trying to take it minute by minute, drinking water helps, but only so much, what to do now?????

nsd_user663_18536 profile image

Hi there

A very warm welcome and congrats on your decision.

The best advice I can give is as so many have said before me on these boards - read, read and read some more.

The best tool you can give yourself on this journey is education - i promise you :)

whyquit.com is a good source of information

Post on here as often as you like and when you need help



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