...already here? Time's flown... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_15147 profile image
10 Replies

...already here?

Time's flown by, on the early hours of the 12th of December I hit 3 months :)

I've never felt better really! I've always had it in my head that after 3 months I would feel like a non-smoker, and I sort of do! I'm not quite there yet but I'm getting there and to think I've been 'clean' for a QUARTER of a YEAR is just amazing!

So now I'm posting on the 4-5 month section which seemed so far away before... soon I'll be in the 6 months one and I can't wait! I have no desire whatsoever to smoke, but even when I have thought about it seriously in these past months a massive thank you to everyone that was there for me to moan to :)

Anyway, maybe this isn't such a big deal but I'm feeling good so I thought I'd share the love :P


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nsd_user663_15147 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Yay- well done!!

What a brilliant milestone, you must be so chuffed with yourself, and rightly so!!

nsd_user663_18143 profile image

Not such a big deal?! Pfffft!! It's a MASSIVE deal!! Well done - a quarter of a year sounds better than 3 months, but either away it's a great acheivement!

Have just done one month so am gatecrashing on this forum (;)) but sometimes read posts to inspire me to get to where you are :)



nsd_user663_16968 profile image

A Very Big WELL DONE Sofia on the 3 month mark. A 1/4 of a year already before ya know it you will be past the 6 month then 9 month and a year mark too.

Have an amazing smoke free first christmas and Hun, enjoy your smokefree life you have worked so hard and done so well and been an inspiration to many including myself,,,,,, so thank you for that too.

Take care hunni


nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Thanks Claire, Jenni and Jo :) It really does feel great, and I'm glad if reading my post has helped/inspired/motivated anyone!

you're right Jo, Can't wait for a smoke free xmas!

nsd_user663_9065 profile image

Well done you .hold your head up high and be proud of yourself ;) xx

nsd_user663_14771 profile image
nsd_user663_14771 think I've been 'clean' for a QUARTER of a YEAR is just amazing!


now why didn't i think of my little 3 months being a huge quarter of a year - that just goes to show how pessimistic i've been, time for me to snap out of this and start living again!

i'd just like to say a huge thanks for your support and very wise words last week and of course congratulations for your quarter year, 5mol<er

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Thanks Jans and 5mol<er :D

yeah, I had to double check my facts when I realised it was a whole quarter of a year... makes that full year look really doable!

Glad I could help 5mol<er and thanks for being there for me too when I was having a hard time.

only way is up from here right? :D

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

:D WOW THATS BRILL well done you and especially using the term a quarter of a year as that really sounds much longer then just 3 months :p (im not knocking the 3 month term btw)

i hadnt thought of it like that its amazing how quickly the time has gone :)

jackieinv profile image

A little late but wanted to say well done Sofia, three months is a biggy and you should definitely feel very proud of yourself.

Well done to your fellow non-smoker 5mol<er.

Celebrate as many times as you can guys, it feels great to be spurred on by your friends who know how much you put into your quit.


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Hey Sofia,

What do you mean by "maybe this isn't such a big deal"? 3 months is a *HUGE* deal and you should feel very proud!! :). I know I'm proud of you!!

Well done Sofia, and here's to the next 3 months.

Ed xxx

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