First day of no smoking today,: Hello... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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First day of no smoking today,

nsd_user663_18314 profile image
9 Replies

Hello everyone,

Im a new member, Im Jennie-Louise, and im 21 years old.

Ive been smoking for over 2 year and well todays my first day of no smoking, Im on the 15mg patches. Ive tried the gum before but didnt help me at all.

Woke up this mornin feeling fresh, Found it hard up until around 12pm, now its getting alot better.

I just need a few tips....

What can i do to stop me wanting a cigarette?

Anything i can fiddle with to stop me wantin to pick a ciggarette up and smoking it?

Which day is the hardest of all.

Hope to get some nice feedback, which will help me :)

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nsd_user663_18314 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_17077 profile image

Hey, Congrats on taking the big step!! Personally the hardest days were the ones before I gave up! Then the first three days, but then it just has kept getting steadily easier. I could happy have killed people the first few days, but now barely think about it. Since day 4 I only really had one evening of difficult cravings.

Everyone is different, knitting has been suggested by some, others exercise, others eating (inc. me!), I also (embarrassingly) suck my thumb (somehow never gave that habit up) so have been doing that a lot (hopefully when hidden!). I dont know any other 30 year old thumb suckers, but clearly I have an oral fixation:eek: :rolleyes:

Anyway, trial and error and you will find the best things to occupy you! COngrats again!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hello everyone,

Im a new member, Im Jennie-Louise, and im 21 years old.

Ive been smoking for over 2 year and well todays my first day of no smoking, Im on the 15mg patches. Ive tried the gum before but didnt help me at all.

Woke up this mornin feeling fresh, Found it hard up until around 12pm, now its getting alot better.

I just need a few tips....

What can i do to stop me wanting a cigarette?

Anything i can fiddle with to stop me wantin to pick a ciggarette up and smoking it?

Which day is the hardest of all.

Hope to get some nice feedback, which will help me :)

Hi Jennie-Louise, and welcome to the forum! The people here are all so supportive.

Ok, on to your Q's:

What can i do to stop me wanting a ciggie?

Lots of people find lots of different ways to cope with this. I found it useful to acknowledge that i had a craving, or wanted a ciggie, but to see the nicodemon (a euphanism for the drug nicotine) as my worst enemy, and to create a total hatred of it. I am very stubbon, so would create this battle of wills inside my head (me vs the nicodemon) and just refused to give in.

On a more practical level- it may help to keep busy as much as possible, so you dont have as much time to think about it.

I cant really give advice on having something to fiddle with, as i never did this, but i am sure others will be along to help you with this.

Which day is the hardest?

This is a very hard question to answer. I dont think there is 1 hardest day, but rather stages. The first 2 weeks were relatively easy for me, i was so excited about quitting, felt really proud of myself, and was a novelty. Then i hit the 3rd week and all of a sudden i came back down to earth with a bump. That was MY hardest stage, but again, for others its the opposite way around.

Hope that helps, and anytime you feel the need/craving/urge to smoke, come online and someone will help you out.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

hi and well done for taking the first step :)

you will certainly get alot of support on here some days wilbe harder then others and some cravings wilbe stronger you just have to take each one as they come alone and find something to distract you i play alot of games online which helps me or i will make a start on a bracelet i make them for a hobby and as my sister says it keeps me quiet :D

and if you cant find anything to distract you just come on here and read some of the threads

regards carol :)

nsd_user663_15949 profile image

Hi Jennie

Welcome to the site and well done in making the best decision of your life !!;)

I am on my 9th week and I can guarantee it does get better as the days go on... you just gotta be strong minded especially in the first few days ..

The best one for me is Take one day at a time dont even think at the mo that you will never smoke again as it can be a psychological barrier..

Another one I learnt on here is when you get that urge to have one take real deep breathing excercises clock watch 5 minutes and the urge should gradually go..

I am not going to say it will be easy but you gotta hang on in there and be positive at all times dont let the demon get to you..

If you feel real bad honestly come on here have a rant look at some other posts and you will find as you type away you have lost the urge ..

Good luck be strong and keep us posted

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Hi Jennie :D

Welcome to the boards and congratulations on the start of your quit!

I find a boiled sweet works wonders or even a lolly pop, with the lolly pop i was at one point mimicking smoking with it and it actually helped me out a lot in the early days.

I also found a straw, either sucking it, chewing it or even just bending it around my fingers, was another good way to keep me from lighting up!

If you are also some one that likes a smoke when on the phone, keep a pen and paper handy and doodle instead.

Like Mr G said, take one day at a time, or even an hour or a minute at a time.

Read through lots on here and look at some peoples signatures as they have extra links.

Good luck hun, you can do this :D

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_18314 profile image

Replies to people


Hiya, i felt like killing a few people today when out shoppin everyone was getting in my way and i was stressing out because i cudnt walk without someone being near my toes lol....I like cross stitching it relax's me so will give that a try :) I tend to suck my thumb too but when no1 is watching, :):)


Hello, thanks for the welcome and the advice, i can now not stop cleaning, when in need of a cigarette i clean, never been much of a tidy room person but i am now lol


Hiya, i tend to play facebook games and clean when in need of a cigarette

@mr g

Hello, This is the biggest step of my life and im so happy to be making it. Well done on getting to your 9th week, im deffanatly going to try the breathing exercise though thank you,


Hiya, im now addicted to miget gems, they have helped me loads, i also have been chewing a straw recently or plastic off the top of a bottle [god nos why] lol

I try to keep myself busy when in need, At the moment im doing really well.

Thank you all ever so much for your help, Feel free to add me as a friend, xx

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Hi Jennie-Louise,

Like you I play facebook games and I found this helped loads, I also ate and ate and ate, though I am trying to slow this down a bit, the weight loss I can deal with later : )

Stay strong, talk on the forum, suck your thumb, do anything except smoke.

People have had very different times when they have struggled, mine was week 3-4, there was no way I was going to smoke, but I just had a real dip. Back on the up and up now though.

You are over the first stages of withdrawl, there may be hills ahead but nothing like the mountain you have already climbed to get here.

nsd_user663_18314 profile image

im addicted to facebook games tia, ive lost weight since last went to the doctors in march my doc told me that the day b4 i quit bet ive put on now even tho tried to eat normally and snack on fruit :D

Im feelin good now, had my bad points of the quit but im on a high now :D

nsd_user663_18314 profile image


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