Need some help guys: :confused::( OK so over... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Need some help guys

nsd_user663_3117 profile image
19 Replies


OK so over 10 weeks quit and I'm having the toughest time of it the last 2 days - it's all I can think of, to cut a long story short I have been dealt some major home / DIY crap (leaking roof and caving in ceiling) which has meant I have had a total of about 6 hours very interrupted sleep over the last 2 nights due to flooding in the bedroom - I'm so close to buying fags :confused:

I know that they won't help etc and I should take my own advice - I'm very good at giving it out, however I cannot shake these days long cravings I'm having - I keep thinking I can just go and buy 10, smoke them and then carry on with my quit once their gone, of course my sensible side knows that if I have 1 fag that's it - game over - and who knows how many more years it will take me to build up to another quit.......Oh god please help me to feel better as all I've done the past hour is cry..........

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nsd_user663_3117 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_5119 profile image

Hey hopethistime, sounds like you're having a real time of poor thing. But you said it yourself...what will change if you cave in and smoke a cig? Absolutely nothing!! You'll still have a leaky ceiling and the stress of that, but you will be adding to it, by then having the stress of having failed in your quit and its simply not worth it hun. The nicodemon is dangling that carrot in front of you, but you must not let him have done amazingly well - I can't wait to get to where you have -am only on Day 8 and you are on Week 10!!

Scream, shout, have a cry (crying's excellent - do that a lot myself!!), treat yourself to a bar of chocolate, a lovely dinner tonight, a bottle of wine...anything but those nasty sticks which won't help one little bit!!

keep strong and keep on here, talking to us for support


nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Thanks Embo - I know everything you say makes sense but Nicodemon is being very strong today and I just don't know if I have the fight anymore

nsd_user663_5119 profile image

course you do, we all have it within ourselves to look at the bigger picture and see the alternative. You gave up for a reason and that reason is still there - make that your focus and not those damn cancer sticks :)

We're all here for you.

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Thanks, I'm so cross with myself - I should be sailing through it by now and supporting the newer quitters not dwelling on myself - although I wouldn't have posted if there was any other way - I thought post her first and if nobody can help talk me out of it then go buy've helped talk me out of it!


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Hun

Please dont give in, you will only kick yourself later. You have done so well and its not worth it.

I am sorry that everything seems to be going wrong at the mo and that you feel the only way to cope and get through is to give in but that naughty nicodemon is trying to catch you out and so you must stay strong and look past that. As you know the thoughts go quite quickly but you must still be on your guard. Dont give in though and most of all dont give yourself a hard time over this, your only human and this is all new to you, the old you would have solved it with a cancer stick but the NEW you can solve it with a smile and a feeling that even under pressure you never gave in.

Good luck and stay strong x

nsd_user663_16474 profile image


It sounds a nightmare with your leaking roof but Embo's absolutely right! Smoking won't change a thing and it'll only make you feel worse by breaking your quit on top of everything else. Please don't!!!

Stay strong and good luck!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_14114 profile image


OK so over 10 weeks quit and I'm having the toughest time of it the last 2 days - it's all I can think of, to cut a long story short I have been dealt some major home / DIY crap (leaking roof and caving in ceiling) which has meant I have had a total of about 6 hours very interrupted sleep over the last 2 nights due to flooding in the bedroom - I'm so close to buying fags :confused:

I know that they won't help etc and I should take my own advice - I'm very good at giving it out, however I cannot shake these days long cravings I'm having - I keep thinking I can just go and buy 10, smoke them and then carry on with my quit once their gone, of course my sensible side knows that if I have 1 fag that's it - game over - and who knows how many more years it will take me to build up to another quit.......Oh god please help me to feel better as all I've done the past hour is cry..........

Hi Jane. i am sorry to hear you are struggling today. First of all, have a (((HUG))). Right, now thats over and done with, PLEASE remind yourself why you quit. Look back over your reasons, on the Reasons thread -and if you didnt post on there, now would be a great time to do it, as it reminds you of your reasons.

Now, get logical (easier said than done). IMAGINE rolling that ciggie (or taking it out of the box), lighting it, and smoking it. Imagine how you will feel. The smoke entering your lungs etc. Right- now realise that actually, because its been so long, you will feel VERY lightheaded, sick etc. It wont be what you want it to be (ie- a nice feeling like you used to get as a regular smoker), it will be horrible.

THEN do what i do when the tough gets really tough...research anti smoking Ad's on youtube- not the nice ones, the gory ones that show children being left motherless, people dying of throat/lung cancer, the ones that show the harsh reality of what you will have a 50% chance of going through as a smoker.

Thanks, I'm so cross with myself - I should be sailing through it by now and supporting the newer quitters not dwelling on myself - although I wouldn't have posted if there was any other way - I thought post her first and if nobody can help talk me out of it then go buy've helped talk me out of it!


I have felt like that before too Jane, but in reality, our 'help i'm struggling' helps the newbies to stay vigilant and aware that even this far into the quit, it can be tough!


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


OK so over 10 weeks quit and I'm having the toughest time of it the last 2 days - it's all I can think of, to cut a long story short I have been dealt some major home / DIY crap (leaking roof and caving in ceiling) which has meant I have had a total of about 6 hours very interrupted sleep over the last 2 nights due to flooding in the bedroom - I'm so close to buying fags :confused:

I know that they won't help etc and I should take my own advice - I'm very good at giving it out, however I cannot shake these days long cravings I'm having - I keep thinking I can just go and buy 10, smoke them and then carry on with my quit once their gone, of course my sensible side knows that if I have 1 fag that's it - game over - and who knows how many more years it will take me to build up to another quit.......Oh god please help me to feel better as all I've done the past hour is cry..........

I know where you are coming from. Everything appears to be going wrong and the one thing you want to do it lean on your old crutch to make it easier, better, nicer. Trouble is you threw that crutch out 10 weeks ago. If you go back to it now all it is going to do is make you dizzy, cough and the feel a bit sick. After that has all past you are going to feel really guilty that you failed yourself, and you know what, all the crap will still be there. You'll just feel sick and guilty on top of it.

You are strong, you can do this. Find a new crutch, one that won't make you feel sick. Stress ball, punch back whatever works for you. But you can't go back to smoking now as it will no longer make it better, only worse!!!

Stay strong hun.

Sian x

nsd_user663_17077 profile image


Hope you are feeling better. It is such a pain when roofs leak - ours failed in the bedroom two years ago, when we were already a month behind in the mortgage and we ended up having to sleep on sofas as the mattress was ruined. But, things get better, the roof will get fixed and in the meantime there are buckets!

Smoking does feel like a relief in these situations, but try and find something else instead. I think a lot of how we perceive smoking to help is it gives a five minute time out. So, find another time out - brush your teeth, sing a song, whatever works. Just find something else that takes your mind off of everything like the ciggie would.

So sorry for your struggle, hope I helped!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

:eek:Wow thanks to each and every one of you for your messages - I had to pop to the supermarket and crikey that was hard however I didn't succumb and bought my daughter and outfit and me lots of buckets to hopefully get through the night with less emptying trips :eek:

I'm seriously pooped and praying that we get a night off tonight, please pray for no rain in West Sussex tonight (although more forecast for Thursday :mad:)

Thanks again all,

Jane x

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Jane, a huge WELL DONE. You are having a terrible time, and you have my prayers on the no rain front.

You have come so far with your quit, and it is a good strong one, please don't let a stupid leak be the reason you lose it.

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Jane, a huge WELL DONE. You are having a terrible time, and you have my prayers on the no rain front.

You have come so far with your quit, and it is a good strong one, please don't let a stupid leak be the reason you lose it.

Thanks Bev I needed that!


nsd_user663_17057 profile image


Looks like the rain is off for a day or so, I just hope you can get the roof sorted in that time.

Glad you managed to trip to the supermarket without getting the fags.

Don't give up on all your perseverance, for short term perceived gain.

You are stronger than that.

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Feel much better today after a better nights sleep! Just shows sleep deprivation plays havoc!!!

Got a builder round who patched the roof as best he could but it desperately needs replacing which he's going to try and do next week but needs 2 dry days in a row :mad::mad:

Rain and wind forecast for tonight as well, he's not sure how effective the patching is going to be as the roof is in a bad state.........God please no more flooding tonight!

Thanks again all for your wishes,

Jane :)

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hey Jane,

great news that you are feeling more positive today! I will carry on sending 'no rain vibes' for you!!

nsd_user663_16887 profile image

Hope the rain isn't going to be too bad for you tonight!

Dang you did SO WELL with getting through this :)


breathe :)

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Aww Jane - my little star :) sorry I wasn't around for you :o

I hope you are feeling better hunny. Quitting smoking is a fantastic thing you know, I know at times we don't feel as though it is and there are times when we feel things would be easier just to light one up but then that would just be going back to letting us be controlled by the nico monster and I for one don't want that.

Keep strong and be proud

Tinks xx :)

nsd_user663_3117 profile image


Thanks for coming on! Good to see you hon xxx

Well it's raining again :eek::(

I can't get roof fixed until it's blooming dry.....argh.....

I will not smoke - Nic's not going to get me over this!

Jane x

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

Nice to see you posting tinks :)

argh, that sounds like a nightmare Jane! You could always think that it could be worse... My bf's parents just put down an new parquet floor only to realise that the upstairs bathroom was leaking through ALL 3 FLOORS of their house and they had to rip up the floor...! Not saying your situation's not bad but imagine that!

Not what you're looking for?