Hello Week 2!!!!: Well hello week 2 we meet... - No Smoking Day

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Hello Week 2!!!!

nsd_user663_9220 profile image
43 Replies

Well hello week 2 we meet yet again :D

Starting to feel a bit wobbly and struggling quite a lot and if i remember this happened with me before after a few weeks, so i know this is to be expected!

Only difference is that i am more stronger this time, i know the signs and so i am trying to avoid the triggers if i can and to keep myself distracted.

Like i said last night, through the day i am fine, its of an evening i find it harder.. so just need to find something to keep me distracted, Hubby although really pleased with me is still smoking around me well in the kitchen, but i can smell it real bad and is most definately a trigger!!

Well i have the smoking nurse in an hours time, quite looking forward to telling her i quit a day earlier than discussed and looking forward to seeing what my carbon count is :D

Its also my 3rd sons birthday today!! This time 6 years ago i didnt know that i would have a healthy 8lb baby 2 weeks early and only a 2 hour labour at home!! So got his party at one of our local play centres, s have started taking the headache pills already to be prepared... He has about 15 kids going :eek:

right thats my essay of the morning done lol

Hope everyone is still staying strong?

Snowie xx

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nsd_user663_9220 profile image
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43 Replies
nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Morning Snowie

Good Morning Snow

Good luck with the Nurse this morning, you are as determined as me to quit this bliming addiction and too right it should not control us, we should be controlling it. ;) Let us know what your levels are when you get back but due remember that because you have a smoker in your house your levels could stay slightly higher i think, i may be wrong but just wanted to add that in.

Happy birthday to your little one, although as you know time goes really quickly. I have a 17 year old and also twins that will be 11 in Dec, all boys so nice and busy here.

They all love there new scarves and are well proud of me for what im doing. In a sense im doing it for them but even more so im doing this for "ME".

My new bag from Clarks will be here today i think, cant wait now as i was going to treat myself on Monday and then thought NO i wont then when i got back i just could not resist buying it, plus clarks even do free delivery too. I suppose i could nip to Street which is not far from me but if i do that i will spend more so its better if someone else delivers my parcel.

Good luck today hun, im here if you need me.


Jo x

PS Well done on Week 2, onwards and upwards now :cool:

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Well done on getting to week 2 Snow.

I found I had wobbles around this point but I got through them, so can you!!!

S xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Sian and Jo :)

So have been to see the nurse and my carbon reading was TWO

WOW What a nice feeling to see that, she was over the moon with me, especially when i told her i started the quit a day early :D

It really gives you that extra boost needed when you see the nurse, after feeling wobbly last night and this morning i once again feel nice and positive!!

Cant wait for my next appointment with her next Tuesday now lol


nsd_user663_16713 profile image

congrats on getting to Week 2 snow.

Keep up the good work , just think of all them toys you can buy for your young un for xmas with all the money you saved from quitting!

Keep up th good work :)

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Del :)

Umm toys... do i really need anymore in this house :D

No it will be lovely to be able to just go out and get them stuff without thinking can i really afford it!!

My kids this year have got expensive tastes, one wants a laptop, one wants a bike and one wants a DSI fortunately the youngest hasnt quite got the voice yet to tell me lol

Well done on your quit too.


nsd_user663_16968 profile image

:)Well done Snow on that amazing reading. I am so pleased for you. I know when i went on Tuesday to see my Nurse i could not wait for her to get out the Carbon Monoxide detector to check my readings.

Keep it up hun, your doing great.


Jo xx

nsd_user663_16887 profile image

Congrats on your reading and here's to a Happy Week 2 :)

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

thankyou both.

Well its comming up to the dreaded evening time for me!!

Hubby will be home about 7:15 when i pick him up from the station!

Kids will up a bit longer tonight as its Koby's birthday and hasnt seen his daddy all day and so will want to show him all his new stuff he has gotten lol

So i am going to make hubby a cuppa, then go and run a bath and have a long soak and read my book.

Then of course i dare say i will be straight back on here :)


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

i'll be about all evening. My DH out tonight so I will be here if you need someone to vent to . I have been having really bad cravings all day today. They are actually starting to ease off now, and guess what, they are going on there own without me smoking!!!!

S xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Sian :D

Its funny how different times of the day affect us isnt it!!

I think because i have changed my day routine so much, it doesnt bother me... so just need to change my evening one now.


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Join me and Jo on the knitting:D That'll give you something to do and you can give everyone you know hand knitted scarfs for christmas.

I've just bought some wool off ebay for £3 and my friend is going to lend me some needles so I can see how I get along and then i'll buy my own.

Why don't you join us?

S xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

OMG and LOL i only said that to Jo a few hours ago that i was going to get some wool and needles tomorrow:D


I knew i had seen it in a magazine a while back about knitting therapy, but just found that link above .

I also enjoy jigsaws, managed to do one week before last in two days and one just before that in a week... cant find any decent ones around at the moment, but find them relaxing ... well when the pieces fit and my 2 yr old does not run off with some bits lol


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free


I also enjoy jigsaws, managed to do one week before last in two days and one just before that in a week... cant find any decent ones around at the moment, but find them relaxing ... well when the pieces fit and my 2 yr old does not run off with some bits lol


I quite enjoy jigsaws but I have a 2 year old that will eat the pieces and a four year old that will want to help so not ready for the stress of that yet lol.

I also like the painting by numbers and have one of those on the way but that will be evening only as I am sure my 2 year old will try to eat the paint, he a bit odd lol.

Should be able to do my knitting during the day and I got some lovely wool on ebay to make a fluffy scarf. Just got to learn how to knit now :D

Sian xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

lol @ your little one wanting to eat everything !!! But does he eat his dinners??? :p

i used to knit when i was younger ( like 10 yrs old) used to love sitting there with my nan who was a brilliant knitter.

I just need re-freshing now lol


Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

lol @ your little one wanting to eat everything !!! But does he eat his dinners??? :p

i used to knit when i was younger ( like 10 yrs old) used to love sitting there with my nan who was a brilliant knitter.

I just need re-freshing now lol


No, he doesn't eat his dinners. He's a little monkey. If he doesn't like what I put in front of him now he pushes the plate away and says no dinner, little monster.

I am the same as you actually. My nan taught me to knit when I was little, she was amazing at it until her arthitis stopped her knitting. But I can't really remember how to do it. Am sure 'You Tube' will come in very handy or 'Ehow'

S xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

lol he sounds like my 2 year old... wont eat his own dinners that often but will quite willingly eat off my plate or his dads even if hubby has a spicey curry, but his face is a picture :D

Good old nans eh, i lost mine when i was 12 so never got a chance to pick it up properly...

I think you, jo and myself are going to start off a new trend :p


nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Hey Snow! welcome to week 2, you are doing sooooo well!

I'm with ya on the knitting, i used to knit years ago, nothing complicated, infact it was mainly scarfs :D

I've just got a crocheting hook and some wool, i've never done it before, i was gonna teach myself using youtube next week.

Isn't the carbon manoxide reader motivating?!? i really like my stop smoking woman, she's really sweet and always sounds dead proud of me :D

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Day 9!!!!

Morning all,

Thanks Karen, yes i love my nurse too, i have known her for years as she also my regular nursey lol

So hello to day 9 for me!! I feel it is actually zooming by at the moment!

I think these patches are wonderful :D

Hope everyone is feeling good today??

Im trying to catch up with the washing today and then later have to walk up to the docs with Koby as i need him referred for alergy testing (has gone on too long now) So am going to look around for some knitting needles and wool while i am up there.

Its quite a walk so am hoping it will take off a few of these pounds i am piling on lol

Snowie x

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Day 10

Morning all or nearly afternoon :D

Well this morning i have been really gagging for a smoke :mad:

I actually couldnt wait to get home from my night shift and nick some of hubby's baccy, i was that desperate.

Fortunately i logged on here not long after getting home and see a post from Tinkerbell i think which said this............

All I can say to the newbies is that supporting each other is a must and if you do ever feel like giving in to the nicodemon just think is it really worth it? Will having that 1 puff change things or make them better and in short the answer is no. Don't let the monster beat you as you will kick yourself later and will think what was the point of that puff as I am just back to square 1 now.

I have found this really positive for me today!!! Im going to print this out and stick it on my fridge!! for i dont want to go back to square one and again as i know that will happen if i cave in.

Well got loads of housework yet again to keep me busy today. Hubby is taking up toys r us to spend his birthday money, then i must go do some food shopping too, so all systems go ( nothing ever changes lol)

So will be on and off today..

Have good smoke free weekend everyone


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Great work on resisting Snowy!! You're doing fantastically to get to day 10!! Keep strong, and remember that a cig won't solve anything. It'll just make you mad at breaking your quit!!!

Ed xx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hello snowie

I'm glad my post helped you to resist that monster :)

You're doing just great hun, keep strong and be proud


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Cheers Tinkerbell!! and thank you ED xx

that post is now on my fridge :D


nsd_user663_16723 profile image

You are doing fantastically well Snow, to be honest I don't know how you do it with your husband smoking, i don't think i would be able to. I'm lucky as I was the only smoker in the house, so well done you, you should be very proud of yourself hunny.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Day 11


Well got up this morning and went and done my shift ( so much for my week off lol)

I popped into toys r us after, as hubby had been up there yesterday and see that they had Thomas the tank sets half price, so i could resist a look...

Ended up buying a huge set for £50 which should have been £99 and a loader set for £17.50 that should have been £40 for my youngets who is Thomas mad!... i normally would have been cursing as wouldnt have had the money, but it was so nice to be able to as i have saved over £66 so far from not smoking :D

Got a yummy roast cooking in the oven, kids are playing nicely and i am just waiting for the next motorbike race to start!!

Hubby is actually starting to drive me nuts now with his smoking, it never bothered me before but it is NOW GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday and staying strong :)

speak soon

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Day 12


Not much to say today as not in the mood really for typing!

Hope everyone is well

snowie x

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Hey Snowie, are you OK?

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Snow

As Ed has said, R U Ok Hun??? Please let us know if your ok as your worrying us now.:confused:

nsd_user663_17077 profile image

hey snow,

hope all is ok! I know what you mean about saving money - I went to Toys r us last week and bought little one a new Tomica set, half price from £120 to £60. He had one set for his birthday last month, and I could afford to get this one to add to it. He loves tomica (it is like a city with trains and cars etc) and what is good is his moving Thomas the Tank engines work on it!

Keep up the good work! I find it is really pissing me off now seeing the money I am saving and thinking about what I could have saved if I had quit before!

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

QUOTE- Hubby is actually starting to drive me nuts now with his smoking, it never bothered me before but it is NOW GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Hi Hun

Just picked up on your comment yesterday and just a thought here and i have said this before, why dont you get Hubby to go outside now. I know that if i had someone round me smoking i would cave in and i think im lucky now as no one does but i do honestly think that in your best interests that maybe he could go out in the garden when he needs to puff and then that means no 2nd hand smoke for you or your family. Smoking is a choice, you have chosen to give up and i think because he has chosen to continue maybe he could cut you some slack, i had to when my OH gave up and i never.

Hope your ok though hun. Speak soon x

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

Hey Snow

Hope you're having a good day

Any day without nic is a good day

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Just a quickie

Yes i am ok thank you all that asked... just was having a stressy morning and in fact a stressy day... feel really grumpy at the moment and at i push i could light up... BUT I WONT!!!

Off on my night shift soon, so will catch up with you all tomorrow.


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

at i push i could light up... BUT I WONT!!!

You'd better not Snowie!! :mad::p

Hope the night shift passes uneventfully :).

Ed xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Day 13

No i have not Ed :)

But i am really really struggling, dont know whats come over me but cant shift this urge grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I dont want to come on here putting a downer on everyone, so am just going to hide in the back ground for a while incase i snap at people when i dont mean to :o

speak to you all later

Snowie xx

P.s... dont worry i wont light up, that i can be sure of, but cant be sure i can hold my temper at the moment xx

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hey Mrs you OK? Snap all you like :)

You're doing just great me lovelie

And breathe :)


nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Hey Snowie,

Glad you didn't light up :cool:.

Sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment. There will be good and bad times for a while so grit your teeth, stay strong, and you can get through this.

As Tinks says, snap away if that's what you feel like doing. We all understand how tough this can get at times so no-one'll be offended :).

You're doing great and you *can* do this Snowie!! We're right there with you every step of the way.

Ed xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Just been out for a couple of hours and feeling better.

I think i was stressing as the nurse booked my appointment for next Tuesday instead of today and i only had 1 patch left and was thinking OMG!!!! fortunately she got a prescription done for me and now i have another 2 weeks supply *phew*

I find when i am indoors it hits me :eek:

Need to go out again in a minute as have a meeting at work :(

you guys/gals are fabtastic and i apologise in advance if i ever get snappy xx

Oh i am thinking of changing my name to "snappy snowy" it kinda has a ring to it lol

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_17057 profile image

No ways, you will always be "sweet snowy"

We are blessed having you around, and are here for you just as much as you need us.

If you come across as the "bitch from hell" sometime, we will understand, and just ignore you.:D

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

LOL @ Snappy snowie! you are anything but, you div!

Take a breathe hun, we all have crap days. You are doing really well and have a lot of people behind you willing you on xx be strong!

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

No ways, you will always be "sweet snowy"

We are blessed having you around, and are here for you just as much as you need us.

If you come across as the "bitch from hell" sometime, we will understand, and just ignore you.:D

LOL thanks Garry, although i have never been called sweet before :eek:

LOL @ Snappy snowie! you are anything but, you div!

Take a breathe hun, we all have crap days. You are doing really well and have a lot of people behind you willing you on xx be strong!

Oh i like being a div ;) and thanks chick x

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Bye bye week two

Ok so it looks like after today i will be saying goodbye week 2 and hello week 3.

Have had a few grotty days, but feel well chuffed i have not given in!

Have been to work today and while out checked bank account and got a shock that there was nothing in there :eek: ( a bill had come out i forgot about lol)

Anyway, yes i was pissed off but it got me thinking...... even though i had no money, even when i was a smoker, i bet i still would have managed to scrape together enough for a box of twenty!!! How sick does that make me feel.

right must dash, got 4 boys( 5 if you include hubby lol) here waiting for me to start dinner!!

so i shall catch up with you all later

Snowie xx

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Well done for not giving in Snowie :). You're on the brink of entering week 3! Doesn't that feel great?

You can do this!! Remember, one day at a time. We're all in your corner :).

Ed xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Well done my mate Snow,

Im so glad that your now about to enter the 3rd week, for me that seems such an age away but its not really. I am glad that yesterday you found the courage and strength to make sure you did not cave in when that nasty little nicodemon came a calling, well done you, we are so proud. :)

Enjoy your tea tonight hun, i dont know what your having but we have lasagne and my lot cant wait either. ;)

Keep up the good work and remember we are all here if you ever need us, your never alone


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Well done for not giving in Snowie :). You're on the brink of entering week 3! Doesn't that feel great?

You can do this!! Remember, one day at a time. We're all in your corner :).

Ed xx

Thanks again Ed!! :)

Yes week 3 sounds great and actually feels like it has gone quite fast!

Thank you too Jo!! :)

Right i am going to say goodbye to you now WEEK TWO!!! Its been nice knowing you, but i dont want to ever meet you again ok???

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