Day 4 in the big "non smokers" ho... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 4 in the big "non smokers" house!

nsd_user663_16713 profile image
6 Replies

Ok guys made it to day 4 and feeling rather good this morning. Had a much better night's sleep last night and did not wake once during the night! Woo hoo!

Felt full of energy this morning and also have started to notice that my sense of smell is improving as I was driving to work this morning and could actually smell my old banger , the rusty smell of oil/petrol instead of the stale smell of smoke. Ahhh bliss!!

I am starting to get the old ' wow this is easy to quit you may aswell have a ciggy and quit after you've finished it' thoughts, which I know is a slippery slope back to full time smoking . Will ignore these thoughts and as I read somewhere:


I feel great this morning and really proud of my achievements so far but I know

the real acid test is going to be tommorrow night, i'm off out into town for a mates birthday. I'd say a good 80% of my mates smoke when they go out so they will be all outside the pub puffing away and the temptation to join them after a few drinks will be hard to resist! BUT I will resist the temptation and have drilled it into my head that I AM A NON SMOKER and will NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!

Anyways back to today and feel rather relaxed about not smoking again and I am starting to hate the smell of ciggys too which is a good sign!

KAREN - What's occuring with you today hun? Got much planned this weekend?

Just read your carbon monoxide reading - ONE!!

Thats brilliant ! Keep up the good work and you could be running in the london marathon next year!!!!!:D

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nsd_user663_16713 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Happy day 4 to you, sleeping well can make such a big difference, it's so hard to stay positive and feel upbeat when your head and body are screaming out for a good nights sleep.

Stay positive the weekend, when out with the pals hold onto those thoughts about your sense of smell etc. all those benefits of not smoking, keep them in mind to ward off the nicodemon when he tries to strike at a weak moment. Have a fabulous time, i'm sure there will be many enviable friends around you, even if they don't let on.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Hey Del!

Congrats on reaching day 4. We are doing soooo well!

Are you from Wales (the what's occuring comment made me think that!)

Glad you're sleeping better. Stay strong this weekend Del, you don't want to be back to square one hun.

I wish i could hate the smell of cigarettes, to me they smell lovely :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Yes indeed Karen I am from Wales, south wales, Swansea to be precise! lol

Are you a fellow south Walian too? (is that even a word??? )

How's your day going so far hun?

Managed to get through it ok I hope?

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Well done Del, you should proud !!

Stay strong for tomorrow night, you can do it and just think while they are out there in freezing cold ( and maybe raining) getting there fix, you'll be in the warm and dry enjoying your pint in luxury ;)

Snowie x

nsd_user663_16713 profile image

Snow , Lozza thanks very much for your words of encouragement .

I know this sat night will be the biggest challenge yet and I am determined not to smoke. Maybe the banning of smoking in the pubs which i have been really angry about in the past will work in my favour! :D

hope everyone has a nice SMOKE FREE weekend and I will check back in on Monday .

nsd_user663_16723 profile image

Hey Del

No I'm not from Wales. I've heard Nessa from the TV Show "Gavin and Stacy" say "what's occuring" and that's set in Barry Island in Wales. Did you watch that show?

I'm up in the North East of England.

My days going ok, although I seem to have been sucking a lot of lozengers today.

Have a great weekend hun, thanks for your support this week :)

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