Hi people!: Hi all, sorry i havent been... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi people!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image
17 Replies

Hi all,

sorry i havent been around, i have been rushed off my feet with uni work!

No, i havent smoked- a big thanks to several of you who sent me PMs and messages of concern, i am still smoke free!!

67 days now!

I am off out tomorrow night, as its my friends 50th birthday, and there is no getting out of it. I have cancelled going out to pubs/clubs etc until now, as i have been to scared in case i have a smoke. But i cant hide away forever, and i am confident i wont smoke anyway.

How are you all doing?

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nsd_user663_14114 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hiya Claire - good to hear from you. We all knew you would still be smokefree and wouldn't let it beat you :)

Enjoy yourself tomorrow night hun, don't get too rat arsed then you won't accidentally let your guard down. :)

You have a good time and let your hair down - you deserve it as a little quit celebration and for all the work you do at Uni


nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hey Claire great to hear from you, never doubted for a minute that you'd still be 'clean'. You sound like you're super busy - I need to be like that - too much time to be in my own head!

Have fun tomorrow, I never resisted the alcohol all the way through, figured I was already giving 1 thing up.....admire those that do though....you'll do fine and will be soooo proud of yourself afterwards.......

Bet you hardly think of the fags now!

All the very best, Jane x

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hey girls I have been reading the Octoquits and how fantastic they all seemed to have supported each other - would either of you care to join me if we were to make an Aug/Sept group???? Not sure how I would go about it but they seem so inspirational and all say that being part of a team helped. Let me know, there must be a way of seeing who quit around the same time, I can think of a couple of names, what do you think???

Jane x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hey girls I have been reading the Octoquits and how fantastic they all seemed to have supported each other - would either of you care to join me if we were to make an Aug/Sept group???? Not sure how I would go about it but they seem so inspirational and all say that being part of a team helped. Let me know, there must be a way of seeing who quit around the same time, I can think of a couple of names, what do you think???

Jane x

Hi Jane, i was reading the Octoquits thread today and came up with the same idea as you- making a group!!

Ok..as for names, i have no clue, the best i coud come up with was The August Allquits( as in All, Quits)! Anyone else got any ideas, as i will def be up for joining the group!!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hiya Claire - good to hear from you. We all knew you would still be smokefree and wouldn't let it beat you :)

Enjoy yourself tomorrow night hun, don't get too rat arsed then you won't accidentally let your guard down. :)

You have a good time and let your hair down - you deserve it as a little quit celebration and for all the work you do at Uni


Thanks Tink...i plan on getting as rat arsed as possible..but am sure that all will be fine....fingers crossed and best laid plans allowing!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Yep that sounds like a good name! There are a few people....hopefully they will read this and make themselves known if they want to join.....

I have no clue on alternative names, answers on a postcard please!!!


nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Actually what about Team 8,9,10??? So aug & sept quitters 2010???

Just a thought.....crawls back under my rock.....

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hey me lovelies I'm with you on the group. I was an original Octo girl but stupidly let the nicodemon get the better of me. Group support is great I'm sorry but I'm useless with the name thing but I would definitely like to join. Tinks xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Evening Claire, I bet 67 days ago you didnt imagine that you would do so well in your quit, and here you are still in there girl and even better you are still upbeat and strong with it.

To make it even better you are also giving out the much needed support to other members of the forum, you are right on track for the Penthouse Claire and you will so so deserve it.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Actually what about Team 8,9,10??? So aug & sept quitters 2010???

Just a thought.....crawls back under my rock.....

thats a great name!!

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

oh me too!! i'll be an eight-nine-tenner :) that makes the ENTs for tolkien fans or the ear nose and throat's for medical students :D 5mol<er

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

oh me too!! i'll be an eight-nine-tenner :) that makes the ENTs for tolkien fans or the ear nose and throat's for medical students :D 5mol<er

Lol smoker!!! Never thought of that!!!

Does anyone mind if i post the group up..but where to post it, either the 3 month or 2 month?? I will post it on month 3 if thats ok with everyone as i am feeling lonely there!!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Just thought I would add a name suggestion as well


nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Just thought I would add a name suggestion as well


cant even pronounce that let alone spell it Jam!! :D

nsd_user663_3117 profile image


Yey Smol<er's here!!!

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

^^ ;) all the way to the penthouse Jane!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

OK guysm, i am going to start the ball rolling and post the 8-9-10 group in month 3.

i hopethouse of you in month 2 dont mind, but i am getting very lonlely here in month 3, and most of you will be in month 3 soon anyway!!

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