Hi guys!
I've made it to 1 month!!! (was at 4 weeks on Saturday but waited until today for the official calendar month)
I'm really so truly happy for having made it here, I'm still constantly scared that I'll relapse at some point down the line but I just feel so good about it right now that when I remember days like these it makes the bad days not so bad
I spent all of yesterday reading up on how impossible it is to just have one (whyquit.com) and, as Joel always is, it was very enlightening. Also was reading about the medical dangers of smoking... I thought I really knew about all of this (In my school they used to show us pictures of black lungs since we were 11 in Science classes) but yesterday it was different. Yesterday I realised that the black lungs with emphesema are not the 'special worst case scenarios' - they are pictures of the future for me if I carry on smoking. I recommend anyone having trouble with their quit to just sit and read and look at pictures like that and think 'that's inside of me right now, and if it isn't then it will be!'. It's an amazing help.
Anyway, sorry for rambling on, Thanks for the support from everyone to get me to month 1, here's to another 672months! (approx life expectancy =78years, minus my age (22) = 56 years. 56 years = 672 months)