Please help!!: Hi guys, just as i thought the... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Please help!!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image
20 Replies

Hi guys,

just as i thought the Nicodemon was decreasing in his power over has been a nightmare!

All i have been able to think about all day is having a ciggie! I actually seriously contemplated buying some tobacco this morning!

Of course, i didnt, and wouldnt, buy any, but i am going crazy here!!

I dont know what to do with myself!

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nsd_user663_14114 profile image
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20 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

The awkward days do come and sneak up on you, just when you least expect.

You just have to focus on how far you've come and the fact that you really don't want to have to repeat that part of the journey which you have already completed.

Its an either or thing you have the choice whether you smoke or not so exercise that choice and don't smoke.

Each time you resist you get a little bit stronger and a little bit more able to cope next time, but seeing as we all smoked for years and years its bound to take more than a few weeks to get over it and learn to live without it.

Nothing is ever any better if you do give in, you'd just kick yourself. It seemed to me that as time went on the bad days became fewer and the good days more plentiful so stay strong and tomorrow will be a better day.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hey chick.

Nic is right, there can be times you may have this creep up on you.

I have found it can sometimes be because of a trigger, something you have come across for the first time since you've quit. If it is, (or even if it isn't!) then push on through, as soon as it comes it goes again. You will be stronger at the end of it.

It sounds like your resolve and understanding is still there which is important. I would buy shoes! Thats a good way to stop thinking about smoking. Retail therapy is always a winner in my eyes!

fi xx

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hi Clare,

No real words of wisdom as I'm a baby quitter but you've come such a long way and helped so many others on your journey and been an inspriation to lots of people, you don't want to go back! Nic wants you back and is in his dying death throws.........Can you put some music on really loud or engrosse yourself into something to try and take your mind off it? How about reading Allen Carr again??? Or just the parts that relate to cravings?

You're stronger than this hon, look at what you've done and don't give up on giving up!

Jane x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thanks guys,

i took myself off for a long walk and felt better- until i walked through my front door and instantly the cravings came back again!

Darn Nicodemon thinks he can beat me- i dont think so!

I am going to have a little read of some chapters in Allen Carr's book, thanks for that tip, its a good one!

Tomorrow will be better, i am sure!

Thanks so much for the support and advice you guys, it means so much to me!

37 days and the nicodemon is NOT getting me!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

You go girl!!!:) Kick him in the nuts!

38 days tomorrow!!!!!


nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thanks Jane.

Thankfully the day is nearly over!

I am off to bed soon (yes i know its only 8pm, but i am shattered)!

I reckon that the mental energy it takes to fend off the Nicodemon is the reason i am so tired tonight!

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Morning Clare,

Hope your day is looking much brighter after an early night! I'm pooped today so early night for me tonight!

Jane x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hiya Jane,

yep, feeling much better today thanks!

My friend who quit a month before me phoned me last night needing a kick up the backside, she really wanted a ciggie and wanted me to talk her out of it.

It actually really helped me to tell her all the negative things about nicotine/smoking.

How are you doing today?

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hey Clare glad to hear you're days better. Yeah I'm doing OK today - been a bit stressful but I won't give in now!

Glad to hear you helped your friend out, it seems to instill it more in you when you hear yourself doesn't it!

I've not long got in the lift at work with someone who's just been out for a fag and it completely stank......

I need to find some strong coping tactics for next week as my husband is going away for a week so once my daughter goes to bed it's just me! And nasty Nic will shout even more knowing I'm on my own with nobody to stop me!!!:mad: I know I shouldn't worry about it yet but I'm starting to hear his little voice telling me nobody will ever know if I have some sneaky ones just that week but I know it won't end as being that week!!!

Right sorry didn't come on for a rant!!!

Anyway, hope you have a fab day!


nsd_user663_14114 profile image


tell that nicodemon that it doesnt matter if nobody else knows if you have a sneaky ciggie, YOU will know!

And you also know it wont be just the 1 sneaky ciggie- it will turn into 'just that sneaky 5 ciggies', then 'just the sneaky pack'.

Well done you for thinking about it early, its a great thing to do, to prepare yourself, so then you are armed with more weapons against the nicodemon!

Ok, think back to when you have found your quit the HARDEST- what coping mechanisms did you use then? MAybe you could use some of then during the week that your hubby will be away?

Post on here as much as you need to during that week too!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Woo-Hoo! 38 days!

Doing good today, still feel positive!!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Sorry guys, me again!

Day 41.


I dont know what to do1 My quit seems to be getting harder, not easier!In the last week i have had more frequent, and stronger, cravings than ever before!

Is this normal, will it pass and what can i do to stay strong??

I feel like i am teetering on the edge of a cliff and am not sure if i will fall (smoke) or step back (not smoke)...HELP PLEASE!!:(

nsd_user663_14012 profile image

Probably because sufficient time has elapsed that you're forgetting the reasons you gave up in the first place. (I gave up a few days before you.)

Also, think back to why you went through Week 1 and 2, then consider whether you'd want to go back through all that because having 'the odd one or two' would likely lead back to full-on smoking again.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi MrBeds,

thanks for the reply!

To be honest with you, i know its not because i have forgotten the reasons why i quit. I still think about the reasons on a daily basis, and am still glad that i am a non-smoker.

I also didnt find the first few weeks very hard, certainly not as hard as some! I dont know whats going on!

I feel so confused!

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Claire

The ups and downs with emotions and cravings at your stage and for a while yet are all normal.

Read past posts from folk further ahead of you now and see what they had to say at your current quit time. You'll see it pretty much effects most folk, you'll also get an idea of how they coped and what they consider set them off with cravings. I had a number of days when all seemed to be going great then bang! Steam train, brick walls ....... you just up your game and plough on through, stronger and more ready for the next one. Eventually they slow down and stop coming :cool:

Reading ahead of my quit time during the first few months helped me be prepared for what round the corner .... the preparation that I could put in to place to better weather the storm.

Bouts of blues/depression are not uncommon and it may pay to plan for that if need be ...... St Johns Wort is good and highly recommended by many folk here. As is increasing your exercise levels.

I can't for the life of me remember where I read it but quitting alters our metabolism dramatically (slows it down) and the 'good endorphins' are effected to with a quit.

All the info you need, and more, is here on this site Claire, it just gets buried. Use the 'search' facility ..... there's loads of great advice and experience to help you here.

Just know................. it gets easier ;) Honestly!

All the best

Pol x

nsd_user663_14012 profile image

Maybe you're just having a 'down' day or two, what've had occurred whether or not you were smoking, but when you were smoking you'd have blamed something else or just smoked more?

Isn't that one of the Allan Carr (I always think of the goofy gay guy!!) thingy-ma-bobs in his book? I read his book last weekend - it was quite interesting.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thanks so much you guys, i knew i could count on this site to sort me out.

Pol- i am going to have a search of the month 2 threads and see what things people advise to overcome this feeling.

I am back at uni next week, so wont be able to exercise as my timetable is full to the rafters, and then i have the kids, and house to run etc as well!

Maybe SJW is an option, but am not sure how it interferes with the contraceptive pill.

I have also been shattered since quitting, and its becoming more of an issue now since i cant just relax once i get back to uni. I am still struggling to get out of bed in the mornings etc. Maybe i should invest in some good quality caffine (talk about swapping 1 addiction for another!!).

Sorry to moan on at you guys....when i look back at what i have just written in this post it looks to me like i am trying to find excuses to smoke...that worried me!

I WONT smoke...

I WONT smoke...

I WONT smoke...

Thanks guys for your support..feeling all tearful now!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thanks again Pol,

i have just had a look at the older posts in month 2 and can see its quite common to feel like this..thats a relief!

I guess i am feeling a bit alone as nobody else seems to be in month 2, and people seem to be disappearing.

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hey Claire

How are you feeling today? I hope things brighten for you hon.

I'm only in week 4 (1st day today!) so can't comment on being in month 2 however I had a terrible day yesterday and was surprised how bad nic still has a hold on me, I nearly bought fags yesterday! Before quitting I thought that by now it would be out of my system and it really has surprised me that craves are still so strong at times, albeit less of them than at first.

So sorry that isn't much help but keep your chin up hon!

Jane x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi Jane,

today is much better thanks! hooray!!

I am back to uni and am busy busy busy, so i reckon that helps, as i spent most of the day in the library reading and note taking for lectures that start next week.

I think it helps that my friend has quit smoking a few weeks before me and i was with her today in the library and we both chatted about how brilliant it was that we didnt keep popping out for a ciggie every hour!

We got so much more done!!

How are you today?

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