woohoo day 2!!: day two and as a reward i am... - No Smoking Day

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woohoo day 2!!

nsd_user663_14771 profile image
4 Replies

day two and as a reward i am starting a new thread, *smug cackle* giving up is all about doing things as a non 5mol<er for the first time :)

as i've been reading other threads one of the many helpful ideas i've found is the HALT idea. for me smoking has always been about hiding from... , well i'm not sure what really, perhaps from a part of myself.

so i really like HALT, i like it because it's simple - i don't want to start deeply an-a-lysing (c'mon censor, help me out here!) myself, not right now! but asking myself if i'm hungry, angry, lonely or tired, that i can cope with. amazing really that these four words can capture so much of the awkwardness of my daily life!

hungry - pretty easy to deal with, but perhaps something i found difficult when i was younger and didn't have a lot of money, which could explain why smoking (rolling tobacco!) was appealing to me.

angry - the page i found on this method says just walk away from anger situations when you are quitting, i can do that! always liked hiding from stuff :D

lonely - who wants to admit to being lonely? i used to get bored a lot when i was younger, i think that was down to lack of opportunity, these days i'm getting better at opening up opportunities for myself, i think i accept less and so end up getting more? lonely could be the same, love the ones you're with, who sang that? anyway, lonely i can deal with too, especially with all you lovely fellow forum posters around...

tired - gonna deal with that one right now :D easy! (no i'm not at work!)

respect to you all, yes you!! ~5mol<er

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nsd_user663_14771 profile image
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4 Replies
nsd_user663_5972 profile image

i think i accept less and so end up getting more?


Great post 5mol<er particulalry like what you said quoted above. Well done on getting to day 2 - these early days are probably the worst.

I like the HALT idea too. Unfortunately I also side towards the Hungry one, hence why I'm now a lardy bum :D since my first quit last October.

Well done thought - keep posting - your posts are good and you seem as though you are going to be a good member of the forum.

(and clench 2, 3, 4)


nsd_user663_14878 profile image

well done

You certainly sound like you have had a better day 2 than me. I like your HALT thing. Im just thinking the only reason I am feeling all those things is because Ive not had a fag - not the reason I have one.

Im really worried the impact doing this is going to have on my work. Its only been 2 days and I feel like Ive fallen behind already just from being so distracted and not able to concentrate. One guy asked how I was doing and I almost burst into tears. People are going to think Im nuts. Hmmm is this really worth it? Im only ranting cause it means Im typing - typing better than smoking..

nsd_user663_14771 profile image

thanks Tinkerbell, i would have had a harder time today without your kind words, but with them it went ok :)

totalice, i'm feeling for ya, that's exactly how i felt on monday at work when i tried to cold turkey it, i just couldn't settle and seemed to get nothing done. other people kept telling me about things that needed doing, i was swamped. the next day i wore a nice strong patch, 21mg dose, and i was a different person, managed to catch up a little and had the confidence to give some work to a colleague and leave some undone without beating myself up...

tears are good, quitting smoking puts us back in touch with our emotions,

being nuts is good, there's always lots of company :rolleyes: but seriously i wish you the best of luck, keep reading these forums for new strategies to try, someone here must have written about just the right idea for what you are going through you just need to find it - then when it works, you get the joy of sharing it :)


nsd_user663_14614 profile image

You certainly sound like you have had a better day 2 than me. I like your HALT thing. Im just thinking the only reason I am feeling all those things is because Ive not had a fag - not the reason I have one.

Im really worried the impact doing this is going to have on my work. Its only been 2 days and I feel like Ive fallen behind already just from being so distracted and not able to concentrate. One guy asked how I was doing and I almost burst into tears. People are going to think Im nuts. Hmmm is this really worth it? Im only ranting cause it means Im typing - typing better than smoking..

It is worth it, never doubt that. I think the first few days are the hardest for everyone. It's similar to mourning your best friend, except a best friend that wanted to kill you if you know what I mean. But time's a great healer, and you'll soon forget about this 'friend' of yours.

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