Welcome Bev to the Penthouse!: ... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Welcome Bev to the Penthouse!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image
50 Replies

Congratulations, Bev!! You made it! ONE YEAR quit and what a year it was.......

There was lots of this for sure....


certainly plenty of these fine men


Too much of this....


and in a way we even came to love these little fluffies......


One year smoke free, Bev girl (minus a few blips), lots of good times but also plenty of tough ones..... keep going with this quit of yours, never look back, big well done to you!! xxx

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nsd_user663_4121 profile image
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50 Replies
nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Congrats on your first circuit round the sun Bev, hope your craves are few are far between and the lighter has been forever consigned to the wheely bin.

What do you have planned as a treat for the completion of the first year?


jackieinv profile image

Big Well Done Bev, enjoy your special day and give yourself a well deserved gift and pat on the back.


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

My goodness look at the view from here!

Thanks for starting the thread Bella, I hope you know how much you mean to me and how much your friendship, support and bullying has helped.

MAH, craves? what craves? No craves really just every now and again a thought in my head easily dealt with. Plans to celebrate, I am afraid none really, any suggestions welcome.

Don't quite know where to start, but firstly I must send a huge THANK YOU to all members of this forum, some sadly can't be with us today, some were pushed others jumped, but to all I honestly and truly can say that I would not be here without you.

I will spend sometime today collecting my thoughts and will come back later when I have more time, and post some wise words, or more likely after a bottle or two I will come back and post some naughty pics!

Seriously tho, soooo worth it, and well if I can.......

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hey, Bev....look at you getting to 12 months fighting nicotine's insidious hold :)

Big Congrats on doing so.

Work's servors are real slow today so no pics of Lolcats...which you won't be too unhappy about :rolleyes:

Saw your post on the 'Truth' thread and I must admit that I was a bit perturbed...so other than wishing you well I'd like to advise Read, Read, Read and then Read some more. That is the constant good advice to folk who wish to rid themselves of smoking and anyone can do it...rich, poor, old, young...if you can read that is ;)

Well done getting to here...now go that extra distance :)

Keep on keepin' on,


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hey Bev

Big Congtrats to you for reaching your first year :cool:

Have a great day Bev and best wishes to for continued success


Enjoy the view - not your cup of tea I'm sure, but whilst thinking about the view from way up 'there' and naked men saw this guy and couldn't resist ;)


Keep each day a day to choose not to smoke ..........

Pol x

Atomicguy profile image


Brilliant to see ya here - great isn't it!!

Am glad Bella started this and put up the pics (I can give up smoking but don't know how to do that!!! HA!)

Its been great having you along for the ride (and Twiste) - I remember the difficult times you had and am so pleased to see that those are behind you and you're here at 1 year quit!

Much respect and love


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

A whole year! How terrific! Great to see you here Bev. No more blips just lots of pma and looking forward! Big round of applause to you and mines a g and t later! X

nsd_user663_10279 profile image

Massive congratulations Bev on getting to 1 year...just shows that it can be done eh??

Keep smiling and smokefree

Much love



NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Bev.

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

WELL DONE Bev - I'm happy as larry for ya. You've gotta celebrate, this a massive acheivement and milestone.

Alcohol? Nice meal? Chocolate then even more chocolate? Night out?

Which ever just reward yourself.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Bev :D

Welcome to the penthouse I know it's been a bit of a roller-coaster at times for you but you stuck with it well done




nsd_user663_5325 profile image

You rock!!!!!

No picture here but a very big congratulations to you hun. Make me very happy you made it here!!!!! Things will just get better and better, Found out something today, in America only 8% of the people who try to quit are successful. That makes ya pretty special I think.:D

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

A massive WELL DONE!!!!!!!!! and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Congratulations Bev, I am pleased that you have reached the ultimate mile stone and now into year 2.

Hope the reds just right and that the whites nicely chilled, think of me while you are laying in the bubbly thing xx

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

That's it Bev, first year gone, keep your guard for the second. Well done. David

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Jackie, thanks I really have enjoyed my day and patting myself on my back as I type (which must give you a very strange image)!

Cav, you have been a huge help to me along this journey, and I know what you mean about the reading thing and just this once I will agree with you. I know what I need to do to keep my quit strong and I promise you I will be posting my 2 year (no blip) thread in about 12 months time, and because it is my day I get to post that I wish you and her would kiss and make up cause I care about you both!

Thank you Pol, loving the pics. You are one of the many here that have kept me going, I have enjoyed reading many of your posts and I am sure I am not the only one who enjoys your wit and intelligence.

AG, what can I say, the ride with my boys has made this trip easier and funnier than I ever thought possible. I would count you and the not so grumpy yank as two of my dearest forum friends, and everyone who is starting out on this quitting business find a couple of quit buddies and it will make a whole world of difference. You have my undying thanks, my friendship and my respect.

Fi, you always seem to be around. When I first arrived you were around loudly now you are around much more quietly. In times of trouble I have often read your posts, you are a very wise lady and I am only but one of the many you have helped.

Nicki, thank you. Believe me it can be done, not easily for most, but I tell you the view from the Penthouse is worth it, and I am soooo worth it.

Nic, short and sweet. You were already an old hand here when I arrived and you have moved on to bigger and better things so I am very grateful for your message! No seriously tho, I can't think of many (if any) on this forum that have helped more people quit than you. Keep up the good work, we all depend on it.

Tink, hi don't think I have seen you around much lately or am I just missing your posts? I am really happy too, don't think I realised quite how happy until I saw all the posts. I will celebrate, I promise. OH sent flowers today, really nice to have flowers delivered. Going to buy myself something nice at the weekend (I will let you know!)

Going to stop here for a moment because the next one deserves some special praise.

and I have to say right now, I am on the second bottle (between 2) of v cool, dry white and I have not checked my spelling or grammar above.

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

So here is the second half, well you came back!

Marg- What can I say, we have had our ups and downs, and I think we would both agree that all the downs were my fault and all the ups yours!! Ok maybe half and half, but my goodness what a special lady you are. I really don't have the words to express how you have made a difference, not just to my quit but to many, many others. If I could bestow a honour you would have the Queen Mum of Quitters honour and you should wear it proudly. You have my undying thanks and respect. (Oh and tell Jase he should get his A*** back here)

So Mr not so Grumpy Yank, I am very glad that I make you happy, cause like all you lot it is all about you, you, you!! You know what, as I am typing stuff off the top of my head, my first thought about you is how loving you are, and I know that does not necessarily go with the image of sword weilding, bald, biker but knowing you slightly better than that, the pics in my head are of you and kitten, you and your son, I can not wait until me and my gang get over there and I can finally meet you and your family. (you have been warned)

FA, thank you. You are a very proud, strong, clever person. You are sooo on your way here, and I am really looking forward to that PARTY!!

Jam, one of these days you are going to post something without a spelling error and without a "LOL"!! but maybe not today. You came and joined this wonderful place and brightened every corner, your "laugh" drove some of us mad to start with, but we began to realise it came from a very good place. You are fantastic and if I had half your energy I would be very happy. Without you this would be a less interesting, less enjoyable, less fun forum. Keep up the good work my friend.

David, if you ever even think about given up the jokes, I promise you now I am buying a pack of 20!! (so no pressure then). Oh and thank you for making my laugh on days when all I wanted to do was cry. You are worth your weight in gold and I don't think we tell you often enough how much your daily dose helps!

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Finally, I promise

To those not with us,

Manny and BB, boys will be boys. You were bad boys, and I was always a sucker for the bad boys. You were too clever by half, and I miss you both the forum is less interesting without you, but much more peaceful.

Bradders, still not quite sure why you felt the need to go, but you are missed. Your support was always strong and well meaning, and again the forum is less for your loss.

Jase, not fare, not fare, not fare. You were amazing, and this forum needs and deserves people like you. Strong, honest and even sometimes funny! I for one would love it if you would come back.

So I promise I stop here.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well what can I say, I would imagine that there will be many thanks from all the others that have posted on your year quit, but I thank you for those kind and well thought out comments, there are so many on here that without them you and I know we would not have got as far in our quits as we have, so I second your praise of every one, you take care and sleep well xx

PS not a spelling mistake in sight and not one you know what.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Jam, one of these days you are going to post something without a spelling error and without a "LOL"!! but maybe not today. You came and joined this wonderful place and brightened every corner, your "laugh" drove some of us mad to start with, but we began to realise it came from a very good place. You are fantastic and if I had half your energy I would be very happy. Without you this would be a less interesting, less enjoyable, less fun forum. Keep up the good work my friend.

By Jove..... I think Jamangie has proved you wrong Bev :)

Then again .... my checking isn't up to scratch as I'm in holiday mode and have had almost a bottle of the white myself.

Wit and intelligence ? ............ Ha-ha, now that's a reminder of an old thread locked many months ago ;)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Finally, I promise

To those not with us,

Manny and BB, boys will be boys. You were bad boys, and I was always a sucker for the bad boys. You were too clever by half, and I miss you both the forum is less interesting without you, but much more peaceful.

Bradders, still not quite sure why you felt the need to go, but you are missed. Your support was always strong and well meaning, and again the forum is less for your loss.

Jase, not fare, not fare, not fare. You were amazing, and this forum needs and deserves people like you. Strong, honest and even sometimes funny! I for one would love it if you would come back.

So I promise I stop here.

Oh my God.... I'm laughing so hard just now..... :D:D:D:D

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

So Mr not so Grumpy Yank, I am very glad that I make you happy, cause like all you lot it is all about you, you, you!! You know what, as I am typing stuff off the top of my head, my first thought about you is how loving you are, and I know that does not necessarily go with the image of sword weilding, bald, biker but knowing you slightly better than that, the pics in my head are of you and kitten, you and your son, I can not wait until me and my gang get over there and I can finally meet you and your family. (you have been warned)

Listen here young lady don't you dare go spreading those rumors about me being a nice guy. Kidding aside though, I don't much like most people. In fact my temper almost got me in some trouble a couple of times over the quit LOL. I have made some good friends here and they know who they are. In my opinion to many people believe in their Own bullsh@t and just create drama and they don't even know it. That's where the grumpy stuff comes from. For those I choose as my friends I can be loving individual. For those of us who quit right about the same time I have a special kinship with, for with those people I have achieved something fantastic. Ok rant over LOL.

nsd_user663_13090 profile image

Can members please refrain from taking pot shots at other members - banned or not.


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Pot shots? Boo! What have I missed this time. Bev, you are right. I am not LOUD enough or frequent enough anymore! I need to get my act together and get back on this ole roundabout of nsdness..:confused:

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Attack? Hmmmm...... if I were to attack someone, I'd use this little guy! Bev would probably use a naked man though.....



nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Tsk....I'm sure the Mods don't allow an over-bite these days, Bella ;)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Is this better? :o


Any guess yet with M4? Kinda jumpy huh?

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Not even this one??


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Is this better? :o


Any guess yet with M4? Kinda jumpy huh?

Do you not have any lippy? Got to be better than gaffer tape


So was this grasshopper...Jumpy, that is ;)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Not even this one??


Mods, don't let him on the space-hopper on the left hand side for gawd sake :eek:

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Takes a slurp and wonders if only haz real popscorns!

Where's Jude!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


Dunno :confused::confused::confused:

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Not leaving us any, Cav?


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Not leaving us any, Cav?


I needed it empty cos I was actually having an asthamtic attack :mad:

*breathe, breathe and again breathe*

nsd_user663_4786 profile image


Ok, so why did nobody invite me to my own party? and who is doing the pot shot? and is it inbetween the shot put and the pole vault?

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

and who is doing the pot shot? and is it inbetween the shot put and the pole vault?

It may have been under the bed.... doubt it was inbetween anything..... but M4 shot the pot so I guess it doesn't matter ;)



nsd_user663_4786 profile image


What can I say, you look different tonight!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I swear it, this is what I got when I googled Bevyorks!!! :eek: HONEST! lol


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

have a guess what I tried.


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

have a guess what I tried.


a lil bunny? a dusty cake like one... ya know the one with fruit n stuff....

nsd_user663_4786 profile image


nearly but no.

Ok my party, so lets find some tunes. Old funky, danceable and loud.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

REALLY scared now

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Hey Bev, there is a new member.... Harthunk! Just what we need :D

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

When you say we? :eek:

nsd_user663_4786 profile image


Dont know how to rename it but this guy had the x, y z factor!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

wow.... that's high!!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

When you say we? :eek:

Us Germans are not so prudish ;)

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Wow, what inspiration!

I am on day 26 and cant wait to reach a year!

Well done Bev!

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Was thinking the other day it must be soon, well done BEV.

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Do it Bev(weirdly this popped up in a search of hunky men, one year anniversary-but no actual hunky men, sadly for bev)


Not what you're looking for?