Hooray- onto the 2nd week!!: HI ladies and... - No Smoking Day

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Hooray- onto the 2nd week!!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image
11 Replies

HI ladies and gents,

i am very pleased that i have made it past the 1st week and am onto the 2nd week!!

So pleased!

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nsd_user663_14114 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Well done Claire, one of the biggest hurdles over for you :D Those weeks soon turn into months. Just stay strong & motivated, your doing a brilliant job.

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

I really shouldnt get too ahead of myslef, as the cravings have hit me quite hard today :(.

Triggers seem to pop up when you least expect them..and things you didnt even KNOW were trigger,s turn out to be!!

I always used to have a ciggie when i was in the car park after doing my weekly shop. I hadnt done a weekly shop for a week, so had to do it today. I had no clue how much i would miss that ciggie in the car park! It took every ounce of willpower and energy not to walk back into Asda and buy some baccy! But i didnt, which is great, but to be honest, it really shocked me and really upset me!!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Well, today has been a nightmare!

I have craved nicotine all day! I have been restless and just dont know what to do with myself!

I have done things to keep me busy, but as soon as i have finished, i am back to wanting nicotine again!!

What do i do!??

nsd_user663_11805 profile image

Well, today has been a nightmare!

I have craved nicotine all day! I have been restless and just dont know what to do with myself!

I have done things to keep me busy, but as soon as i have finished, i am back to wanting nicotine again!!

What do i do!??

Hi Claire. Sorry to hear that the second week started bad for you. You are not alone, my first 3 weeks were mostly hell.

Aside from getting mentally on top it i'm not sure there is so much you can do. In the first few weeks of my quit i tried to get as much sleep as i could. That was going to bed early and sleeping through the worst of the quit if i could. Other people find it's better to keep busy.

You need to find what works for you. Sipping iced water always helps, a lot of people suggest this and its good advice.

Just stay confident. You can do it if you really want to quit.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thanks Tao,

the level of the craving really shocked me, but i managed to ride it out and remain smoke free, so all is good!!

I have started doing a bit of exercise in the evenings (my worst time for cravings) and having early nights when possible.

Thanks for the help.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Thanks Tao,

the level of the craving really shocked me, but i managed to ride it out and remain smoke free, so all is good!!

I have started doing a bit of exercise in the evenings (my worst time for cravings) and having early nights when possible.

Thanks for the help.

Hi Claire

Well done for riding out the cravey day yesterday.... that's another one beaten and behind you now.

Keep doing whatever you need to to get occupy yourself through the bad times....you are building such a strong quit on solid foundations.

Your doing great...Lx

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Thanks Lornaj,

i am feeling better today. To be honest, i feel like the 2nd week has been worse (craving wise) than the 1st week! Is that even possible??

Today i have had quite a few times when i have thought i wanted nicotine.

I would never want to smoke though, so its definately just the nicotine i want, not the actual act of smoking a ciggie. Strange!

Liam, my 10 year old son has been an angel yesterday, he knew how bad i was feeling, so downloaded The Sims 3 for me, so that it would keep me busy. Bless him, he is really trying to be understanding about the fact that i am not feeling at my best at the moment..i cant wait until i feel human again!!

I have some referred coursework to do for uni over the next couple of weeks, so that will keep me busy..i seem to be able to forget about it once my mind is on other things!!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Thanks Lornaj,

i am feeling better today. To be honest, i feel like the 2nd week has been worse (craving wise) than the 1st week! Is that even possible??

Today i have had quite a few times when i have thought i wanted nicotine.

I would never want to smoke though, so its definately just the nicotine i want, not the actual act of smoking a ciggie. Strange!

Liam, my 10 year old son has been an angel yesterday, he knew how bad i was feeling, so downloaded The Sims 3 for me, so that it would keep me busy. Bless him, he is really trying to be understanding about the fact that i am not feeling at my best at the moment..i cant wait until i feel human again!!

I have some referred coursework to do for uni over the next couple of weeks, so that will keep me busy..i seem to be able to forget about it once my mind is on other things!!

Shhh....dont tell anyone week one is one of the easier weeks.....there is a uphoria often around week one that kind of evaporates when week 2 arrives and its not easier....LOL. But if week 2 is tough, as it was for me, then you may find the dreaded week 3 is a breeze...every cloud has a silver lining...LOL

Start to feel human again about month 6....ONLY KIDDING...you will feel human again just a diffrent non smoking human...

Love Liam....give him a hug...kids are so supportive and it is lovely to see their pride in what you are achieving...


nsd_user663_14114 profile image

I am keeping my fingers crossed for week 3 being easier, as i am only on day 9 (so 2 days into my week 2) and its been a nightmare couple of days!!

I am also having a really dodgy tummy (sorry if tmi) and am not sure if its related to the quitting or not.

The bloody cough is driving me insane too!

Lol, its a good job that i am normally so positive and am determind to quit...or all my ailments and that horrible evil nicodemon would have made me cave in by now..but, nope, NEVER!!!

nsd_user663_14114 profile image

Hi again Ladies and gents!!

Well, i am now on day 13, unlucky for some, but not for me!!

This morning I took the kids to the cinema to see Nanny McPhee 2 (it was brilliant by the way!) and just had to tell you all something...

as well as saving my money, my health and my sanity..giving up smoking is also saving me so much time!!!

I always had to arrive anywhere 10 mins early when i was smoking, as i had to have enough time to roll a ciggie and then smoke it.

so i arrivd at the cinema 10 mins early, realised that i no longer need to be that early...so walked straight in and got a decent place for me and the kids to sit!

I also wasnt desperate for a ciggie at the end of the film like normal!! Yay!!!

Just had to share!!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

How great is it to know you dont have to worry all the time when and where you can snatch the next ciggie, your health for sure will benefit from quitting and I am sure so will your kiddy winks.

I so enjoyed the Nanny McPhee film and didnt realise they had made number 2, is it the same actress? dont tell me any more as I will make sure I get to see it soon.

Enjoy the rest of day 13 and just thinkn two weeks tomoz.

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