why after alll these months do i want a fag - No Smoking Day

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why after alll these months do i want a fag

nsd_user663_5977 profile image
7 Replies

well i have been trying to keep myself busy and and all i keep thinking is a fag i really really want one BIG TIME

what is going on it allways seems to be when i have been busy at home keeping myself busy :eek:

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nsd_user663_5977 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Did you used to punctaute being busy with a fag though? I know I did/do. Do a bit, fag, do abit more, fag etc, etc. Not surpsrising with what you are going through also that you would feel the need to smoke either.

You don't need me to tell you that having said fag will make no difference to your situation it will only make you feel so much worse & I am sure you know that. If keeping busy is not working perhaps a sit or lie down with a good book or music would help. Maybe a relaxing bath, pamper yourself from head to toe. You will smell os lovely you won't want to spoil it with a stinky 'orrible fag anyway. :D


nsd_user663_5956 profile image


Not surprised you feel like one but a friend of mine had one last week after a year of quit and she said it was so horrid, taste, everything, and she was violently sick an hour later, its put her and me right off I can tell you. So think on that, we have done so well and I know you are stressed to hell, but if you gave in now what would it all have been for, you have to keep your wish to quit going and I know you are strong enough sweetheart, so please dont have one.

Keeping my fingers crossed that you feel better real soon.

Dee xxxxx

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

iMAGINE YOURSELF TO HAVE HAD THE FAG, REALLY FEEL AS IF YOU ARE HAVING IT. hOW does it feel? Does it feel great like you were thinking it going to?

Now you've had the fag.... what next? How do you feel now? WAs it worth it?

I try and do this, before i run out and have one. The idea of it is always so much better than the reality!

nsd_user663_5971 profile image

Kay - you don't really want one. I miss smoking, but I don't actually want to have another fag. I suspect Jude is right - that the idea is better than the reality.

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi, hope you are feeling better today. There are still days that I find it harder than others, however these days do pass and they are coming less often.

Can not really add much to the other great advice above, but remember that we are all here to support you and help you through any tough days.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

well i have been trying to keep myself busy and and all i keep thinking is a fag i really really want one BIG TIME

what is going on it allways seems to be when i have been busy at home keeping myself busy :eek:

Hi Kay the reason you THINK you want a cig is because you are human and an addict, I would love to say that my 5th month was ok but I will be honest I think through Month 3 4 and 5 these were my worst times for craves, I now thank god that when I moved into Month 6 all things came right and now they are whispers not craves any more, keep focussed and I’m sure that these little niggles will leave you soon, and remember that you smoked so much longer than you have been quit so you are bound to miss it still and probably will for a good time to come, but you have now accepted the fact you are now a none smoker I would think and that’s how you will stay.

You were used I’m sure like me of doing something i.e. making beds, washing up whatever and then tea or coffee and a cig worked every time for me, now I just go out in the garden or come on here it breaks the habit, take care and stay smoke free.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


I'm 17 months done and have just experienced a horrible crave. Sometimes I think we believe the cravings and desire to smoke will just all disappear in a puff of 'smoke'. They don't go away forever. Occasionally they come back and unless you bat those thoughts away quickly they will niggle their way back into your thoughts till they consume you. There will have been a trigger here (thanks jackie!) I suspect, something you've not dealt with before. Jude and others are right, there is no point in smoking. It won't change anything, you'll just feel rubbish about yourself. The worms are still wriggling in my belly but its all calming down, and your will too I promise. x

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