3 months gone, £277.20 saved: Unbelievable! I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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3 months gone, £277.20 saved

nsd_user663_4961 profile image
10 Replies

Unbelievable! I could never have seen myself here at the start of my quit, its such an amazing feeling. I have to admit though, every now and then I get urges to smoke, like this morning I had to deal with my sisters bitchyness...a fag would have gone a long way, but I kept thinking how dirty I would feel afterwards! lol.

Don't really ever see myself breaking my quit, even for one. At lets say 12 a day and 12 weeks gone I have skipped 1,008 fags. If that isnt an achievment I don't know what is!

I've decided to treat myself and buy a motorbike, with 8mins left on ebay I'm getting my first 1989 Suzuki RG125 bike. This should be interesting ;)

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nsd_user663_4961 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_10813 profile image

let us know you got bike:D

and so well done on 3 months quit. posts like yours are so invaluable to the likes of me -wavering a bit.

positive reinforcement :)

excellent xx

nsd_user663_4961 profile image

Hang in there! It only gets better.

How you doin on your quit?

One bike has indeed been purchased, for the total some of £530! So WHEN I stay quit for another 3 months the lack of cigarettes will have paid for my bike. Makes me feel even better knowing that its basically free considering! hah


nsd_user663_10813 profile image

delighted for you:D

the open road awaits you-just lovely-feel a song coming on .

and all cos you stopped inhaling smoke and carcinogens.

coming on here when niggly does work instead of lighting up.

thanks for your post. it worked for me .

be careful wont you though ?

sure you will be -just some awful road users out there .xx

nsd_user663_4961 profile image

Thankyou so much, I can't wait to get it, should be picking it up tomorrow from derbyshire. A nice bitta open road and summer sun!!!

How long have you stayed quit for now? It can seem a bit daunting in the beginning but this forum helped me through all the rough times when you needed a good rant.

So don't be afraid to take your frustration out here if you're not doing that elsewhere ;) we're all in the same boat and understand

I get such bad road rage behind the wheel, but I've never road a motorbike before. Fancy a spin?

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

Oh yes -I am coming for a cyber spin:D

bet you cannot wait. nice roads to drive on around your way?

derbyshire peak district? you are right -the sun , wind and fresh air .just lovely and I am so glad for you.

sorry if I sounded a bit mummyish regards being careful!! just cos I am .it is a reflex action . :o

I am coming up to 2 month quit -longest ever .and I will never smoke again. no contest. But am a bit of a b****r to live with at mo.

enjoy and let us know eh? xx

nsd_user663_4961 profile image

Hah thats ok, my mum REALLY doesnt want me to get it.

she'll change her mind when I stick her on the back of it hahaha can see her screaming already!

i live in london so no not really, but near hertfordshire theres a lot of nice open roads surrounded by tree's and fresh air

2 months is really good well done, when do you go into ur 3rd? You must be feeling so much better now than you did 2 months ago

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

oh my god -I have become your cyber mum:D:D

best put me on ignore ;)

but I am so pleased for you xxxx

just 2 monthish in -so a bit of way to go. but I will not smoke promise. I know I cannot for health reasons -and I dont want too .;)


nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Hi Alex

Congratulations on your 12 weeks - it's a great milestone to reach :) and good for you for treating yourself. I must of been a heavier smoker as I'd saved £425 :o so I've treated myself to a push bike - part of my grand plan to get fit.

If you do take Sky for a spin make sure she's not had any sherry ;)

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

oH pookie:o:o:

how could you spoil my bit fun on Alexis s new bike?

bet it is lovely though-and just the reward for no smokes.

looking forward now to cyber pedal bike spin on Tuesday.have warned local constabulary.;)

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

oH pookie:o:o:

how could you spoil my bit fun on Alexis s new bike?

bet it is lovely though-and just the reward for no smokes.

looking forward now to cyber pedal bike spin on Tuesday.have warned local constabulary.;)

you can sit on my handlebars and we'll sing 'Raindrops are falling on my head' :D

Not what you're looking for?